In an era when we are constantly being crossly instructed by children, actors and pop-stars to listen to the scientists, regarding 'global warming' and 'climate change', the right to own and use our personal powered transport is under threat, the British government has actually set up a department tasked with the mission to 'nudge' citizens into more 'environmentally friendly' eating habits, and eye-watering sums of public money are being spent on the basis of computer modelling.   

Therefore it appears that we could profit from taking a look at some of the reasons why ‘Climate Change’ scientists act the way that they do. Let’s begin by examining the historic role that power and prestige play in such matters.


Back in the 18th century, mathematics lay at the heart of contemporary science. But mathematics was not an intellectually or socially neutral language. The mathematics of the ‘philosopher’ was pure mathematics: geometry, algebra, calculus. It was pure because it was abstract, and also because it was essential to ‘true’ science - the process of deriving universal truths from first principles, which Cartesianism prescribed.

In social terms, this was the mathematics of the gentleman: someone fully qualified for ‘philosophy’ because he had no necessity to earn a living. This was very different from the vulgar utility of what was then called ‘mixed mathematics’, the working calculations of men who had to work: bankers, tradesmen, surveyors, navigators etc.  Belief in the primacy of theory over practice, and of science over technology, was characteristic of the eighteenth century. According to this mind-set, the philosopher-mathematician alone was qualified to unravel the most difficult scientific problems, and by tracing the fundamental machinery of nature he demonstrated his superior intellectual and social standing. As philosophers, gentlemen, and mathematicians, they were necessarily superior to men with mere practical experience, whose vulgar ‘errors’ they had a duty to correct.

Looking at the role that ‘climate change’ scientists now play in our current era, I would suggest that history, as illustrated above, is repeating itself. Examples? Okay, here are a couple of ‘Real World’ news items -


In January 2019 the Weddell Sea Expedition, funded by the Netherlands-based marine charity 'The Flotilla Foundation' sailed for the Antartctic to search for the wreck of Ernest Shackleton's ship Endurance, which was trapped, crushed and effectively sunk by ice in the Weddell Sea in 1915. But more than a century after the loss of the Endurance, climate change had affected the area so much that -er...after only a week on station, the expedition was abandoned because their 'icebraker' ship -the SA Agulhas II - was in danger of being trapped (like the ill-fated Endurance) in the ice. Ice which had already accounted for one of the expedition's expensive submersibles, now languishing at the bottom of the sea. 

Six months later, at the opposite 'end of the earth', on July 15th, the Norwegian icebreaker Kronprins Haakon -on a mission to the North Pole on behalf of the Institute of Marine Research- was forced to turn back north of Svalbard after meeting considerably thicker and more massive ice than expected. In short, the 20,000 horsepower vessel was incapable of breaking through. Even the researchers' long, special-purpose chainsaws proved useless faced with such thick ice. 

Fine. Two verifiable items of verifiable news from reputable sources.  Yet real-life experiences like these are invariably totally ignored by 'climate scientists' and mainstream media. Real-world events, it appears, are regarded as irrelevant, compared to results derived from computer models, which demonstrate conclusively (we are solemnly informed) that the polar ice-caps are melting away and sea-levels are set to rise as a result.        

However, as the actual experiences of the people involved in the polar expeditions above don’t fit the narrative, they are accordingly banished to climate science’s Outer Darkness. 


So why does this branch of science continue to perpetrate such enormities? Firstly I would argue that the supposed superiority of theoretical science (as exemplified by computer modelling) over the mere real-life experiences of people on the ground (or on the supposedly vanished ice) precisely mirrors the scientific ‘class divisions’ of the 18th century, as outlined at the start of this piece. And thus, the ‘climate change’ scientist acquires a self-manufactured status - membership of the most prestigious peer-group in the contemporary scientific establishment.

Secondly, I suspect that the huge degree of influence unelected ‘climate change’ scientists have somehow succeeded in gaining over elected politicians, plus the social prestige awarded them as both doom-mongers and alleged ‘saviours of humanity’, is a big part of ‘why’.  

As an example, let us look at the alarming and costly phenomenon of rapidly-multiplying international 'climate change’ industry conferences.


Towards the end of 2019 I became interested in finding out how many such international conferences were scheduled for 2020. To my utter astonishment, I discovered no fewer than five hundred and fifty - obviously more than one conference per day- to be held at fun-filled and exotic cities all around the world. (As an aside, perhaps a conference devoted to examining the annual environmental impact of five hundred 'climate change' conferences might prove useful?)

Alarming though the ramifications of the current ‘pandemic’ scare are, at least it saved the world from a whole year of Global Blathering. Not least, saving the UK from one of those five hundred and fifty conferences which Boris was eagerly looking forward to hosting in Scotland at a cost to the UK taxpayer of a ‘mere’ £450 million.

But if you click here: climate change conferences - you can now boggle at the sheer number of climate panic-fests for which the world’s long-suffering taxpayers will be forking out in 2021, on top of the costs of Covid-19.

In December 2019, the Madrid Climate Change conference hosted a staggering total of thirteen thousand 'registered participants' and nine thousand 'observers' plus three thousand media wonks to cover the event. (Would it be inappropiate, I wonder, to enquire how -precisely- they all travelled there?) I noticed that even humble Afghanistan sent twenty-two delegates to Madrid. Because, of course, what a permanently war-torn seventh century narco-state with practically no intact infrastructure really needs to worry about is 'Global Heating' -the Guardian's currently preferred term. What I wouldn't have given to be a fly on the wall when Greta started lecturing those beauties...

It's not difficult to see why none of the 'climate change scientists' want this gravy train to stop rolling - after all, who wouldn't love the opportunity to spend their entire working life at an endless succession of publicly-funded bunfights? Mixing with and fawned over by Princes, Presidents and Prime Ministers, not to mention woke Hollyweird actors and posturing pop-stars?

Nor is it difficult to see why so many adolescents are busily establishing the 'green credentials' they will need to secure a lucrative career in this new and rapidly-growing industry, by singning up to Extinction Rebellion

Having said which, when a group of XR teenies actually had the temerity to invade the Madrid Climate Conference, they were-to their surprise and chagrin-unceremoniously ejected by security, just as they would have been from any old international talking-shop. Because that, of course, is all the Madrid Conference really was.


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