The Alien Invasion of Planet Earth Has Begun. They Came from Outer Space.

It's not a subject I really expected to address but in the open-door asylum of news -reporting in 2021, nothing, it seems, is too extreme to be thrust down our collective throat. So let's go with the globalist flow and talk about UFOs. Bear with me, please, as I try to explain why this matters. 

Here at 99endof we take pride in reading the early-warning signs in the media, so we can alert readers to what's coming. That's why we were able to predict that a fake pandemic would soon be used to push unnecessary mass vaccination, way back in 2019. Equally, following the Brexit vote we were adamant that every concievable trick would be used to avoid an actual Brexit, and that when a "Brexit deal" wasfinally struck it would turn out to be a nonsense which changed nothing - and we were right.

It's judgement, not luck. Although I will admit to recieving a certain amount of information and insight from individuals with reasons to remain anonymous, most of what you read here is simply the product of wading through hundreds of media sources every week. Drawing conclusions about what's coming next is then relatively easy, as the controlled media quite literally tell you what their next agenda will be -if you look carefully and learn to read between the lines. Which brings us to the alien invasion of planet earth.


There is not the slightest doubt the same globalist media-complex that sold us the Climate and Covid con-tricks are gearing up for another full-scale overload of fake news. This time, however, it's going to be a concentrated attempt to sell the public on the idea that aliens from outer space are here in the skies over planet earth. It goes without saying, this will be marketed as yet another "existential threat" - a truly "global" problem the whole world must "unite" to solve. Like Climate and Covid.

Now the tabloids and TV have always been happy to  exploit -every so often- the UFO angle for a quick, attention-grabbing headline. Personal "experience" stories plus shaky, unfocussesnaps andd films of Unidentified Flying Objects have popped up regularly since I was a child in the 1960's. UFO yarns were the pre-web equivalent of clickbait. Filed alongside the Loch Ness Monster and ghosts, etc.

But this, I strongly suspect, will be a very different kettle of fish. A dramatic change has taken place in our world in the last twenty years. We have lived through a huge shift in the nature of power, at the top of our societies, with an equal and opposite expansion of powerlessness at the bottom. This has involved a sea-change in the ability of the powerful to control the powerless. Never in world history has mass-persuasion been possible on the scale practised by, for example, the creators of the Covid-19 programme. 

To understand this change, it helps if you picture the internet as an octopus and the laptops, tablets and smartphones as its tentacles. This image is very compelling if you observe a room full of young people, every one of whom is fully in the grip of their phone. Or take a look around your home. In a mere two decades, the PCs and laptops have crept out of the offices into our living rooms and bedrooms, onto kitchen surfaces and into cars. Two years ago I visited a house where a full-scale touchscreen computer was seamlessly incorporated onto the refrigerator door. 

Understand, it is against this background that the aliens-are-here story will be positioned. If it has proved little else (apart from the extent of human evil) the Covid hoax has surely demonstrated that the inhabitants of planet earth have arrived at Peak Gullibility. 

I will confess this was something I miserably failed to predict. I had no doubt people were being rapidly dumbed down, but the sheer depth and breadth of public stupidity revealed in the last twelve months was beyond my imagining. I had been kidding myself people wouldn't sink to this level until at least 2050.     


Easy as it is to sneer at the peddlers of "virtual reality", those of us who grew to adulthood in the pre-internet world tend to retain a healthy remove from the concept. We remain steeped and rooted in physical reality, and default to our comforting awareness of the division between that and fantastical screen-sourced imitations of life. 

It's different for kids. It's also different for millennials and plenty of them are now full-grown with kids of their own. It's different for the many people a sandwich or two short of a picnic. Grasping the actual limitations of modern technology can be extremely hard for the millions of poorly-educated north-Africans swarming into the mega-cities of Europe and all the English-speaking countries.  Retaining a grip on reality can be quite a challenge for the very old, in a world that bears only a passing resemblance to the one into which they were born. These add up to a vast amount of people - and today, practically everyone still breathing is engaged with the screen-based world practically every day. 

This is a very new, very different form of collectivised energy and one in which lie real dangers and huge opportunities. Unfortunately the opportunities are mostly for mass-exploitation on a scale that simply was not possible before. The internet began as a tool that turned us all into information octopuses, reaching our trembling tentacles out into the world, giving and taking. 

But the web has been siezed and re-booted, with a very sharp lurch into censorship at one end and information overload at the other -an overload that can flood our heads with false premises, outright lies and complex deceptions which are near-impossible to escape without detatching completely from all public or social engagement. And very few of us want to be that nutter.  


As suggested above, a very, very large number of people are extremely susceptible to the manipulations of those creating the myths now being embedded in our collective experience - and collective experience is the new normal. An absolutely enormous effort went into forcing the Covid myth into worldwide acceptance, and as we know, it worked quite well enough. 

In the same way that fear of death is real and a common experience, the desire to believe in life beyond our planet is embedded in our consciousness. Be it Jesus, Mohammed, the Sun God or the Monster from Mars, at some level most people want to believe in something beyond ourselves and the simplest expression of that is aliens from outer space. 

If I'm not mistaken, we will soon be subjected to an absolutely enormous effort to exploit that desire and persuade us that extra-terrestrials are here. (Although, we wiil be told, "not fully understood". All globalist hoaxes require a grey area to encourage an  unhealthy debate which amplifies their credibility).   


I noticed the groundwork being laid for this in 2017. First off, spokesmen for the Pentagon -the undisputed headquarters of the military-industrial complex- announced they were conducting a serious "investigation" of UFO activity. Next, they began making regular, highly uncharacteristic releases of (supposedly) "classified information" about UFOs and related "alien" issues. 

Now I have an old-school cynicism regarding the Pentagon. If those guys told me the sky was blue I'd be outside taking photographs to make damn sure they hadn't greened it while I was asleep. So when a flush of "top secret" stuff about aliens comes sailing down the Pentagon pipeline I'm first in line with the scoffing and mocking. But experience has taught me that an organisation like theirs does nothing by accident.

So I began monitoring a range of controlled-media outlets for confirmation, and sure enough, in the three years since that first announcement there has been a gradually accelerating drip-feed of UFO-linked stories coming from all the usual suspects : TIME magazine, The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Daily Mail, the SUN (in February this year) , Today magazine etc. In the USA, the two major TV news outlets CNN and Fox have both broadcast regular UFO updates to their multi-million audiences over the last year. 


In December 2020, in one of his last acts as President, Donald Trump signed a Coronavirus relief bill which contained a mind-bogglingly irrelevant clause commanding all the US Intelligence Services to attend a formal Congressional hearing "within 180 days" to tell Congress everything they know about the UFO phenomenon. Getting themselves ahead of the curve with typical flair, in January  the CIA released a "massive information dump" containing (allegedly) everything they have on the subject of UFOs. The hearing itself is scheduled to happen in about five weeks time.      

It remains to be seen just how wild or tame the "testimony" submitted by the Pentagon, the CIA, the Feds, the NSA, Homeland Security (and whatever other agencies fancy a day out in Washington) will be. However, I will not be remotely surprised if this is followed with-if not accompanied by- a dramatic staged event which will (apparently) defy explanation -unless the explanation involves aliens from outer space.

No doubt the majority of readers are thinking "well maybe, but I'm not nearly dumb enough to swallow that kind of hogwash". And they are no doubt correct. But if we take a look around us, at the barely recognisable world we have been wrestled into - and the widespread quasi-religious faith that hundreds of millions are now showing in junk "medical science", in evidence-averse "government health experts" and "miracle vaccines" - can we honestly say these people wouldn't swallow an equally well-organised global deception?


Bear in mind, it is a certainty that plenty of very real top-secret technology exists within the military-indusrial complex; it always has. Many of our everyday miracles (wi-fi/ videophones/ human/animal hybrids) were pioneered decades ago but kept far away from the pubilc until selected for commercial purposes. Industry serves the elite first, the rest much later. Be in no doubt that creating mysterious flying objects would not represent much of a challenge to organisations which  have no budget limitations or scruples whatsoever. Backed with the technologcal resources of the Pentagon and the CIA alone, crafting a convincing UFO narrative will be child's play.

It is fair to ask, but why this and why now?  I would suggest the answers are self-evident. The degree of division and confusion engineered by the Covid scam has exposed all the world's "sophisticated" populations as weak, meek, gullible, frightened and spineless in the face of a sufficiently bold challenge from their governments. The prize of total control over all human activity is - elite globalists believe- now within reach. Division and confusion are their knife and fork.

It was for this purpose that every generation since World War Two has been bombarded with a series of imaginary existential threats (Ice Age / Global Warming/ Catastrophic Climate Change/ Covid-19). All these doom-laden scenarios were conjured out of thin air, backed with fancy scientistic predictions and invariably pointed to only one possible solution: a global government.

The science-fiction novels of the nineteen fifties have essentially been used as research and development manuals to achieve the globalist wet-dream of planetary control. (Ironically, one rare Covid success-story has been that sales of Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World exploded last year.) 


For over half a century we have been brainwashed with successive waves of terrifying predictions, to the point where fear of a worldwide mega-disaster is a collective psychosis we all carry to a greater or lesser degree. Unfortunately, the next step for the globalist control-freaks is both obvious and logical: the threat from another world. Faced by a potentially deadly threat from beyond our own planet, who on earth would be mad enough to oppose joining forces, nations, populations, all together in one mighty, noble union to save humanity?              

Perhaps you think that's a bridge too far-that not enough people would buy into a narrative so utterly ridiculous. If so, take a walk to your nearest supermarket and ask yourself if you could possibly have believed you would ever see such an absurd spectacle, a mere eighteen months ago. Remember, they didn't need to everyone to go along with the Covid narrative- just need a significant minority.

You heard it here first. Aliens have come to earth from outer space. They're already here. Pretty soon -when the 'truth' about aliens is delivered to you by solemn-faced "experts"- you'll realise it makes as much sense as anything else.

Ian Andrew-Patrick


  1. It appears that the US Navy is currently taking the lead in this particular scam, with the much-leaked reports of swarms of ‘drone-like’ flying objects seen shadowing US naval vessels off the California coast in July of 2019. Objects which the Pentagon has claimed that, despite their infinite sources of surveillance, they have totally failed to identify after two whole years of investigation.

    It will be fascinating to see whether the current cruise of the world's trouble spots by the Royal Navy’s HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier happens to encounter any similar ‘phenomena’.
    What with its additional two hundred and fifty US naval personnel aboard as part of the QE’s crew to ensure that everyone concerned stays on-message.


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