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The U.S.A. Has Spoken: Voters Reject Stupidity, Demand More Trump

There came upon the earth a mighty Trumpquake, and lo -the common people sang in delight and drank a toast to the death of the western idiocracy. As if a truth bomb had been detonated, there was suddenly a smouldering crater in the space where legacy media used to be. The talking heads are still there, but inaudible. If a dying dog howls into a vacuum, does anyone hear? The morning after, as the Kamalabot was quietly buried in a Prosecco-flavoured tomb, they were still shouting about isms long after the audience had left. Even the left had left, because the media can’t be trusted to report weather, let alone dictate the vote. From Fox to the BBC the lie-amplifier had been turned up to 11 for too long. Meaningless noise drove the people away. The truth is out: voters will not follow celebrities over a cliff, or sit in the dark quacking climate-change lies when the electricity goes down.

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