Politics is Over : Behold the Lord of the Flies.


They don't tell you when they start moving from pretend democracy to active dictatorship. Nobody stands on the temple steps and declares they are God Who Must Be Obeyed. They just do it. Power, like freedom, has to be taken -if you really want it. History is littered with examples, for the few remaining people who were exposed to it before the subject was effectively removed from the education sysytem. 

But history is being made as I write these words. It is, after all, a rare thing to witness a brazen, all-out  attempt to seize ultimate power: total control over all human activity. It does not happen every century, let alone to every generation. Yet even as this awesome, cataclismic event happens -and it is happening now- an astonishing number of people appear blind to the event and to its terrible implications. 


Which is curious, given that the most obvious symptom of the phenomenon is right under everyone's nose. Politics is over. Politics not. No politics anymore. On the televisions and the radios, in the newspapers and all across the mighty world-wide-web, wherever you look you find that politics have ceased to happen. Vanished.

Although a noisy performance called 'politics' is on constant display for our distraction and entertainment, the actual business of politics -the art of compromise- has long since left the scene, apparently unnoticed. No plan is followed, no promise kept, no ideal pursued, no policies undertaken; all that happens is an endless, deafening babble of meaningless words. Quack sustainable quack zero quack health quack climate quack equity quack gender quack race quack build quack better. 

And as the word-salad gobberish echoes in our heads, that pig-iron globalist juggernaut rolls slowly forward, crushing everything in its path, although that's not a lot, as the puppet governments of the world rush to remove anything that could conceivably be an obstacle to the Covid One World New Reset Order or whatever they're calling it this week. The current crop of 'leaders' is such a carnival of idiots and thugs I honestly cannot believe there's anyone left (or right) still willing to cast a vote. Without exception, every "democracy" is now a one-party state, in which the "elected" are pretending to have a political agenda, while the "opposition" is simply a cartoon facsimile of an alternative. In the Covidian world, there is no alternative

The flavour of current events -worldwide- remind me more and more of William Golding's classic novel Lord of the Flies in which a large group of castaway boys make ambitious attempts to organise some kind of government to ensure their survival. This swiftly degenerates into hostile opposing factions whose differences are settled by displays of increasingly violent force. The 'leaders' who emerge are caricature psychopaths and the voices of reason are repeatedly drowned by aggressive, brutal extremism. 

The above two sentences are a perfect description of the current political landscape of America. But Golding's masterpiece was not just a fantasy, but the twentieth-century's landmark wake-up call to the danger of permitting tyranny to cloak itself in the robes of salvation. The moment anyone -or any  government- announces they're going to wreck your life in order to save you, you know it's the last ditch for your future. When 120-plus national governments do that on the same day (as occured in March 2020)  you should plan for the very worst future imaginable.


Lord of the Flies was uniquely on-point with its step-by-step illustration of how good intentions collapse in the face of fanatical determination, greed and self-indulgence. The entire story is an allegorical  face-off between two options -a peaceful democracy or a violent dictatorship. 

In the book, the right to speak to the group (society) was granted to whoever was holding a large shell -a symbol that implied wisdom and importance was on offer, and the words spoken should be trusted. Until the 21st century, the television, radio and newspapers were the effective "shell" - the source of information that ordinary people could turn to in search of truth and vital information. Now, that role is played by Google, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook etc. , and each one of them is a lie-factory on a scale never dreamed of in two thousand years of post-Roman tyrants.

The populations of Europe and the continental Americas are now -in intellectual terms- the least free we have been at any time since the invention of the printing press (excepting the six years of totalitarian madness involved in the mercifully brief Nazi occupations of various countries between 1939 and 1945). Thanks to the efforts of the scumbag monopolists running Amazon, books are vanishing at a speed few would have imagined possible. Elsewhere in the realm of digital damnation, the cancer of censorship spreads, corrupting all forms of "social media", all printed material, all broadcast material, the conversation you have at work and whatever messages you dare send through the internet spying-network into which everyone has been seduced.


All day long our heads -if they are not fashionably empty or numbed with self-medication- echo with words and thoughts we dare not speak aloud in public. The clubs of cancellation, hate-crime and wrongthink are poised to beat you senseless at the slightest slip. We have moved so far from the concept of "compromise" that merely having a job in a business bigger than a kebab shop means kneeling before false gods of guilt, fear and conformity. "Human Resources" are the thought police, armed with poisoned arrows of dismissal, ever-ready to destroy the wage-slave's prospects. The pretty but Woke teenage intern will grass you up to Google without a moment's hesitation. 

For four years now -since long before the Covid hoax arrived to usher in the tyranny many of us were dreading- I have been insisting that politics was dead. That we cannot vote our way out of anything anymore. But all the labels of the media Borg were plastered on the work of the likes of me. Conspiracy theorist, paranoid, tin-foil-hatter, nutjob, far-right, nihilist, nut-job. almost a year before the launch of the Coronapanto I was forced off Facebook, where I had gathered a large and rapidly-growing audience despite the shadow-banning and the algorithmic obstacle course erected in front of every coherent independent commentator. But the last 18 months have merely hardened my resolve to persist. I cannot express the pleasure it has been to recieve the input, feedback  and support -public and private- that keeps this tiny flame alive.  


We have little to fear from the sock-puppets on the TV. Trudeau, Merkel, Macron, Johnson, the Piggy - the fat-boy stood on the soap-box holding the shell will always be a slack-jawed pawn, a carboard Churchill, a chocolate soldier, a fraud. But the message of Lord of the Flies was that the cretins who pose as 'leaders' only reflect our worst and most common flaws: the monster always lies within ourselves. Golding knew that our own ideals and short-term desires are in constant competition. That the answering of a question is always harder than avoiding it. 

The streets of our Covidian villages, towns and cities are walked by hordes of avoiders. They tramp between the hourly tasklets of life, pretending there will shortly be a 'return to normal' as if the last incarnation of our oppression was some longed-for paradise of the senses. 

Normal is not coming back. It's a fight. The fight of a lifetime. The only chance you or I will ever get to turn the tide of history. The form-book says we can win this one. Every single attempt to enslave the world has failed. So far. The 'peaceful democracy' always found a way in the end. Yes, the violent dictatorship will take its toll. Personally, I do not expct to live to dance on the grave of this latest grim reaper. But I'll go down spitting, kicking, clawing, screaming and proud, because that's how we stop this kind of shit-show. We outnumber them by multiple millions and no killer is so very  dangerous as a people with nothing left to lose. There are enough of us - more than enough if you look around with your eyes open. Bring it on.

Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are now obliged to fight.

regular 99EndOf  readers know that our continued existence depends on spreading the links and information among their friends and colleagues. Please do likewise. (The gods of social media will not allow us to promote ourselves). Many thanks for your continued support.





  1. I just want to thank you, Ian, for your blog. I don't feel so alone when I read what you post. I'm the sole skeptic among most people that I know.

    If I didn't have your site to hand, and others like it, I'd have lost it completely way before now.

    My friends, the vast majority, are completely and utterly blind to the reality of this insane situation, and I'm probably one conversation away from being considered an outcast. And you know what? I couldn't care less.

    They're in for a rude awakening ...

  2. Hang in there Will. In the end it's better to face the truth -however awful- than live in a dream world. There's more people switching on every day. Nothing to fear but fear itself, as they say.

    1. I agree wholeheartedly - I'd rather know the truth than live a "comfortable" lie. I've suspected for years that "something was up", and then last year happened and my gut instinct said 'its beginning".

      Your reply has strengthened my resolve, my friend. If I go down...it won't be without a fight!

      There are many more waking up as you say...but some won't notice until it's staring them in the face.


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