On The New Woke Ladder Kids Don't Matter
Although children don't like limits, good parents never stop setting them. Until they understand their limitations, the choices kids make are just wild stabs in the dark: aimless and dangerous. When six year-olds want to fly, good parents don't open the upstairs windows to make jumping easier. Adults are obliged to promote physical reality. But the moment the adults step back, the Cult steps forward. And in the holy name of LGBT, their kids are blindfolded and marched up a Woke ladder to the roof.
Understanding why state schools are now junior lunatic asylums is easy: most millennial teachers are confused, indoctrinated sheep themselves. It's beyond my ken why a sane parent would deliver their offspring into the hands of such tossers. Twentieth-century education wasn't perfect but at least there were realistic limits to their expectations. The Jesuits used to brag that 'given the boy' within a few years they would 'give you the man'. And, despite their many flaws, quite often they succeeded.
But the millennial educators make a somewhat bolder claim, something like 'give us the boy and we'll give you the vegan, poly-sexual eco-clutz with a corkscrewed brain and irreversible hormone damage'. The actual products of the modern school are of no interest to these self-appointed societal butchers. Once the kids they pervert are ejected into the adult world in a state of hysterical self-obsession and utter confusion, they are forgotten. "Go forth and do not multiply."
Yesterday's converts are history. Activist cult-teacher has a new roomful of subjects for conversion every year. This isn't even debatable anymore; modern teachers view themselves, their lifestyles and their political beliefs as being at the heart of all classroom activity, first and last.
Translation: they're desperate to trans the kids. A teacher without plenty of loud and visible alphabet kids in their class is likely to be seen in the staff room as a homophobic far-right activist. Being utterly self-centred, the edu-narcissist fears exclusion from the Woke herd beyond all else.
The consequences are all too easy to predict, and are already turning classrooms into sexual indoctrination centres designed to cement the alphabet Borg's limitless eccentricities into the syllabus. The entire community of pedophiles lurk quietly on the fringes, thrilled with each Woke development.
It's only a matter of time until state schools begin partnering with corrective surgery companies. This is the bastard offspring of Tony Blair's "public/private" initiative, when it is penetrated by the queer cult. In terms of the Woke Ladder, every gender-queered student is not just a step towards "inclusivity", but also a giant leap towards a lifetime of expensive medical interventions. Remember, in the Pharma World Order, there are no patients, only opportunities. The smart money is milking the guts out of the cult of LGBTQ+#$<>?*kfc&bar.
In America, for example, the massive chain-store Target has announced it will now be selling 'chest-binders' and 'compression tops' for 'everyday wear'. Also 'genderless swimsuits and underwear'. (Expect Primark to follow suit in Britain.) Readers may recall the traditional Chinese practice of 'foot binding' which civilised westerners routinely -and correctly- described as barbaric, mysogynistic and depraved. Although not exactly famed for their progressive ideas, the totaltarian Chinese state wised up and dropped the whole nasty business.
But the decaying jalopy of western civilisation is now on the fast-track to that very brand of barbarism, with a guaranteed profit margin for entrepreneurs bold enough to help addle-brained customers distort and mutilate their own bodies. Target, bear in mind, has a vast customer-base of largely low-income individuals. [CLICK HERE FOR A GLOWING REVIEW OF TARGET]
The deliberate politicisation of our education system has turned sexual rebellion into a whole new ball game, if you'll pardon the pun. Once upon a time, super-cool students just got stoned and shagged everything that moved. But that ain't nearly enough to raise you up the new Woke ladder.
Today, you've first got to stage an insurrection against your organs, decouple from the laws of physics, reincarnate beneath an umbrella of mysterious labels, and create three short videos describing the miracle of yourself using long words endorsed by a minimum of five emojis. Then you get stoned, shag everything that moves, and make a date for irreversible surgery.
God Bless America, hands across the ocean and all that. I can't pinpoint exactly when all things Psycho-Yankee became international teen catnip, but watching gullible British children being escorted down into the alphabet-people sewer by state-trained professionals is stomach-churning.
It must be a severe shock when a graduate of Wokebridge PolyTech-Tok finally confronts the dark, yawning chasm of unreason and illogic that is the space between its ears. Like puberty and herpes, the awful truth dawns when you're least prepared. For many, the revelation comes at a car-crash job interview where their own inadequacies are exposed in the harsh light of realism. Or maybe just that fateful day when daddy explains how the Ocado van isn't actually a state-funded free-food delivery service.
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Quo Vadis, degree-holder? So much to tweet, so little time. The hustle and bustle of life after college must seem like a lingering death-march for the experts in self-absorbtion. It's little wonder almost nobody leaves home without a boot in the backside in this era of Peter-Pansexualism.
Given that we all inhabit the United States of Instagroan, it can only be a matter of weeks until our stellar British graduates catch the latest militant virus and demand universal cancellation of student debt. Who could blame them? With the bankrupt UK Government printing imaginary fortunes every week, why on earth should the Zoomers be the only ones on the hook for financial incontinence?
The purpose of the Woke Ladder is clearly the mental destruction of every poor sucker who sets foot on it. The
Woke Ladder has the profile of every Marxist product- a limp, wobbly construction held
together with a bagload of rusty screws. Blinded by optimism, its users
embark on a heroic upward climb, ignoring the huge gaps between the
steps, until the journey ends -quite suddenly- in thin air. If you are a half-decent human, a person with even a faint grasp of morality, it's time you stood up and made your voice heard against this obscene distortion of childhood, adolescence and sexuality. Resist the cult and refuse to cooperate. Start now.
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