Headlines Normalising Tyranny : Next Up, Fake Terrorism

If you want to understand the way mainstream media is used to control you, ask yourself this question: what matters to me right now? You would expect that any  national newspaper or TV station would be addressing things you really care about. You'd expect the subjects they cover and the headlines they choose to  be relevant to the many, many people like you -today. But how many of the headlines really are important to you, today? 

Perhaps you woke up worrying about the fate of Afghanistan. Perhaps you went to bed pondering the hurricane sweeping across Louisiana? But I doubt most of us could point at Louisiana or Kabul on a map of the planet. 

Which is, of course why your attention is being directed there, by a sytem designed to distract you. If you were concerned only with those things that impact your own life, every day, you might be a bit less cooperative with the insane restrictions the government is trying desperately to "normalise". They would rather frighten you with problems from far, far away that you cannot possibly solve. If, however,  enough of us  got off our backsides and pushed back against the problems in our own backyard, the government would have a hard time stopping us.  

But the headlines keep coming. I suppose it's even possible that your current major concern is that an autistic Swedish  teenager apparently thinks Scotland is "not a world leader in climate change." I doubt that keeps you awake at night. Maybe the news that some millionaire footballers had nasty things shouted at them while they were kicking a football for about £1000 per minute upsets you. 

But all that matters is that the BBC and  their commercial partners want you to focus on trifles like that instead of your own concerns. The "news" is a ridiculous selection of distractions and nothing more.  Did: PARENTS FACE NEW NAPPY TAX strike you as the one crunch issue facing the UK this morning? (Daily Mail).    


I have speculated here before about who writes the scripts that are read by the television actors known as "newsreaders". Today I'd prefer to focus on the question: what is the purpose of headlines

The answer lies -quite appropriately- in the realm of the entertainment industry, and specifically within that dwinding, near-extinct  band of cabaret performers known as conjurors. "Magicians", if you like. The entire art of stage magic depended on distraction. There was no rabbit in the hat, then a rabbit came out of the hat -that's magic

But that was not true, and certainly not magical. The rabbit might emerge from a hidden compartment, out of a trick-table or from an uncomfortable spell stuck up the conjuror's sleeve - but the rabbit had to go into the hat before it came out. And at the very moment when the rabbit entered the hat, the audience had to be distracted. This is why stage magicians talked constantly and made flamboyant hand movements with (traditionally) eye-catching white-gloved hands. 

The pointless words and the meaningless gestures were in fact the lynchpin -the most crucial part of the performance, without which the magic would never happen. The entire act can be summed up in three sentences which we will place in the mouth of our imaginary magician: 

(1) I will make a rabbit appear in an empty hat if you watch closely.

(2) Oh me, oh my, lordy mama my hands are dancing, look!

(3) Here is the rabbit just like I promised.

We can now return to the world of the chosen headlines i.e. "the pointless words and meaningless gestures" mentioned above. The headlines, we see, are the distraction action from #(2). Like the "rabbit from the hat" trick, the Covid-19 hoax can be summed up in three sentences. 

(1) We will save you from the deadly Coronavirus if you obey orders.

(2) Oh god, death everywhere, hurry to get the vaccines, masks, and passports!

(3) Here is safety just like we promised.          

You will notice however, that the "safety" we were promised does not look like safety at all. It looks like a prison for criminal offenders. A penal colony where everyone is guilty of breathing and has been sentenced to a lifetime of muzzles, captivity, electronic tagging, isolation and compulsory injections. 

What was remarkable about today's headlines (August 31) was the utter absence of any meaningful content or commentary on the one subject uppermost in all our minds. (Do not pretend the ongoing Covidian farce is not there, plaguing your dreams and blighting your existence because you know better than that.) Today, you must understand, we are in the distraction phase before the magical rabbit (of survival) appears.

The newspaper editors know it and the TV bosses know it too. They also know that their job now is to keep you distracted while the next phase of globalist control is prepared. And the third thing they know -because it will be their job to advertise it- is that another wrecking ball of lockdown laws is about to be swung at what tattered bits and pieces remain of the freedom we used to have. 

The governments  pulled the same bait-and switch trick last year, "relaxing" the oh-so temporary "restrictions" during summer, before doubling down when autumn returned. They plan to do it again this year and we are expected to lie down and take it. 

Except that this time we have 20 grim months of obedience training behind us.  Like dogs, we have been conditioned how to behave when the Master snaps his greasy fingers. The next lockdown will start from the assumption that you know damn well what to do and if you don't get with it QUICK then the gloves are coming off, got that citizen

As before, we will -above all- be expected above all to STAY AWAY FROM OTHER PEOPLE. Why? Because people in numbers talk, share information and find the courage they struggle to find alone. The courage needed to admit you do not know a single healthy person who died of Covid. The courage needed to say out loud that if the media scare-stories are true then the "vaccines" obviously do not work. The courage needed to resist and refuse to obey the insane demands of power-drunk crooks. 

That is why every single Covid restriction separates people from each other: separation is the purpose. If you keep submitting to these instructions, more and more of them will appear until "normality" will be a prison existence, where you are grateful for tiny windows of heavily-policed "freedom breaks". 

That will be a life without dignity, without love, without pleasure, without the ability to relax for a single moment, for fear of breaking whatever new "law" was created while you slept.    


A vast number of medical and science professionals have joined the growing chorus of scepticism about the mysterious mRna injections, providing evidence and personal experience handling and treating patient groups who have been harmed and indeed died shortly after recieving them. But a colossal international effort has gone into censoring their evidence and silencing their voices.  
In other words, a very large number of 'experts' who disagree with the vaccination-frenzy are being muzzled, silenced and cancelled,  while the 'experts' pushing the jabs are given unlimited exposure. This is the oppposite of 'science'. 
But so long as the protesting voices go unheard, I will make the easiest predIction ever. This winter, a hysterical, furious assault will be launched against anyone and everyone who refuses -for whatever reason- to be injected with chemicals they don't want in their bloodstream. The "anti-vaxxer" hysteria will be whipped into a gibbering frenzy aimed at creating a new set of "jews" to be eradicated from the New Covid World Order. Think I'm exaggerating? Hell, you already know I'm not.  

Every major "terrorist" attack on Western soil this century had the same two important features. (1) We were told in advance that it would happen. (2) Afterwards we were collectively punished by fierce restrictions and removal of freedoms. For those of us reading between the lines (and doing that is how I spent much of the last week) there is every sign that one or more major, well-planned "terror" events are being prepared and will be staged within weeks if not days. 
Notably, last weekend the NZZ am Sonntag -Switzerland's equivalent of the Sunday Times- warned that "terror attacks will be aimed at vaccine centres". [click for details]. Examining the article, we find that this warning is not based on anything at all. No specific knowledge of any specific threat or even a caim of "intelligence recieved". In other words, this article has been created with one purpose only : to put the idea in the public's mind that this "terror" will happen.
I am painfully aware that the British resistance -because this is a war and you'd better believe it- is getting a touch flabby after a summer of relative ease. Ease, that is, compared to the deranged fascism of the winter we had -and the nightmare that is accelerating towards us at breakneck speed. I have already noted the absolutly ourageous medical martial-law being enforced on the populations of Australia and New Zealand. Amazingly, people in the UK are still thinking "that wouldn't happen here". 
We had all better snap out of that delusion because those are the globalist-sponsored trials being conducted in real time. Working with relatively small populations, far from mainland Europe and the USA, the Coronazis  'down under' are experimenting with dissent-suppression techniques to see which work best. And the most successful will be rolled out here -following the "terror attacks" that are coming to America & Europe as sure as your winter lockdown.
I'm also aware -and I implore readers to take this on board- that much of the last year has, for our "government", been a controlled experiment to (a) test the boundaries of the public's potential obedience to orders and (b) to identify the non-cooperators. The ovearching aim is to break the will of the resistance by demonising any and all who refuse to comply with medical martial law and enforced vaccination. 
This is no joke. The deadline is 2030 -they are not even hiding it. [Download the UN Agenda 2030 document here]  By that year the last vestiges of your freedom are to be removed and your children -and their own children- are to be condemned to a future of lifelong servitude to a hyper-rich elite class who despise those of us approaching our lives with souls and hearts.
When the "terrorism" comes -and it will - see it for the theatrical horror it always was and always will be - just the latest PR stunt to scare you into giving in to the demands of the psycopaths who will not rest until every last one of us kneels before them. It's your choice and the choice is now. Fight or flight? And to where, pray tell me, can you run? 

Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are obliged to fight. The

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