Get Rich Quick or Prepare for Poverty

One of the few compensations of age is the ability to recognise the trouble  heading your way before it hits. Truth is, when you've seen enough crap, you can spot it coming a mile off. There's no point pretending any longer: hard times are coming -and fast. Because a massive effort is underway to destroy the way of life we have been privileged to enjoy these last 50 years. Every aspect of the western economies is being prepped for controlled demolition. 

Wages, prices, inflation, energy, freedom of movement and basic demography are all being manipulated -with one all-too familiar aim in mind. The purpose is to snatch the last remaining crumbs from the hands of the 'lower orders' up into the claws of the already super-rich elite. Disarmed and dispossed by that increasingly arrogant power-group, the rest of us can quickly be herded into large masses for a gradual 'population reduction' (extinction) process that will free up the earth to become, once again, the elite playground our billionaire class has long been pining to reclaim.  

To be blunt, anyone not already independently wealthy is about to to suffer a sharp, painful drop in their standard of living. We are talking robbery with (a certain minimum of) violence.  

Three walks of life in particular have been targetted for 'reset' re-pricing: food, travel and energy. 


The propaganda campaign against affordable supermarket shopping has been underway for years, but the time has come for the 'sustainibility' crooks to twist the economic knife in the belly of the general public. Food prices are going to skyrocket, with standard meat and poultry items set for a calculated hike. Artificial "shortages" will be -and already have been- staged to train the public into a scarcity mindset. A range of feeble excuses will inevitably be trotted out for this cynical body-blow to the average citizen's quality of life. Expect to hear endles BS about 'supply chain' problems. Expect yet more finger-wagging from Lear-Jet flying, champagne and lobster-swiling elites repeating the outrageous lie that all the 'little people' have to make huge sacrifices to 'save resources'.  An enormous ongoing campaign has started to lure the public into insect-consumption, veganism and and lab-grown Frankenmeat & Frankenveg.

By forcing enough millions of people into the arms of the fake food mass-producers, near unlimited profits can be made as the various suppliers contract into a cartel -an effective monopoly. The nutrient/poison levels present in the public diet will then come under complete corporate control. Your health -because you are what you eat- will be decided on spreadsheets in boardrooms. 

Organic and freerange produce will simply be priced beyond the masses. The mere idea of 'fresh food' will be re-branded as a miraculous luxury we proles should save up to enjoy on special occasions.

Dedicated climate-conscious bimbos will rush to buy 'smart-fridges' that will tell you (and the authorities) when you've got 'too much meat' or too many non-sustainable products' on the shelves.


As with food, the public have been well-primed with 'climate catastrophe' porn to justify the various scams inflicted on motorists over the last decade. The end-game is now being rolled out, in which the majority of vehicle-owners will simply be priced off the road. This will be child's play, as the billionaire class alread have complete control of the oil suppies and the infrastructure programmes that make driving possible. Petrol prices will simply double and treble in price on a regular basis -interrupted by stage-managed "shortages" like the one trialled in the UK this October. Tolls will appear on popular motorways and routes, and the screw will be turned to the point where the only cars on the road will have millionaires or professionals  behind the wheel. The result, of course, will be much easier, faster road travel for the wealthy. Idiots with spare cash will rush to purchase electric vehicles which will bankrupt them even faster than the gas-guzzlers.

The knock-on effects are easy to foresee. Although to a certain extent the vaccine passport rollout has already cut international travel by around three-quarters, the financial cost of driving to airports or ferry-boats will bite another huge chunk out of leisure-motoring on the European mainland. New layers of compulsory digital identification will be stacked onto existing ones, until the process of international travel (for the masses) will be impossibly expensive and/or too much hassle to be enjoyable. With surprising ease, the public will be weaned off the habit of moving around at leisure and restrict themselves to home-based or locally-organised entertainments. Remember, DIY indoor activities were the urban norm in the post World War Two era until the consumer explosion of the sixties pushed car-culture into reach for the working class. Ancient dinosaurs like myself, who walked the earth in those years, remember well how accepting we mostly were of the limitations on our movements.


Now that the 'lockdown' principle and practise of penning citizens in their own homes has been established, it's only logical that future ventures into domestic captivity must be exploited for maximum profit. With this in mind, efficient, cheap energy sources like coal and gas must be forbidden. Wood-burners of course, are already being eliminated from use, with gas-boilers the next in line, all set to be ripped out of millions of homes by the soon-to-be-announced government decree. 

This simple, pitiless removal of our ability to choose for ourselves, will drive energy consumers (i.e. everybody) into the clutches of the major global-electricity producers, presenting them with a virtual monopoly on energy supply. And an open invitation to charge us whatever ludicrous prices they wish. Which they will.


If you want to be philisophical about this -as opposed to just thoroughly pissed off- it's worth noting that the European and Asiatic elites have been pulling this trick on and off for about 500 years. (Okay, I confess, I'm a vampire and I slogged through half a millenium to bring you this wisdom). 

The basic system that brought certain super-rich families to their extraordinary wealth and power has always been predicated on the regular crushing of large-scale communities of relatively comfortable people. There have always been -and are- a small psychopathic minority of humans who lust for posession, power and control. The most successful passed these lusts on to their children (they tend to spawn a multitude, with a view to producing a bare minimum of worthwhile successors). This inter-generational sequence of inherited venality led to a repetitive cycle of behaviours, one of which was an enthusiasm for organising regular large-scale wars and/or 'revolutions' which removed huge numbers of 'little people' from the calculations elite oligarchs had to make. 

Up until WW2, this system had unfailingly delivered the expected rewards and allowed these maniacs to pursue their enthusiasms with relative ease. The problem began after 1945, however. Too many of the post-war families of Europe and America had been traumatised by the savagery and horrors of the six-year global conflict. The unavoidable truths: the scale of destruction (Hiroshima, Nagasaki) plus the mechanisation of evil (the Holocaust / death camps) added to the fact that the post-war generation was the largest and best-educated in world history, made the prospect of future global wars extremely unpopular. It would have been well-nigh impossible just to get enough people into uniform. 

The anti-war protest movements of the sixties succeeded, in so far as virtually all the western 'democracies' had to abandon the idea of compulsory conscription into the armed forces. Speaking as someone who grew up in the sixties, the simple fact was, neither I nor any other boy I knew would have joined the army this side of the grave. 

Despite their best efforts to engineer global conflicts both in Europe and Africa, the elites have never since managed to enthuse their populations very much to the idea of international warfare. As a consequence, the regular 're-setting' of the economic hierarchy was, for a time, discontinued. It was in this hiatus that the plan for a bio-security total-control global grid was hatched, and Covid has been the delivery system. 

From the perspective of the supra-national corporate families, this is the best way to engineer a future that conforms to their liking. They percieve their freedom as having been compromised by the gradual advance in the small freedoms of everyone else. They are horrified to see our footprints in "their" sand. 

 A solution had to be attempted (they believe)  and we are about to experience the fruits of their deliberations. This reset is about crushing the 99% of humans (beneath them) back down into the dependancy and fear of medieval peasants. This time round, instead of contriving a 'war' between nations, the war is simply a struggle to the death between government and the governed.

I will not live to see the result of this attempt. I sincerely hope younger readers will find themselves motivated enough to fight back with everything they have. This, my friends, is the game for all the marbles.

Ian Andrew-Patrick 

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