Sick of Woke Disasters and Swinging to the Right - The Tide Begins to Turn


Jagged buds of precious hope -small but very sweet- are springing up. God knows it’s high time. I was reading about ‘learned helplessness’ today. It’s the phenomenon of people who are force-fed inferiority and compliance propaganda from day one, and grow up thinking they are incapable of dissent. It used to be a religious problem, but is now the central plank of western education systems. For years now, Britain has reeked of this poison. Our collective funk in the face of top-down abuse has been revolting, as shown in the cowardice displayed during Covid and the ongoing submission to migrant invasion. Where males are concerned, ‘learned impotence’ is a better description. Every day I wish we had, long ago, refused to surrender our weapons to the state. That is why the USA, bless her, is the last hope for civilised life on earth. But -and it’s a big but- we are seeing at last, the ever so humble rising of the sap. Buckle up, my friends, and get ready for the turning tide.

To begin on a local note, a rough but significant acorn has sprouted in Britain. Several weeks ago at Manchester airport, in the shadow of the migrant butchery of a classroom of young girls, a gang (sorry, family) of aggressive muslims hospitalised some armed police, having started a brawl in response to reasonable interrogation. With selective use of video footage, the authorities tried to paint this as police overreach. Airport insiders -who remain anonymous- then released footage demonstrating how the fracas began, and who was actually responsible. The official narrative collapsed, yet no-one has been charged with any offence at all. Public and police alike were angered, struggling to believe this crime was actually being ignored.

The Reform party, however, decided that if the government won’t put these individuals on trial, Reform itself will bring a private prosecution and said so, loudly, to nationwide delight. To pay for this, the party proposes the use of crowd-funding -a pivotal and potentially lethal choice of collective bargaining.

The importance of Reform’s outrageous threat -to assume the role of state prosecutor no less- cannot be underestimated. Starmer’s inner circle must respond to this -and quickly - because a crucial principle is at stake. By the time you read this, the issue may indeed have been addressed, because the government dares not hesitate.

Whether Starmer’s army of hand-picked bootlickers prosecute or not, Reform cannot lose. If Starmer says “time to bust the muslims” the world will know he was forced into it by Farage & co. If he refuses, Reform becomes the de facto state prosecutor. Whoever thought of this -and my money would be on dear old Nigel himself - this was five-star, gold-plated political trolling.

When a great swathe of the public want specific people prosecuted -for whatever reason- it’s the government’s job to hop to it or explain why. In the case of the violence centred on the Manchester airport muslims, the government has done neither. The Reform intervention, which amounts to if you won’t act then we bloody well will- achieves two aims.

(a) It drives a wedge between the state and the people, and (b) opens a divide between the police force and the state, In both cases, Reform at the very least ends up looking better motivated to serve the public than the state itself. This is the populist genie barging out of the impotence bottleneck to vomit bile in the face of Westminster. I don’t for one minute think either the Reform party or Nigel Farage are the answer to Britain’s mini-tyranny, but with this subtle manoeuvre, the system has been exposed as never before.

Make no mistake, Downing Street is ablaze with arguments over how to defend against this unexpected assault. All the scab-crusted wounds are set to re-open: the Southport massacre, the supine pandering to Islam, the “two-tier Kier” label hoisted again -inblock capitals. The cops themselves, would you believe, are now offered a pleasant binary choice between a hostile, disloyal master and a supportive new chum -the Reform party. The metaphorical blood has already been spilled, and the result can only accelerate the rapidly-approaching ejection of the most obnoxious Prime Minister since Blair.

But there is a deeper current moving, of which the Reform ploy is merely a symptom. The uber-woke governmental actors of both Britain and America have finally, as they used to say, jumped the shark. It’s all gone too far: the cultural gang-bang of migrant invasion, the gruesome sexualisation of children and the pride taken in perversion; the deadly lies about covid, climate, war and everything else gripped in the sweaty, gangrenous paw of Big Government. The populations of America and Britain are cracking under the strain and the majority slipping steadily into unpayable debt and poverty. There is a tipping point for every avalanche and when you look closely, the snowmen on top of the Anglospheric mountain are beginning to melt and tremble, as the slippery slopes groan beneath their feet. The mere idea that the people themselves might go where the state is afraid to -that is the very kernel of revolution.

Even if this particular Reform challenge is defused, their game-changing lunge at people-power is primed to rear its head again and again; this is an idea whose time has come. Populist crowd-funding is the ultimate danger to elite control, because that is all they ever had to use against us. What is taxation if not crowd-funding at gunpoint?

Once the people turn the law directly on the criminals, the corrupted state is revealed as an obstacle to justice, and the public reclaim the power to sit in judgement. Bypassing the state to punish the guilty themselves, the population reclaims the power that was promised them by the supposed gift of democracy. It will be interesting to see how Starmer & co try to squirm out of this trap. Whatever their method of evasion, the principle now unveiled can only change things for the better. The hairy, tattooed knuckles of ordinary men are hammering on the door of number 10 and Starmer does not like the sound of that one little bit. Nobody is sleeping well in Westminster tonight.

A similar battle was fought -and arguably won- towards the end of the covid war between globalists and the common people, when the Canadian truckers occupied their capital city and brought the country to a halt in 2022. Arch-elitist Justin Trudeau had to organize a seizure of the crowdfunding money citizens had collected to support the mass dissent and the protest.

Mainstream media would have you believe that seizure of assets was the end of it -State 1 truckers 0, end of of game. That is a lie. On January 23rd 2024, Canadian Federal judge Richard Mosley ruled that the state’s invocation of emergency powers to control money in this way was unconstitutional. The law, in other words, swung in favour of the people and against the state.

Lawyers, you see, are closer to the real power-brokers (the unelected elite) than they are to politicians, who are just temps in the typing pool by comparison. But lawyers are for sale to the highest bidder. This was a warning to all future wanabee dictators -and we’re looking at you, Mr Starmer- that those who wish to use the law as a shield will find it is also a sword. In the USA, corporations forced into multi-billion dollar payouts have already learned how private litigation can break the private bank. When the peoples of the UK and Europe start down the road of partnering with the law against the elite, I predict the political scene will be changed in ways nobody anticipated -for better or worse. Personally, I’ll take the change because the current model is too diabolical to sustain.


Meanwhile on the storm-lashed shores of the southern United States, a second catastrophic hurricane is set to fall upon the wreckage of the first, and if the average Yank needed any more excuses to topple the regime squatting the White House, these whirlwinds are bringing all the fury needed to heave the horrendous Woke/Dem borg into the body-bag of history.

Trump is no Abraham Lincoln, but he comes with the teeth and claws required to rip the guts out of the rotting corpse of elite Washington. Those who come after the Donald will have at least some space in which to build again, to offer the world an America that that does not mock civilisation. Europe deserves better. The world needs an American vision that does not parade in botox, blackface and drag, pointing a rusted nuclear barrel at those who challenge the cult of global control.

Returning to the stage where he survived an assassin’s bullet on July 13th, Trump was joined at Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday by the richest impudent weirdo ever to walk the earth; the digital wrecking-ball that is Elon Musk. I have no idea what this eccentric South african genius is really up to, but thank god that he is -for now at least- on the right team in 2024. The stealth communists have dragged the West to edge of reason and beyond since this terrifying century began with the monstrous obscenity of 9/11, and frankly we must take whatever heroes we can get. In 2011 when Wall Street crashed they told us certain corporations were ‘too big to fail.’ The same now applies to the Trump/Musk axis, because Trump is no longer a man but an idea, and Musk is the first man in history to break the state monopoly on information. God only knows how many assassins are now dogging his footsteps.

In the event that both these remarkable creatures survive the remaining 27 days until America votes, it now appears -to me at any rate- that the tide has finally turned. The weight of support for Trump and the near-complete absence of credibility in the Harris sock-puppet are there for all the world to see. The margin of enthusiasm looks too big for the die-hard election thieves to even attempt a victory claim that would defy reason. Kamala Harris is despised by her own party, by the majority of black Americans who view her as an imposter, and by the general public who can smell a rat this big and this rotten. Ye gods, as Hurricane Helene lashed the south-eastern states, Kamala Harris -supposedly the Vice-president to senile Joe- was appearing on a porn-blogger’s Youtube channel, before a visit to a late-night comedy show. These are the kind of in-your-face insults even the lowest form of voting life can spot at a glance.

There are many ways of predicting the future. We can study the past, listen to the loudest voices, dig into statistics, read the room, ask the experts or gut a chicken and poke around in its entrails; take your pick. But in my experience, the best and most reliable glimpse of what is coming is -and probably always will be- to follow the money.

There are three places where the smart money reveals itself in public. One is on the flashing digital panoramas of Wall Street, where only a privileged few can actually understand what’s being explained.

But the message is much more explicit in the other two arenas where hard cash hits the table, and these are the high-stakes investment markets called Polymarket and Betfair. These are digital trading platforms -themselves modelled on Stock exchange technology- where vast sums of money are wagered on future events by those best placed to predict them. Banks, hedge-funds, corporate tax-evaders and every single bookmaker in Britain from Ladbrokes to Betfred launder billions through these systems every month.

This week, for the first time since the repulsive and moronic Kamala Harris was wheeled out of the cocktail lounge and presented as the Democratic Presidential candidate, the odds have swung -and swung hard- in favour of a re-election of the once and future President, the one and only Trump. The smart money has spoken -and its yelling for the Donald :

Over 79 million pounds have been matched in bets on this election, and within the last few days, the pendulum has swung from one to the other.. A week ago Harris was a narrow favourite, today, Trump is clearly preferred, as shown in the screenshot above taken from the British Betfair exchange website. The margin of preference is small, but is the most accurate measure I know -far more reliable than any of the meaningless fake ‘polls’ with which the mainstream media and the state attempt to shape public opinion. The numbers above represent real commitment in hard cash, not some mumbled idea collected in a shopping mall.

This, however, represents only the bias found in the limited amount of investors able to trade in the UK. In the United States, the equivalent marketplace to Betfair is called Polymarket -and below is a simple graph of their view on Election 2024, as the picture changed dramatically during just 7 days:

Please note the number highlighted above in red - One Billion 407 Million plus dollars have been traded on the Polymarket election platform. We see immediately that everything changed from October 4th. The graph could not be clearer. So what happened between October 4th and 7th, to catapult Trump up from around 48% to 64%, and to tank Harris down from 60% to 46%?

  1. One week prior to the October 4th swing from Harris to Trump, Hurricane Helene made landfall in southern Florida. The Biden regime’s response was pitiful, and it soon emerged that FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) had insufficient funds to help the devastated communities, having blown its budget on woke projects for illegal immigrants. The American public were increasingly furious. President Biden, being senile, was AWOL. Kamala Harris, however, did NOT even make a cursory trip to Florida until October 5th -the day after public support had abruptly switched to Donald Trump, who was -with the help of Elon Musk- already pumping millions of dollars into storm-relief projects.

  2. On October 4th Trump returned to greet his thousands of supporters in Butler Pennsylvania, and Elon Musk joined him onstage. The message was simple: I am not afraid; I will not be stopped. Americans like that kind of bravado. They also like Musk, who lets free speech dominate on X (formerly Twitter) in open defiance of the elite censorship under which all other media operate.

  3. The anniversary of the 2023 Hamas horror-attack on Israel came on October 7th. Trump’s support for Israel has always been loud and unequivocal. The current governments of America and Britain are, however, caught between their Islamic obsessions and their traditional ally in the Middle East. The Israel lobby is enormously powerful, and as the grim anniversary approached, quietly aligned itself behind the Trump campaign. The market responded accordingly.

This is the most significant political shift in real, concrete terms, that I have seen after months of scrutinising every available source regarding the 2024 Presidential election race. As regular readers know, I consider this to be the most important -probably the only important- vote of the century. These market moves are not expressions of hot air, but of hard cash, and are linked to the most shrewd -and certainly the best-connected- investors in the planet. Unless they are terribly wrong -and take my word for it, their track record is of being very, very right- the tide of 2024 really has turned. 

Ian Andrew-Patrick 

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