An Age of Miracles Littered With Criminals and Fraud

We live, they say, in an age of miracles. Technology and science have exploded since the millenium, everything in the world is changing, as never before. (Although very similar things were being said around 1800). Yet the 21st century actually is a unique era, distinguished by recurring waves of heavily-coordinated transnational fraud. International crime is nothing new, but the frequency, the level of coordination and the scale of the wealth misappropriated in the last 20 years are all unprecedented. We need to talk about smash-and grab globalism.

How often does some suited political actor quack the political cliche it's a global world while pushing their snake oil? On its face the statement means nothing more than "the earth is round". In reality, the tedious mantra of invoking globalism is repeated for one simple purpose : to remind the 'little people' that things have changed, are changing, and will continue to change, much faster than ever before. Get used to it and stop complaining, loser!

If all the changes were good ones, we might just shut up and take it, I suppose. But as we are currently watching democracy, freedom and civilisation spiralling down the plug-hole with our futures, many of us are not inclined to keep schtum. 

Although a growing number of ordinary people feel entirely shut out of the political process, this is (we are told) because politics are global, and global issues are so very huge and complex. Complex in ways that only 'world leaders' and billionaires can understand. These days (they imply) it's not really possible for most people to participate in politics except as obedient, nodding dogs. 


Quite a turnaround from the glowing praise once heaped on our "free, democratic western societies". But the 2021 globalists know their audience. Both America and Britain have engineered the greatest dumbing-down of populations ever achieved on planet earth. 46 years of aggressive, doctrinal Communism never produced a societal majority of of semi-literate morons in Russia. The post-millennium USA and UK, however, have produced little else. 

In what remains of the (just about) English-speaking world, stupidity is the advancing norm. Every teacher a brainwashed robot, every school a temple of psychological torture where children's brains are pulped and flattened by woke  fantasies of global disaster, race-hate and sexual obsession. 

[Suggested: a previous post titled The Mickey-Mouse Degree: CLICK HERE]

Universities are all-in for the global dumb-down. I lived for many years in south London, within walking distance of Goldsmiths College. This week Goldsmiths -now a "university"- announced that non-white students in any discipline can extend their examination deadlines simply by claiming to have experienced "racial trauma". This will naturally be "self-certified" i.e. no evidence required. 

Offering an extended free ride on the degree train for non-whites is Goldsmiths' last-ditch attempt to overcome the ongoing disparity in results at degree exams, in which black students routinely underperform i.e. achieve lower results. As People of Colour outnumber white students at Goldsmiths, this is a transparently racist agenda. Putting aside the obvious anti-white discrimination the process requires, it cannot be possibly be in anyone's interests to effectively award top marks to less-able students. It is, however, the logical extension of the participation trophies handed out to infants that hobble the abilities of children to compete in the adult world.

Universities across Britain are closely watching how the Goldsmiths experiment progresses, because they face exactly the same exam outcome disparities, which inevitably affect their grant-funding. In other words, more black first-class degrees means more funding -never mind if they are actually awarded on merit. What, I wonder, will be the consequences when race-based degrees start getting handed out in medical colleges? This is not a joke. This is happening -right here, right now.

Ignorant as they are of history, basic economics and the importance of deferred gratification, almost everyone under 30 appears to believe that politics is all about "not offending anyone ever". The manoeuverings of transnational elites to hoover up all the remaining wealth of planet earth might as well be happening on Mars for all they care. Dude, check out this hilarious meme on my smartphone! An Age of Miracles indeed.  Little wonder that millennials, equipped with the attention-span of terrier puppies, default to prodding their phones to escape into the screen-world that has largely replaced real life in the covidian realm.

The liars who contrived the pandemicon in order to destroy what remains of the world's nation states were certainly well-rehearsed. The sequence of colossal frauds they have perpetrated since the year 2000 is truly miraculous. Without delving into the entire can of worms, in September 2001 enough people became overnight billionaires on the back oif the 9/11 events to fill a Swiss bank.[Twenty years ago, on September 10th 2001 US defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced the Pentagon had "mislaid" 2.3 TRILLION dollars. By 6 p.m. the following day everyone had forgotten and the money vanished forever]. 

That incredible smash-and grab opened the door to a rapid sequence of staggeringly expensive resource-wars, beginning with the rape of Iraq in 2003.  

Britains own theatre of terrorism -7/7 opened in London in July 2005, with the first of a series of low-budget homages to 9/11, a state-choreographed, stomach-churning display of loyalty from the arch-globalist Tony Blair. (You're obliged to whack a few of your own to take your seat in the globalist mafia, as the citizens of New York, London, Paris, Brussels and Manchester have learned). The systematic but gleeful destruction of Libya and Syria followed in short order. 


In the aftermath of the Isis fable (whatever happened to that vast, miraculously well-funded stooge army?) European countries from Italy to Norway have been deliberately swamped in a mass-immigration scam that only intensifies every week, in a violent re-set of local demographics that no longer suit the elite. 

Since the "rise and fall of Isis" fable, literally millions of unskilled, largely African illiterates have been shovelled into Europe every year on the back of a manufactured "collective guilt" supposedly arising from the resource-wars- the exact wars which the populations of Europe opposed and rejected throughout the last twenty years -to no avail. 

In the aftermath of the Corona fraud, the only two obstacles to global government (the Trump and Brexit phenomena) have been (miraculously) rendered irrelevant.

So the underclass of Africa is being hastily relocated to join the newly ignorant proles of Europe, converting what was recently the finest civilisation on earth into a lowing herd of easily-manipulated brutes; dumb, mute and muzzled (literally -we're all in hijabs now). Centuries of moral and social evolution are being brutally reversed. The catastrophic torching of Notre Dame Cathedral in 2019 was as symbolic and disgusting as it was inevitable. 

America -naturally- has been obliged to reaffirm its loyalty to the  demands of global governance, and dropped its southern border completely in a naked rush to overrun the last remaining population on earth well-enough armed to prevent its rogue government from enslaving them. That horror is unfolding every day. 

The imbecilic wokester assaults on statues carried out over the last two years are the street-level equivalents of the Paris firebombing. It will not be enough to erase Christianity, is the message: the civuilisation built upon it must go as well. In a scarcely tolerable, irony-blind spectacle, an enormous new statue was unveiled this week in Newark, USA. It is a 700-pound bronze effigy of the career-criminal George Floyd, a drug-addicted thug with a history of violent assaults including gun-crime against women.

We are approaching peak idiocy now, a future in which very the worst of us are immortalised in bronze and the best dragged down to the wasteland of sterile, mind-numbing mediochrity demanded by the new fascist box-tickers.

9/11, 7/7. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Isis, climate change, mass migration, race hysteria, hostile feminism and gender derangement have all been calculated exercises in societal mass-confusion, paving the way for the 2021 coronation of the vaccinators as Masters of the World. Yet each of these hideous crimes was funded and perpetrated from within the ranks of known globalist cabals who are hidden in plain sight. It's child's play to throw rocks at the Bilderberg Group, the Council for Foreign Relations, the Tavistock Institute, the Royal Institute for International Affairs etc, but many of the worst offenders are household names.

Anything with the word "World" in front of it is by its nature suspect and corrupt, as no public input supported the creation of World Economic Forum, World Bank, World Health Organisation etc. Self-elected and self-serving, they are now openly in charge of so-called "democratic governments" . 

Since the United Nations first modelled the fiction of an "international community" power has gradually crept away from the nation states into the hands of the transnational corporate giants who fund these crooked front-groups. National Parliaments are seen as theatrical amusements, easily bypassed in the corridors of true power. We have arguably been living under an invisible yoke of global governance for decades already. 


One astute commenter on this site lamented last week that the "democratic camouflage" is dissappearing from our politics, and I agree. No policy debate takes place; no opposition exists to the rule of the unelected drug-pushers and banksters. There is barely a pretense of conflicting ideologies, as none is necessary; lost in a swirling fog of absurdities, the public have disengaged. 

New laws are being framed as I write these words -laws crafted purely to meet the needs of arms and drug-manufacturers, vaccinators and empire-builders, censors, monopolists and thieves. The price for the coming tyranny is clearly to be the destruction of the nation state, all meaningful culture, community, family, the free-thinker, and finally -of course-the individual. 

All the 21st century frauds listed earlier embraced a fictitious coalition of nations, but only the Coronacon managed to capture over 120 countries in a single day. Through the 24/7 cacophony of mass-media, every last human not hiding in the hills is bombarded with lies from dawn till dusk, every day, every hour, in a relentless campaign designed to confuse, exhaust and enslave us. 

If you, dear reader, feel excluded from the political realm, insulted by the puerile drivel spouting from the screens, enraged by the quacking noises that pass for public discourse and horrified  by the prison being erected around us, you are not alone. For the last of the sentient people, life has become a daily battle for sanity in a world under siege. 

A decision has been made - that much is clear. It has been decided that freedom, culture and independence will no longer be available for the common people of this planet. We have been told often enough; we are the problem. In the holy names of climate, equity, diversity, neutrality and public health, we are to submit and obey, retreat into an ever-shrinking space, cornered in our own homes with the ears of Alexa and the eyes of Google trained upon our every move. 


Public gatherings, travel, group activities, physical and intellectual bonding will be strictly limited, policed, and ultimately stopped altogether. We are being trained to stay put, crouch in supplication, to wait, to hope, to endure endless disappointments and distractions, just so long as we keep out of their way and keep shuffling down the one-way street to servitude. The world, you see, is too good for the likes of us.             

I suggest you draw your line in the sand and you do it now. If you cannot see the weapons surrounding you -if you do not understand that this is a war, you have already lost. Nothing but chains will be given to you from here on. As I said three years ago when starting this blog, you cannot vote your way out of the future. Do not turn to the authorities for help; there is none. Each of us has a decision to make. Think carefully before you do -it's the biggest one you will ever face. You don't need a miracle - just a spine.

Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are obliged to fight. 

99EndOf  has ten times more readers than than ever  before- and I know this is mainly down to readers spreading the links and information among their friends and colleagues. (The gods of social media will not allow us to promote ourselves). Many thanks for your support.



  1. I can't claim credit for this post, but I saw it this morning in response to a news article about the likely successor to Angela Merkel and his attitude to China -

    ''China own trillions upon trillions of national debt of nations all over the world, including Germany, the US and the UK.

    They have secured total political control over some of the most coal and oil rich nations on Earth. The plan is to have all the coal and oil while you boil grass for soup and pray to the wind god that your windmill turns.

    Now, suddenly, The West is bowing to the god of climate and windmills and reducing their own nations and economies to that of medieval peasantry, using their master's germ warfare as the excuse.

    And still the plebs can't join the dots. Hate to break it to you, China already took over the world. And whoever your President or Prime Minister is, trust me, they are nothing but operatives.''

    I would only add that contemporary China is exactly the kind of Corporate State that would now be running Germany had the Nazis not lost WW2. The obvious 'crazies' have died off, any opposition has been quietly 'disappeared'. Hugely successful industry with unlimited finance from the State but run by ruthless mega-wealthy capitalists employs a docile population trained not to look beyond their own increasing prosperity. No wonder an EU politician might find it attractive.


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