Words Aint What They Used To Be

Britain once had -in my lifetime- the best educated population in the English-speaking world. Today, about half the public are too dumb to pronounce a word with more than ten letters and another 25 percent don't speak English in the first place. In this context, it's interesting to see how rapidly the short, "easy"words are being abused to the point where they mean something completely different. 

Examples are everywhere; a few will suffice. Until ten minutes ago, when we heard or read the words "diverse" or "diversity" we understood this to mean "a variety or range of" as in this issue attracts a diversity of opinion. The root of both lies in the verb "diverge" which means to move or extend in different directions; to draw apart.

In a burst of spellbinding irony, the words themselves have "drawn apart" from their origins. In a single bound, both words appear to have thrown off their purpose, plunged into the lexicon of Woke and re-surfaced with an entirely new meaning. The word "diverse" now means not white. The word "diversity" means non-whiteness.  


You know it, I know it, we all know it. The subtle, all-embracing nature of these words has been flattened, and their purpose re-engineered. "Diversity" is now just one more club in the fist of the racial obsessives who are determined to thump us into submission with their brave new language for the dumb. 


How about another popular favourite: "equity". This one is a peach that fell from the 1984 tree, as it does the exact opposite of what it says on the tin. Like its close but no longer acceptable relative "equality" equity pretends to be a levelling influence, implying parity. Equity suggests "sameness". 

Silly old you! In fact, equity means "very different rules for you, whitey," as in "from September onwards students of colour who fail the monthly exams will be exempted from failure in the interests of equity."  (Visit the website of Goldsmiths College in South East London if you really want to peruse this novel concept in greater detail. I won't include a link because the people in charge are talentless, moronic race hustlers who deserve nothing but contempt). 

"Equity" -once you have dug your way through the witless verbiage spouted by the box-ticking Bamebos- means that educational standards will be cast aside to ensure that people with less ability can be rewarded with qualifications anyway, if they are lucky enough to be non-white. I bet you can't wait to see how that pans out in the field of..oh, I donno, doctors? Airline pilots? Surgeons?       

It was inevitable, I suppose. The people lose their vocabulary, the words lose their meaning and eventually we lose our minds. It's a race to the bottom, as we used to say (before the LGBTQ word-nazis took offense at the expression). If you have the courage, I will tempt you with a link to a short, amusing video on the subject of words-go ahead and click here:[DIRTY WORDS].


But the miracle of language lies not in its merciless abuse in the sweaty paws of monosyllabic Wokesters, but in how it grows and flourishes. The evolution of a single word can be a truly extraordinary process, as we know from a dip into the popular Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Join me, please, for a quick butcher's hook at the recent history of the topical word "Vaccine". 

On January 15th 2021, the word vaccine was on everyone's lips -on the tv, the radio and in every home. So often was that word used, in fact, that many will have hopped into the online dictionary for definition-just to get things clear about what a vaccine was, exactly. Below you can see a screenshot from that day, with a clear, precise definition that had been there for many years...

I will confess here and now, this was very much my understanding of the word "vaccine". So precisely did I agree with this definition, that when the boys from Pfizer and their Moderna chums announced their new miracle Covid-cures were injections of DNA-altering chemicals designed to permanently re-engineer your cell-structure, I -and many others- cried FOUL when they declared these to be 'vaccines'. 

I have, as regular readers will know, been making this point for some considerable time. Many prominent doctors, scientists and bio-chemists have been infuriated by this misappropriation of the word vaccine by the billionaire Pharma companies. Just because it comes in a liquid and gets delivered by needle doesn't make it a "vaccine". I could put Coca-Cola in a needle and inject it, but that wouldn't make it a "vaccine".   

Join me then, at the same website -defining the same word- on January 26th, 2021 - six days after our first look at "vaccine".


My how swiftly times change. Clearly, the online dictionary was moving fast to ensure that the general public were not left behind cradlng that shabby old definition with its precise reference to "organisms". Possibly because the "old" definition didn't make any reference at all to altering genetic material in the human body. Because that's not what vaccnines have ever done -not ever, not in over 100 years of "vaccination".

It seems this rebranding brave new definition was not, however, quite enough to satisfy the rapidly evolving language of medicine in 2021. Because a mere four months later the definition of "vaccine" had undergone yet another, rather startling  transformation, as we see on June 1st...


At this rate of development, by Christmas the definition of the word "vaccine" will run to twelve pages and include everything that can conceivably be squeezed into a needle and stuck into a terrified five year-old. 

One footnote: There is rather famous a chap in America who is curiously silent on the issue of what a "vaccine" actually is, or was, or might be. Several times in recent years he has applied to lodge patents for (potentially very profitable) MRNA gene-altering procedures (like the Covid shots now in use) but was refused permission by the USA's medical authorities because these procedures "did not meet the definition of 'vaccines'". Nevertheless, he has been on television every week of 2021, and recently every day, insisting that absolutely everyone really, really MUST "take the vaccine". His name is Dr Anthony Fauci, and nobody knows better than him what many of us have been saying all year. These injections are not -and never were- "vaccines". 

I wish the very best of luck to everyone who has been persuaded into accepting a needleful of these products, because even the manufacturers themselves have no earthly idea what happens in the long term when you make permanent alterations to human cells this way. 

As for the language-police at Merriam-Webster I think we already know which side of the fence they're on.

Ian Andrew-Patrick  


  1. Brilliant Ian you are irrepressible and indefatigable. Once again lots of material to hit the brainwashed with.

    1. Thanks Gib - good to hear from you. I hope you're hanging in there. It's been a bit hectic these last two months with one thing and another but the fight's still there to be fought. Resist and refuse.


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