Three Countries, Two Levels and a Future

This post is long overdue -apologies to regular readers - but these last two weeks I've been cast as The Fool in a minor offshoot of the Corona pantomime.  Not for the first time, fallout from the clumsily-engineered Global Reset has forced me, like countless others, into yet another radical change of circumstances. The details don't matter, suffice to say our home became uninhabitable and we had to make an emergency relocation in the interests of health (both physical and mental.) I will describe, however, some revealing aspects of a weeklong journey across_________________________


  1. I wanted to make a donation but could not find the button. ???

    1. That's much appreciated. It seems I had forgotten to include the donate button in the last few posts - too much on my mind! (I have fixed it I think). Regards, Ian AP.

  2. Nice to have you back with us, Ian. A sane voice amidst Johnson's dreary burblings and the fading echoes of last weekend's fatuous G7 bunfight-cum-photo op. More power to your elbow!


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