When Mental Illness Is the Norm Sane People Are Demonised

All across the world, governments -under orders from Central Banks and Corporations- are engaged in the process of terrifying their voters with imaginary threats. A terrible mass-death, they say, can be prevented only by making obedient servants out of all the disbelievers. "Disbelievers" as in people who have not joined the Global Death Cult. In order to conform, you must embrace mental illness, and display the symptoms willingly, on your face (mask) in your behaviour (solitary) and your words: "Coronavirus is a killer plague". At regular intervals you must accept the Holy Sacrament(vaccine) and must hide____________-


  1. Hitting the nail on the head again Ian. Helps to keep me sane for sure.

  2. Excellent article, always enjoy reading these. The Woke brigade is just a fashion and it will pass.

  3. A brilliant article . The comparisons are totally convincing . Any Covid zombies who might read this will at the very least be sent into convulsions !

  4. Fine article and reading Mr Andrew-Patrick, thankyou.


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