How Many Died on Your Phone?








Most of us have between thirty and a hundred contacts on our phones, some have hundreds. Obviously, after ten months of  a nightmare pandemic -'the deadly killer virus'- a few people you know, perhaps several of them, will be dead. That's what would happen in a real pandemic, with __________________


  1. It's been very instructive to see how the Left have so suddenly caught up with the Right in their respective views of the international pharmaceutical cartel.

    For the Left, Big Pharma was always the ruthless capitalist exploiter of the poor and the sick. Now, magically, they believe it's the selfless, entirely disinterested saviour of mankind, and we should instantly accept all Corporate assurances of efficacy and safety on their say-so - the Grauniad and the Indy are currently chock-full of articles blandly attempting to reassure us all that cutting testing to a fraction of the usual period entails no risk whatsoever.

    And mysteriously, anyone who still holds to the Left's traditional Big Pharma narrative suddenly gets transmogrified into a tinfoil-hat-wearing 'Far-Right Conspiracy Theorist'. Fascinating.....


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