'Far-right' political activist Tommy Robinson reads public information about pedophile Muslim rapists into his phone. All the men named have already been convicted of their crimes. No harm comes to anyone, anywhere. 

CONSEQUENCE: While speaking into his phone, Tommy Robinson is dragged off the street, bundled into a van, tried, convicted and imprisoned within hours
. After months in solitary confinement he is released, his conviction quashed as unreasonable. He decides to sue the judiciary and police for wrongful arrest and imprisonment. He is promptly re-accused, re-tried and imprisoned again.
MEDIA SPIN: How wonderful that a UK citizen can be jailed for journalism. God bless the  Establishment for putting a reporter in jail!


'Innocent, mild-mannered reporter' Steven Edginton is given top-secret information by a UK government official -a literal act of treason.  He sells this to a newspaper (another treasonous act). The British Ambassador to the USA - a supposed 'diplomat' -is  'revealed' to be a Trump-hating, EU-loving political whore. "The entire US / UK relationship is threatened - in a week when both countries are on the brink of war with Iran. Immeasurable harm is done to international relations with massive implications for national security!". (Stop sniggering at the back, this is mainstream news, children...) 

CONSEQUENCE: The 'disgraced' Ambassador is 'recalled' and retires with a fat pension. The treasonous  'leaker' remains in his job, anonymous and well-paid. An ex-police chief pretends to scold the 'newspaper', huffing and puffing  that 'no-one must be allowed to publish secret government material'. Absolutely nobody is punished in any way.
MEDIA SPIN:  How terrible that the monstrous State should threaten a decent  young man for 'journalism'. Three cheers for Steven, a brave crusader speaking truth to power at the tender age of 19. Boo Hiss to the nasty Establishment for wagging its finger at a reporter!  


Tommy Robinson's imprisonment is a three-tier disgrace, that exposes the truth about State power in the 21st century. The bare facts of his original arrest and incarceration read like a clumsy KGB operation from 1960. To find yourself in solitary confinement with 24 hours of reading aloud in the street only happens under the totalitarian jackboot, full stop.

But when the British legal system itself rejected that kangaroo-court conviction, the ruthless State apparatchiks appointed a brand new judge and banged Robinson up again - with a brand new verdict and a sentence unprecedented in British civil law.
Consider - in the last ninety years not a single British reporter was ever jailed for 'contempt of court' despite many cases involving multiple offences by high-profile Fleet Street journalists.

But the rules are very different for the likes of Tommy Robinson, although no harm was done to to anyone or any legal process by his reporting.

The fake news 'Press', however, are so confident of their grip on the public mind, they simply persist with a blatant lie - the lie that 'Tommy Robinson's actions threatened to derail the trial on which he was reporting'. Let me repeat - this is a bare-faced lie. If you Google any search regarding the trial of Tommy Robinson, you will find whole pages containing literally dozens of articles and links repeating this falsehood. At Robinson's own trial, the judge openly  acknowledged that the Muslim gang-rapists and their convictions were not compromised in in any way by any of Robinson's actions.

But the Google net-police, newsroom warriors and the TV teleprompter readers just plough on with their egregious bullshit. In reality, the 'crimes' for which Tommy Robinson was jailed were feeble, technical infringements of 'contempt of court' that required  an excruciating legal interpretation contrived by a corrupt, State appointee. The 'verdicts' were so absurd that no jury in Britain would conceivably have delivered them based on the actual 'evidence'. That is why there was no jury.

Yes, dear freedom-loving reader - in YOUR democracy, in YOUR country, a man can be dragged off the street and thrown into prison, found innocent, then re-tried and re-jailed with NO JURY involved. Let that sink in, citizen. Have you got the message now? Think twice before speaking the truth in public. If the State wants to, they can snap their fingers and put  you in a cell next to murderers, terrorists, pedophiles and rapists. No jury required. 

Naturally, the media -the rasping voice of Big Brother, responded to Robinson's imprisonment with across-the rags rhetoric amounting to little more than 'bang the bastard up and throw away the key'. The airwaves rang to the ritual chanting that is modern journalism : Racist! Fascist! Right-wing man BAD!   Not a single one of the so-called 'journalists' in mainstream media raised a squeak of protest at the idea of someone being jailed twice - for reporting live from outside a court of law. Free speech silenced, free press gagged? Who gives a damn, Jack, let him rot in prison.  

Now lets put on our stupid heads and read what the same flatulent gasbags had to say when the State pretended to wag its bony finger of warning at a 'young ambitious journalist' named Edginton. 

DAVID DAVIS: We must protect the free British press from state bullies 
Press freedom is the most vital freedom because it underpins all the others. When governments allow that freedom to be corroded they undermine the very foundations of our democracy. 
For that reason we need a new Official Secrets Act, and a general protection for press freedom against the rapidly developing intrusive powers of the modern State.
The events of the past few weeks have demonstrated only too clearly why this is necessary.
  • Journalist Steven Edginton, 19, fears he is being targeted by security services 
  • The person who leaked the explosive Washington Files was his trusted source 
  • In April, he began working as a digital strategist for Nigel Farage's Brexit Party 
  • Mr Edginton says his story was not a 'Brexiteer plot to topple Sir Kim Darroch'

The "Ambassador's secret anti-Trump cables" story is an embarrassingly obvious propaganda con at every level. And there are many layers to this particular fake news cake. First, and most obviously, the real source of these 'top-secret cables' was Ambassador Darroch himself. He wrote them, and their security was his responsibility. It matters not one whit how many 'cut-outs' stood between him and the eager-beaver reporter.
In case you didn't know (and until last weekend who the hell did?) the diplomatic creep in question is a nonentity who somehow acquired a knighthood (the cub-scout badge for political brown-nosing) despite achieving nothing of note, ever.

The two important facts about Sir Kim Darroch :

He was Theresa May's man in Washington.

Theresa May is a political dead duck.

Kim Darroch, therefore, was just a dead duck waddling towards the complimentary carriage clock and a pension. May's replacement was bound to sack him. So, with the clock ticking on the last days of his entirely worthless career, he -and no doubt some of his chums in Whitehall- arrived at a final ripping wheeze that would give everyone a jolly good laugh and get him five minutes in the headlines he'd managed to avoid for the last sixty years.
With the Conservative Party busy ripping itself in two over Brexit, here was an absolutely spiffing opportunity to (a) spoke the Brexit Party's wheels and (b) chuck some mud at Donald Trump (the sport du jour of politicians everywhere). It was a win win win situation.

So Westminster was suddenly swimming with copies of Riddoch's utterly worthless views about Trump.
(Incidentally, these cables were so devoid if information and so full of puffed-up snark, they might as well have been written by any of the million anti-Trump buffoons who pose as 'the media'. The cables contained not one view or opinion that differs in any way from the daily output of the BBC or Channel Four 'anchors' who trash Trump round the clock).
To finish the job, the relevant 'leaks' were ferried to a teenage YouTuber turned Brexit-Party employee, Steven Edginton. (Because when you've got red-hot top-secret news, you naturally go looking for a teenager to launch the tale...)   Steven, bless him, decided this was the 'big scoop' that would launch his career in 'journalism', and ran squealing to the Daily Mail, exactly as he was supposed to.
Then came
The fake 'outrage' and 'scandal'. LEAKED CABLES SLAM TRUMP! Duh? After thirty months of bellowing in impotent rage to each other like syphilitic madmen, the Trump-loathing press oafs are so deafened by the echo of their own voices they simply don't realise THE PUBLIC HAVE HAD ENOUGH ANTI-TRUMPISM.

Even the people that hate Trump are bored stiff of it. Ambassador whatshisname hates Trump? That's supposed to be surprising? Everyone hates Trump. You've been telling us this every day for two years.We're supposed to be shocked? Yawn.

Public outrage was so underwhelming the Whitehall mandarins had to intervene to save the non-story of the century..
Attention, citizens of Eurasia! Scotland Yard 'are considering stepping in' to defend National Security, the integrity of the Civil Service, the future of democracy! (Note: we are actually expected to believe this).

Next, to flesh out that demented fantasy, a clapped-out retired police chief was prodded into action to denounce 'irresponsible journalism' and threaten young Edginton with Godaloneknows what. A job at the BBC, perhaps.

Quite naturally alarmed, the poor kid who had cheerfully thrust the smirking ambassador into the spotlight, rushed back into print (Daily Mail again, of course) to remind the government, England, and the free world beyond that j-j-journalism is a v-v-vital p-p-public interest activity. With the mouse of freedom trembling between his fingers, Edginton D Braveheart announced that he would 'n-n-never reveal' the name of his top-secret 'high-level source'. Do your worst, agents of the inquisition - give me liberty or death for I will die a journalist! 

With nary a smidgen of self-awareness, establishment 'commentators' queued up to close ranks and link their flabby arms with the new Clark Kent to defy the forces of state oppression (Get me 1000 words by 6p.m. okay? - Ed).

Let history record what marvels of righteous guff were penned on that glorious day! Not since the Terror and Revolutionary France has prose so pure and polished graced the pages of European fake news. 

"' The press has always been free, and is free, and will  be free and free speech must remain free and free men will die in a ditch for free stuff and freedom and free Nelson Mandala and free lunch, like a bird is free...''

And on the Daily Mail's website, buried in the 'Comments' sections, like the ghost of journalism past, you could find the words : Free Tommy Robinson then, you two-faced scumbags.       


Ian Andrew-Patrick



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