Life In The Free Zone -Three Steps to Globalism


It may not feel like it, but you are living in The Free Zone. Let me explain. At the start of the second world war, the Nazis found the total Nazification of occupied France -an enormous country- too much hassle to be done at once. So when the French surrendered, the Germans limited their efforts to the vital areas -Paris, the ports, the borders- and created a so-called "Free Zone" where cooperative French politicians were left in charge and life seemed relatively normal. But this was a trick -a delaying tactic to allow the fascist regime to achieve complete dominance over all life in France. The Free Zone was an illusion designed to buy time for the control-system to be built. There were three steps from the Free Zone to Hell and I will outline them in terms we can understand today.


Fascism. The first step to Globalist Hell is the classic fascist trick of dividing society against itself. Fascism needs scapegoats, so groups of individuals must be lumped together, and singled out to be blamed for the government's own crimes. (Incidentally, if it sticks in your throat that scum like ex-Health Secretary Matt Hancock walked away from his blatant criminal abuse of public money, consider this [click here] 96 year-old Nazi concentration camp goon who absconded only yesterday. 75 years later and the bitch is still free.) Anyway, in wartime France, anti-semitism was commonplace and Jews were soft-target scapegoats in most european countries. Jews -intelligent, well-educated, financially shrewd and highly motivated- represented the greatest threat to the fascist regime. (Care to comment, Jeremy Corbyn?). In 2021 Britain, anti-semitism is mainly found in the (rapidly-growing) Muslim community. There are, however, currently five other scapegoat groups: heterosexuals, females, white people, and Climate or Covid sceptics. 

Heterosexual males are provoked by a torrent  of hysterical gay/trans propaganda that seeks to erase masculinity. The capacity for aggressive self-defence is inherent in males, and must be neutered for tyranny to succeed.  

Females are provoked with an invented 'gender-neutral' language that degrades the very concept of femininity ('birthing people' instead of 'mother' etc). Females are also subjected to a torrent of abuse if they dare protest when  their sporting contests and private female-only spaces are colonised by biological males claiming 'trans privilege'. If women can be neutered, men will lose the incentive to defend them -and tyranny can proceed unhindered.

White people in the UK -as in every continent- are universally slandered as racist by every form of state-controlled media, all day every day. The wealthiest countries are all predominantly inhabited by white people, who have a history of successful opposition to tyranny. Therefore, white people must be neutered.  

Anyone pointing out that the earth is not on fire is slandered as a "climate denier". Relatively well-educated people are the most likely to see the holes in the global-warming fairy-tale. Easily-led, gullible people are much preferred by tyrants, so climate sceptics must be scapegoated. Government-backed 'protest' groups like XR and IB are cardboard-cut-out psy-ops quietly approved at every level of authority. Just watch the police coddle the self-gluers while the public fumes. 

The same logic applies to healthy, intelligent people who don't let strangers force needlefuls of dangerous drugs into them. Intelligent healthy people can organise real opposition to tyranny, therefore they must be shunned. Hence, "anti-vaxxer / selfish / murderer/ granny-killer" etc.    

That's a whole fistful of scapegoats right there for wannabee fascists. 


Communism. It's built into Communist theory that revolution must be international. In other words, the nation state is actually the enemy. Unfortunately for Commies, humans prefer to gather in groups, showing loyalty to the family, to the community, and to their country of origin. The wholesale destruction of Britain's national identity is, therefore, now in full swing. History books are being re-written to conjure a fake narrative of non-existent migrant influences on literature, culture art and science. School history-books are being printed in which white europeans are outnumbered six to one in the illustrations. For the last two years, a new, exclusively BAME population is being ushered into England at the south coast, to the tune of many thousands every month. Nobody can blame these opportunistic travellers for taking advantage of a 'free movement' system that pays them every step of the way to get to Britain.  Across the Atlantic we see precisely the same programme underway in Biden's "borderless" America. These are invasions by invitation, and are neither accidental or coincidental. Within a generation, the Europe of the twentieth century and its  American alter-ego will both be swept away, along with their identities, culture and history. The globalists hope.


Collectivism. This concept is the tyrant's ideal -the final solution -a fusion of the carefully divided society from step one and the 'internationalisation' that follows from unlimited, neverending migration in step two. The solution to our ever-growing social divisions will be -surprise- universal servitude; total obedience to the global state. Conform or die. Those who reject conformity and mental slavery -whatever their objections- will be demonised as "selfish" and "anti-progress". The refuseniks will be hounded out of society and eliminated from public life. Globophobes, perhaps we will be called. Fans of the Collective, meanwhile, will be decked out in visible displays of caring conformity: vaccine passports/masks/badges and t-shirts with global slogans to chant and rant, tattoos and jewellery that identify the obedient, loyal subject of Expect more uniforms on the street. Somebody you already know will soon be wearing one.

The destruction of family life in Britain is halfway there already, with all the greyhairs shot full of Pfizer-Tizer, and all the youngsters dreaming of eternal, mincing celebrity - courtesy of the pedophilic trans-cult which has taken hold of every child with a smartphone. With 'the community' now a meaningless term (seen one recently?) and history successfully erased, who will grow up in 2040 thinking Britain was ever anything but a BAME, genderless wasteland with no meaningful past and no future? Once the history has been erased, Britain itself will be re-named (oh how they love to re-name things, those cultural destroyers...) and within a generation Brexit will be recalled as a mythical fairy-tale dream from the Ancient Times when the racist white normies all lived in palaces built by imported Somalian architects who lived in chains. 


Or not. The choice is ours and it's here, it's happening now and there is no point pretending otherwise. This is not a rehearsal. For those not looking the other way -and why should we?- Australia has already reached the level of State fascism last seen in Nazi Berlin in 1937. Dissenters to state commands are pepper-sprayed and beaten in the streets while armed, unformed goons patrol the shopping malls. 

In the United States, as of this week's Presidential Orders the American collectivists are bankrupting every remaining business that does not offer 100% compliance with Covid vaccination decrees -by law. Resistance -they declare- is futile.

It's happening now -not next year, not sometime soon, it's now. The UK's four puppet governments are quietly advancing the plan, discreetly assembling the machinery of unbreakable control. 

The corrupt Scottish parliament has just "paused" its vaccine passport rollout. The reason is simple -their legal advisors say the proposed restrictions would not stand up in court. So the Sturgeon regime is -like the Johnson regime in England- hastily re-drawing the law to enable those vaccine passports, which will -unless refused by mass disobedience- establish total control over all public interaction, forever.  


History spells out exactly what happens next. The lessons of World War Two must not be forgotten. Like America, Britain in October 2021 is the equivalent of the French "Free Zone" that came into being in 1940. Please consider the following in terms of how we are living today.

World War Two had lasted just 18 months when the fascist regime took over  France. The Nazi attack had smashed the French and British armies. Hitler's Blitzkreig had succeeded, the French government had disintegrated and the country was now under fascist control. 

But, following the French surrender to Nazi invasion, in June of 1940 around half the country had only a token German presence, as cowards and collaborators hurried to cooperate with the fascist regime. 

This part of the country was known as the "Free Zone" In the Free Zone, only limited restrictions were in place, and things seemed relatively similar to life before the war. Everyone knew a fascist regime was surrounding them, but there were no soldiers, weapons or concentration camps to worry about.  People simply "got on with life" in anticipation of a future return to normal. There were new rules that had to be obeyed, but what can you do? Shops and bars, hotels and restaurants were open -although the experience was not so much fun as before. There were shortages of foodstuffs and fuel in particular, but mostly the people got by. Schools and universities were operating again and most people in the "Free Zone" felt things were not that bad, considering...

That fantasy was shattered in November 1942, when troops rolled into the "Free Zone" and the full, hideous reality of the fascist regime was revealed. Mass deportation of Jews from the Free Zone began immediately -trainloads ran every day to the death camps of Poland. Every large business and government office now had its own Nazi Chief, and willing French collaborators (traitors) were given weapons and powers to command their fellow citizens on behalf of the Nazis -which many were eager to do. (In the UK, 2021 Your local County Council is recruiting "Covid Marshalls" right now. Give them a ring and ask why). Resistance to the now openly fascist order was punished with death. When the truth had finally dawned upon them, it was too late for the cooperative French in the former "Free Zone" to organise against the regime, and they became slaves in their own country.


We are living in the Free Zone. The Covidian regime seized control of Britain in March of 2020. But even today, only limited restrictions are in place. Things are relatively similar to life before Covid. There are no soldiers, weapons or  concentration camps...of course there are new rules...and shortages...but life goes on...etc.

You get the point. The inhabitants of the Free Zone are going along with the new regime thinking "it'll all be over soon and we'll go back to normal". 

Wake up, people. After the Nazis dropped all pretence of "freedom" in November of 1942, shocked citizens wondered why the "Free Zone" had ever existed at all. The answer, in the words of one Nazi officer was simple: We needed time to get everything in place. We were just manouvering.  


Across the Atlantic, the "Democrat" regime is manoeuvering at bewildering speed. The Texas border no longer exists, anyone can enter America at will. The electoral system is blatantly rigged and no real American "election" will ever happen again. The sinster power-trio -FBI, CIA and NSA- is under regime command, like the US military -all of these heavily armed power-groups loyal only to the regime. The fabled US constitution is an irrelevance. 

Canada's PM Justin Trudeau has just 'won' a 'snap election', ensuring his "emergency powers" cannot be challenged - a very shrewd manoeuvre. 

In Paris, arch-globalist President Macron has grasped the nettle, made vaccine passports the law and although the riots are ongoing he promises nothing but more and more law. 

Here in the UK, Sturgeon and Johnson are manoeuvering to bypass their parliaments and award themelves the legal power to trigger lockdowns at will. Through the vaccine passports, they will soon put a permanent, official end to freedom of movement for British citizens. 

The comforting illusion of the Free Zone is a trap waiting to be sprung. For two years and four months the "Free French" lived as if everything would be fine, in just a little while longer. Then, without warning, the troops arrived and the camps opened. If history repeats, the covidian regime will expect to achieve total control over our lives within 10 months, by around August 2022.

What, I wonder, will Britain look like this time next year?        

Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are now obliged to fight.

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  1. Excellent piece. To say the situation is acute is a woeful understatement; as with the turn of the seasons, domestic and global storm clouds are brewing with aggressive speed, which we all know and feel with our instinctive and innate beings. The globo-communist-technocratic bio-tyranny of unprecedented proportions is turning the vice hard on humanity’s neck, insidiously and nakedly, especially in the developed world, where we face a situation like no other in history. It truly begs the question - failing all peaceful political, judicial, non-compliant, grassroots resistance, recourse and wider societal awareness building (as has been attempted globally, indeed, has gathered momentum somewhat over the last 18 months) with arguably limited tangible impact on shifting the dial and galvanising a critical mass of the population, is it not the case given the mountain of human struggle and darkness to come, that we face the stark reality of the historically default means of defence to fight fire with fire as it were as with 1776 America, as with 1789 France, as with 1830 Australia, as with 1916 Ireland, as with 1941 Vichy France, as with 1956 Hungary, as with 1968 Czechoslovakia, as with 1989 Beijing/Romania/East Germany/Czechoslovakia/Baltics, as with 1991 Russia, as with 2014/19 Hong Kong? Naturally this is an undesired and sub-optimal scenario confronting humanity to say the least, however we as a species must surely do what is required to preserve our sanctity and longevity in divine freedom for ourselves and the generations to come? Or are we too supine, docile, pampered, subverted and stupefied to contemplate let alone execute the arguably necessary?

    1. Your questions are right on the money. What frightens me is the astonishing amount of people who -despite being equipped with more than enough intelligence- are choosing to ignore the evidence of their own eyes. It took me decades of reading dozens of books to comprehend how the Nazi regime was allowed to come into being by the tacit cooperation of those who should have known better. I never for a moment thought I'd live to see the same tyrannical machinery erected right here in Britain - let alone in every other Western democracy as well, and simultaneously. Strange days.


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