Understanding the Democratic Roadmap to Communist Britain
Stealth Communism -the project that began with Tony Blair’s election victory- faced three major obstacles in the UK: the security forces, the press and the law courts. Since 1997, every British government has followed the Blair/Brown roadmap designed to secure their cooperation. Police and press have already been captured; the judiciary are halfway there. With the July 4th election done and dusted, total elimination of the middle class will now be the top priority in the race to establish Communist Britain.
Since honest commentary became forbidden in mainstream media the public have struggled to understand how the labels of ‘Conservative’ and ‘Labour’ came to signify nothing but a different colour of rosette. Yet the trick is as old as democracy itself: focus the public gaze upon the people, not the policies. Voters will always support whoever seems to be expressing their own opinions. This tendency is not merely understood but ruthlessly exploited in the election process. The success of Nigel Farage is, from the uniparty perspective, a necessary part of the illusion.
Post-war Communist regimes employed this principle, and the groundwork was always the same. Before dismantling a free society, the big three potential threats were decapitated as follows. Police and media were weaponised against the public; the armed forces politicised and neutered; the legal system skewed to serve only Party purposes. How then, did Britain escape Communism for so long?
For Britain’s island population, world war two ended in 1945. On the European mainland, however, communism took hold in over a dozen former ‘democracies’. Invariably, ethnic and race hostilities were promoted to divide the country, with ‘strong’ leaders emerging as if by magic, to ‘unite the people’. This was relatively easy to do in countries which had endured occupation by foreign armies during the war. Borders had been drawn and redrawn, ethnicities mixed and torn apart, alliances made and broken. Large pockets and entire communities of aliens, refugees and strangers were scattered across the entire European landscape.
But this was not at all the case in Britain, which almost uniquely escaped occupation between 1939 and 1945. When our war ended, a ferocious battle began in almost every other european country -a fight for the political soul. Communism rose triumphant from the ashes of eastern Europe, and tens of millions had little choice but to comply.
In post-war Britain, a weedy, hopeful Communism was trumpeted, but fell on deaf ears; the national identity was simply too strong. The war had not divided Britain; far from it. No army had penetrated our borders; no jackboots tramped on our streets. Naively -and crucially- the public felt a renewed faith in both Britain and its empire. The ruling class neglected to mention that the Commonwealth was already gone; mortgaged to pay for our survival. So the people of Britain emerged from the chaos with a measure of pride and self-belief unmatched on the continent. We felt -and acted- like winners.
How very different the country seems today. Historians will debate when exactly the Stealth Communism project took root, but the New Labour electoral victory of 1997 was most certainly its first flower. From day one, Tony Blair had his eyes fixed on creating a revolution within the judiciary. He served his barrister ‘pupillage’ , at Lincoln’s Inn -the spiritual and physical HQ of British Freemasonry. His wife Cherie would become a lynchpin in the all-embracing communist racket of “International Human Rights”.
When finally ousted from Downing Street, Blair and his disciples had woven a thick web of EU and UN legalese into the fabric of Britain’s own judicial system, triggering a violent leftward swing within the profession. The results are on plain view today, with ‘diverse’ judges presiding over precedent-setting immigration cases and activist judges twisting legislation to shoehorn gay and trans ‘rights’ into every legal orifice. Insane planning, building and environmental restrictions grab householders and landowners by the throat in the name of “Climate Change” legislation enabled by the Blair revolution. All three programs are calculated to divide the populus against itself, thus strengthening the supremacy of an ever-expanding State.
In Keith Lowe’s superb history of post-war Europe -Savage Continent- he describes how typical fledgling Communist regimes co-opted the media in tandem with the law courts: “Having hijacked both the government and its security forces, the Communists now set about dismantling those other two pillars of democratic society: a free press and an independent judiciary. [p.323] The Romanian government had ten daily papers…in Bucharest alone.” [p.324]
Communist Romania produced 10 ‘state’ newspapers, as does London today: Telegraph, Guardian, Mail, Express, Times, Independent, Mirror, Sun, Metro, Evening Standard -among others. Does anyone seriously think these papers are not state-controlled at every level? Take a look at how effortlessly so-called senior journalists will drift casually between “left” and “right”, yet remain celebrated and employable at every turn:
David Aaronovich:1995 The Independent; 2003 Guardian & Observer; 2005 The Times. (1975: a self-described Eurocommunist; 1997 a slavish Blairite.)
Peter Hitchens: 1968 Socialist Workers Party; 1977 Labour Party; 1997 Conservative Party. Daily Mail.
Irrespective of what you may think of either, both writers are entirely typical examples of the way Fleet Street accomodates the so-called “extremes” of the political spectrum -safe in the knowledge that even the most celebrated will ultimately support the status quo. Under the umbrella of stealth Communism, Britain’s state-run newspapers cleverly permit a modicum of low-key dissent, providing readers with a focal point for their discontent.
In precisely the same way, Nigel Farage was summoned from the wilderness when the July 4th election was announced. So many voters had nowhere to turn, despising both Tory and Labour, the uniparty was facing an embarassingly low turnout. But Farage’s heroic rescue of the (already infiltrated) Reform Party supplied the public with a voice that seemed to be expressing their own opinions. The Uniparty now had its very own pet demon to promote -which it gleefully did. Again, we see the post-war playbook at work: “Communists worked hard at weakening the power of their opponents. This was achieved partly by maligning rival politicians in the press, which they controlled through censorship” [Savage Continent p.336]
The presence of Nigel Farage on the July 4th ballot ensured the overall vote count was jacked up by 6 or 7 million. ‘Democracy” we can now be told, is alive and well -and Reform is the proof. Government authority has been secured until 2029, and the Stealth Communist project will pick tomorrow up where Rushi Sunak left off.
Expect to see regular entertaining ‘clashes’ in the House of Commons where the Right Honourable Nigel Farage will loudly harangue the government, but will not hinder for one moment its relentless advance towards British Communism. The press -and its media cohort- will faithfully report -and occasionally headline- the best exchanges, thus serving its only purpose: to advertise the spurious credibility of a system where ‘democratic opposition’ is always permitted (although summarily ignored).
I offer readers a final, very pertinent quote from Lowe’s Savage Continent:
“Wherever the Communists came to power after the war their modus operandi followed a common pattern. The most important thing was to get themselves appointed to positions of power. Positions of real power, such as that of Interior Minister, were almost always given to Communists. The Interior Ministry was ‘the all-powerful portfolio’ -it was the nerve-centre which controlled the police and security services, issued identity papers including passports and entry/exit visas, and granted licenses to newspapers. It was therefore the Ministry that exerted the greatest power over both public opinion and people’s everyday lives.” [p.353]
Every “Iron Curtain” country had its Interior Ministry. Britain’s ‘Interior Ministry’ is the Home Office. Below is the official description of that body.
The Home Office (HO), also known (especially in official papers and when referred to in Parliament) as the Home Department, is a ministerial department of the Government of the United Kingdom. It is responsible for immigration, security, and law and order.
Immigration leaps, of course, off the page. Put bluntly, the Home Office is where mass-migration into Britain is organised. The budget alone is a colossal undertaking, requiring naval and civilian vessels, hotels and military bases, health-care, catering and IT services plus cash payments. The system is already running at fever pitch, thanks to a decade of non-stop effort by the Uni-Right. A propaganda blitz of worthless promises and madcap schemes (Rwanda indeed) created a smokescreen that -for a while- obscured the wildly accelerating pace of illegal and ‘legalised’ immigration. Only the Home Office could deliver such a full-scale invasion, and only they could prevent it.
There were six Home Secretaries between 1997 and 2009 when the Uni-Left government was replaced by Uni-Right. From 2009 to 2024 the ‘Conservatives’ employed eight. To understand how all 14 are joined by the same thread, it is necessary to discard the idea that the British Home Secretary actually makes the policy decisions on immigration, security and law & order. Let’s be frank, nobody on earth would put James Cleverly in charge of a corner shop, let alone a Ministry. This is where Stealth communism differs from its open equivalent. The modern authoritarian state is designed to protect and conceal its unelected decision-makers. There will always be an endless supply of puppets willing to ‘take the flak’ if the price is right.
In this context, we see that, like many ‘senior’ cabinet posts, ‘Home Secretary’ is merely a ceremonial title, conferring zero actual power. In Britain the appointment is either a reward for good behaviour or a PR exercise in visible diversity. The former category included political nonentities like Charles Clarke, Jacqui Smith, Alan Johnson and Amber Rudd. The recent wave of Tory PR selections included Javid, Patel, Braverman and Cleverly. Of the last 14 Home Secretaries, only Theresa May ever made Prime Minister, and that was a fluke, courtesy of the car-crash reshuffle following David Cameron’s referendum cock-up.
The real job of a Home Secretary in proto-communist Britain is to make regular statements to the press, announcing mythical ‘targets’ and ‘programs’. Behind this hot-air mirage, the barrage of benefit-boats and sham-students thunders forward, inserting a million or more third-world chancers per annum into the Migrants Republic of Britain.
The simultaneous politicisation of the police has been horrific, leading us to the present state -a useless, debased constabulary concerned with anything but actual crime. Around 80% of police ‘work’ now takes place online, where thought and speech-criminals are pursued around the clock. Car-theft, shoplifting and burglary are no longer even investigated, with shopkeepers expected to shut up and swallow every theft up to £200. Violent crime has exploded, driving decent citizens off the streets as per the Communist stay home stay safe agenda pioneered under the Covidian pilot scheme.
The de-fanging of the British military has been excruciating to watch. In 2019 the British Army distributed the poster below for display in barracks nationwide.
According to this masterpiece of communist propaganda, “Extreme Right Wing” (XR) includes people who: Describe themselves as “Patriotic” -or perhaps refer to Political correctness as some left-wing or Communist plot. Squaddies would find themselves on the XR naughty chair if they describe muticultural towns as ‘lost’. A foretaste of things to come for the population at large was there, singling out anyone who dared to make inaccurate generalisations about ‘the Left’ or ‘Government’. And as for claiming that immigration is the root of injustices against vulnerable people (e.g. old age pensioners) well, you’re literally Hitler.
It was against this background that Army adverts began making cringeworthy appeals to Muslims, black people and flamboyant homosexuals. Recruitment, of course, tanked from low to near non-existent. We now have three “armed forces” so grotesquely woke and limp-wristed that the danger of a military coup has evaporated. Which is just how the Party likes it -until they feel the need to trigger a major war, and conscript every available person. Did Sunak perhaps let that cat out of the bag in his farewell manifesto?
For all its hedgehog-like defense mechanisms, there are historic limitations to what State propaganda can achieve. In the political maelstrom of post-war Europe, not a single Communist Party ever managed to achieve genuine, total power through the ballot box. The more its violent, destructive tendency is exposed, the less appeal collectivism has for voters. In the final analysis, only force of arms and/or blatant vote-rigging secured the Eurocommunists in power.
In pursuit of their international/global Nirvana, the stealth-communists re-branded, camouflaging themselves within formalised governmental structures like the EU, UN and G7. For public indoctrination, a great effort went into creating new vocabularies that disguise the raw Marxist thrust of their intentions. At the nexus of state / corporate processes, newspeak buzzwords like Diversity; Inclusion; De-Colonisation; Global Majority etc are disseminated through HR departments staffed by political virtue-Commissars. Grateful to wield such power, HR employees blindly advance the takover without pausing to consider the implications. As honest teachers are replaced with brainwashed activists, schoolchildren are directed to invent pronouns to go with their fantasy sexual-identities. At every level the aim is confusion. Fragmented opposition never succeeds, and under Communism, the public itself is the opponent.
Stealth Communism has brought Britain to the brink of the full totalitarian dystopia. We are teetering on the edge. The press and associated mass-media are beyond recall. To reverse the project begun by Blair, the public must somehow recapture the police, the armed forces and the judiciary. How this can be achieved by peaceful means, I honestly do not know. The clock is ticking on the UN Agenda 2030. [READ IT HERE] It would be extremely foolish to think they are running behind schedule. The outcome of Britain’s July 4th election suggests that project is bang on target.
Great article . Although I'm not sure about being on a journey to "stealth" communism , by Solschenizyn's definition we're full on commie already . Remember Starmer emptying the jails and promptly incarcerating anyone who complained about the Southport massacre ? "A communist system can be recognised by the fact that it spares the criminals and criminalises the political opponent" - Solschenizyn