An Imaginary Cure for the Imaginary Plague the colours of my mind...misty water colour memories......of the fake pandemic in 2009. Yes, today we will take a trip down down memory lane and revisit the last deadly plague that wasn't.

at the expense of those naughty scamps in Parliament, who just won't give up on their pandemic pantomime. Is anyone actually listening to them anymore?__________________________


  1. Correct in all you say.,a complete hoax from start to finish

  2. I can hardly believe what they have wrought upon our country. Stay tuned - tomorrow I'll be publishing a profile of the UK's new "vaccine czar" and this is not a pretty story.

  3. Yes, a complete and utter hoax yet there are many, the brainwashed many that have swallowed this propaganda hook line and sinker! This is the quiet period in the storm, and for the few that really know what is at stake will also know why those people kneecapped their own corporations.

  4. Brilliant stuff, thank you. Sometimes the pictures are over the writing thogh.Sorry for being petty.

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