The World Health Organisation is wholly corrupt. Paid for by billionaire crooks, crooked politicians and "philanthropists" from the psychopathic elite. It always was. Like the (so-called) United Nations, the WHO does the opposite of what it says on the tin. Just as the UN exists to help the superpowers crush the tiny countries, the WHO exists to restrict real 'health' to the elite while promoting known poisons and lethal chemicals for distribution to the underclass of the world.

The WHO / UN agenda  is the same as that of the banks: globalism, first and last.

                     So far so Globalist. But what actually is 'Globalism?'

'Globalism' is a fake ideology. A cleverly chosen word which suggests a programme of things intended to 'unite the world'. Who could object to that? (As in the 'United' Nations and the World Health Organisation). The words sound positive -as positive as possible.

But even a quick glance at the activities of the UN and the WHO tells a very different story. I will not go deeply into their dreadful histories, but you can learn about how rape, mass-murder, invasion, and lethal vaccinations get "legalised" by the power-brokers of the UN and WHO at the links below.  

UN Staff responsible for 60,000 rapes (The Times)

12 times the UN failed the world

Politics and Corruption at the WHO

But why, if the UN & WHO are so evil, do they have such amazing support among the "important people"? Billionaires governments, politicians and celebrities flock to applaud their every word. The answer is simple. Using their colossal wealth, the billionaires control the UN, the WHO and the governments who support them. Indeed, these billionaires actually created UN & WHO (and the WWO and the World Bank and any other 'world' group you care to choose) in exactly the same way they "create" our governments, through the mechanism of "democracy" . (Democracy being the choice between Coke and Pepsi you get offered every few years. They created that racket too).

Nobody should be surprised when the Rolling Stones, Elton John, Taylor Swift etc. leap on board the "bail out the WHO" event. (CLICK HERE for details). Firstly, celebrities know next to nothing about the real world. Secondly, they are where there in the media hierarchy because they will do or say anything to get on front pages or the tv because that is their job. Thirdly, their interests are identical to those of the billionaire globalists, because globalists and elite performers don't actually live anywhere. It's the their yachts, palaces,  jetplanes and mansions scattered across the globe that make them the true 'citizens of the 'world'. When globalist propaganda (think 90% of tv adverts) says 'we are all citizens of the world' or 'you can be anything you want to be' they show you shiny cars, beautiful beaches, towering mountain ranges and lush forest jungles, a world of glittering shores and gleaming towers, all of it just a glass of expensive booze away....

But that is the gilded lifestyle of the privileged few. Nothing could be further from reality for the lockdown lepers - the average Joe and Jane. Already hobbled by a craftily minimised income, wings clipped by the soaring cost of -well, everything- Joe and Jane have now been kenneled, muzzled and crippled both emotionally and financially.      

So if the sight of your favourite politician, billionaire or celebrity cuddling up to the vaccine-salesmen of the WHO seems a little surprising, wise up. It's a club, and you're not in it. But if you accept this lockdown / vaccination / STFU society, you'll be paying for their privilege till the day you die.

Ian Andrew Patrick



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