Let's just take a breath, step back from the madness of the media, and give this Coronavirus event the name it deserves. Terrorism. Terrorism -according to our "leaders"- is the ultimate crime against humanity. Terrorism -according to the political elite- is important enough to trigger a war_____________________________________________________________________


  1. The simple fact is the virus doesn't exist. No one ever asks the obvious questions. Where is the scientific paper showing how they isolated and purified the virus and then characterised it. Then how did they prove transmission from an infected host to another uninfected host. Then how did they prove it caused the same symptoms in the second host as in the first host. These papers do not exist. It hasn't been done for any virus. Virology is as scientific as sociology. But quite clearly it's being used to further the agenda of the dark power that is acting in the shadows and terrorising us all.

    1. I completely agree. We are experiencing police-state restrictions based on speculation by "experts" who have no hard data to support their predictions. There is actually no 'science' behind the 'respsonse'. But there is certainly an agenda.

  2. If this virus has not been isolated, then how can this (reputable-looking) article be explained: -

    That article makes the opposite claim, that the virus HAS been isolated. So which is it? Is the article lying?

    1. Read this part

      "We can use tricks to draw out a virus. Sometimes the tricks work and sometimes they don’t. In this case, the researchers tried a method Banerjee and the team had previously used while working on the coronavirus that causes Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome: culturing the virus on immunodeficient cells that would allow the virus to multiply unchecked. It worked.

      Since specimens from patients are also likely to contain other viruses, it is critical to determine if a virus growing in the culture is really the target coronavirus. Researchers confirm the source of infection by extracting genetic material from the virus in culture and sequencing its genome.

      They compare the sequence to known coronavirus sequences to identify it precisely. Once a culture is confirmed, researchers can make copies to share with colleagues."

      So now ask yourself the simple question. Where did the known coronavirus sequences come from? Where was this reference virus isolated?
      And why are they using tricks? According to the mainstream paradigm the virus should show up in the blood of all infected people in the billions. The virus supposedly (retrovirus) penetrates the cell and using an enzyme copies its RNA into the host cell's DNA. The virus kills the cell but not before it has divided and created more copies of itself, but of course each of these reproduced cell contains the virus und will also ultimately be destroyed by the virus.
      So why would you need tricks to find it? It doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

  3. Having read the article concerned -and two related links- the researcher is
    indeed claiming to have isolated the virus that CAUSES Covid 19, but this is (a)unverified - there has been NO peer-review of his claim and
    (b)the article (self-penned by the researcher) is clearly an advertisement for his services and skill set, but presents no technical data or analyses for scrutiny. I am in contact with a very senior UK bio-chemist who assures me there are no definitive papers available as yet.

  4. I agree. The language used is far from scientific. There is a complete absence of a definition of the criteria which support 'confirmation'. There may be a scholarly, accurate, definitive paper attached to this speculative claim but I cannot find it.

  5. It does seem a bit strange that an article connected to an actual scientific institution would tell such an outright lie, as they then open themselves up to the possibility of being sued.


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