Workforce or the Wokeforce

Brexit be damned, at least the British public posted one major socio-political triumph in 2019 - the glorious sight of that moronic look-at-me climateer being yanked down from a tube-train roof and duffed up.

For weeks Londoners had endured the racket, the stench and the offensive posturing of a quorny  army of warmists. But you can only push people so far; commuters are tough cookies because commuting is tough. Commuting, of course, being the last thing on earth the idle tossers of Stingshun Rebellyache would ever do.

Snob Dispersal

Grown ups don't much like being lectured by pseudo-intellectual infants. We should, as a nation, cherish the collective memory of the moment when those particular prats took their virtue signalling down into the tube station. What fools these mortals be. You really shouldn't put an obstacle between your ethical superiors and their daily bread -particularly if the obstacle happens to be your pale, weedy body.
What followed at Canning Town station was not mob violence, but snob-dispersal - exactly what should happen when the workforce encounter the wokeforce.

Festivals of Eco-Wank

We've all seen and heard too much arrogant posturing from these bedsit brainiacs who think their second-hand opinions require the rest of us to reboot the world for their pleasure. People who actually earn their own living in a workplace inhabit a different planet from the legions of posers who come parading into the capital. The dozy slackers only do it to pass the time in between those festivals of eco-wank where they spend the rest of summer, plastering the countryside with their styrofoam coffee-cups and abandoned pup-tents.
Thankfully, these 'protesters' are just a seasonal blight, like cluster-flies or easter-eggs. Watch and be amazed at the way Stingshun Rebellyachers will dissolve in the cold December rain, like the cardboard warriors they are. The globe won't be warming fast enough to sustain their limp rebellion into winter.       

Grass Thy Neighbour

No good deed goes unpunished, however. A mere twelve hours after the fracas which they should have prevented in the first place, the PC police dragged themselves off the internet and swung into action. Nowadays, of course, the police concept of 'action' is to ask everyone else to grass up some criminals so they don't have to do any...well, policing. 
So the non-binary persons-in-blue requested that the public get on board with the wounded warmers, by doxing the evil commuters who had 'taken the law into their own hands.' I have three thoughts on this.

First, thank god normal people are prepared to enforce some law in the dystopian hell-hole of Sadiq Khan's London, because the coppers are all too busy studying the Koran and swapping makeup tips.

Second, Joe public might consider helping the Bill when the Bill go back to helping Joe public.   

Third -and most important- the police should take careful note of this seemingly trivial incident. A dangerous credibility gap has opened between the public and the police.

Common perceptions in today's Britain : 

That police officers are no longer even trying to serve the general public.
That the thin blue line has been replaced with a thick, rainbow-stripe ribbon.  
That for all the help you'll get, victims of burglary are better off ringing Pizza Hut than 999.
That police training is now just a series of seminars about diversity, inclusion and transphobia awareness.  
That immigrants are considered more deserving of police support than native British.
That the grubby time-wasters of Stingshun Rebellyache matter more to the police than the taxpayers in the workforce.

Such perceptions can only lead to the very opposite of the inclusivity Nirvana the Wokeforce claim to be creating. How much wider can the gap grow before the police force is viewed not as the public defender, but the public's enemy?

The cost of 'policing' Extinction Rebellion's London festivities (so far) has been £37million. But a  great many people think the police's contribution has actually been to facilitate these 'protests', on orders from the globalist eco-sheep who infest the Houses of Parliament.

Compared to the £17million the Met spent on violent crime throughout all of 2018, £37million spent on holding hands with the Stingshun mob sounds a lot like money for old rope. It is only a matter of time until the police are -in the public mind- lumped in together with the rest of the do-nothing class : the benefit tourists, the permenantly offended, the trans-pants / alphabet people and the spineless parasites we call politicians.

Thanks to their own corruption, the self-obsessed weevils we keep electing have already turned the entire public against them. But when the public turns on the police things can get very ugly very fast. And the Wokeforce will have no one to blame but themselves.

So let's try and finish on a positive note. If anything you have read above has caused you anxiety or distress, please remember you are not alone. The Police have a vast range of helplines specifically there for YOU to ring (unless you are white, male, fully employed, or -god forbid- heterosexual).  Alternatively, why not have a chat with one of your friendly local Community Support Officers? They look a bit like police, but are even more powerless and ineffectual than the real thing. What could possibly go wrong?     

Ian Andrew-Patrick     

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