Harry Miller and the Five Steps to Genocide

Outside of Africa, it's a rare event to be accused of starting down the path to genocide, but almost three years ago, a British ex-copper named Harry Miller was accused of just that -and by the British police themselves. Many readers will be familiar with the story, but a few observations about the peculiar idea of a 'Non-Crime Hate Incident' (NCHI) are merited here. Because the obscenity of NCHI is just one more toothmark in the flesh of freedom, as Britain's secret Social Credit system begins to bite. For it is this very system that is poised to usher in a series of neverending, soul-destroying restrictions on your ability to participate in society.

For those who missed the story, a quick summary: in 2018 retired policeman Harry Miller recieved a visit from uniformed police officers who had been dispatched to "check his thinking" (their words, as later quoted in court). Miller's participation in a 'Non-Crime Hate Incident' consisted of -he learned- re-tweeting and 'liking' a couple of sarcastic comments regarding self-identification among trans-people. He told the officers to sling their hooks and took the whole matter to court. Miller believed his human right to free speech had been infringed, and his future free speech was under threat. The court agreed. 

Some have hailed this as a landmark victory for free speech, others as a staggering waste of time and taxpayers' money. In the quickly-vanishing world of basic common sense, the whole episode seems like a comedy skit about life in Communist China. Yet it took Harry Miller three long years and an enormous effort simply to prove he was innocent of a crime that did not exist outside the head of a self-proclaimed victim.  

Once we start breaking this three-year fiasco down, a wobbly, jagged infrastructure of weaponised ideas is revealed, and an ugly sight it is too. Do not underestimate the seriousness of the Miller case. Had the court ruled against his complaint, the UK police would now be free to arrest and censor anyone at any moment for literally anything at all. The only requirement would be a statement that someone -anyone- 'felt'  that 'hate' was being directed at them even for a moment. (How would that work out for 40,000 fanatical supporters at the next Manchester United v Liverpoool match?) 

So let's begin with a couple of obvious questions.  Why on earth should police be concerned with a 'non-crime incident' in the first place? I would guess that 99.99 percent of people think the entire point of having police is to prevent crime and enforce the law. Crime is their business. Secondly, if the force itself deems that someone's subjective feelings can be enough to require police intervention, how long will it be before such 'Hate-Incidents' make the short hop from 'non-crime' to criminal offence?   

As Harry himself takes pains to emphasise, the NCHI concept is predicated on 'perception' -in other words, need only exist in somebody's imagination in order to be deemed an 'incident'. And that's where the ball starts rolling. When a 'Hate Incident' is recorded, a file is opened. The so-called 'victim' is given leading role, the 'accused' is given "warnings" and "advice" about their behaviour/speech/though-processes, and the information / accusation (whether proven or not) is held on file - quite handy if at any future point the police wish to prosecute you for crimes you have yet to commit. Think twice, freedom-lover!

The NCHI, we see, slots neatly into the rapidly-growing pile of data which constitutes the 'social credit' score you didn't know you had. Not that 'social credit scores' exist (except in Communist China) -except of course they do -it's just that the authorities don't admit it here (yet). 

In 2022, millions of good citizens of the UK will already have a centralised government file which records (a) Vaccination Status (b) Physical Location (through the NHS track & trace/surveillance APP) (c) Medical history (d) Current employment & tax history (e) Criminal Record - if any (e) Record of participation (or not) in "non-crime hate incidents". 

After the sordid state-sanctioned repressions of 2020/21, does anyone seriously think this information will not be used to enforce selective lockdowns, travel bans, freedom of movement / employment? Let's be real. This is your private life being weaponised against you. These are preparations for punishment - for offences you have not committed and that may not even exist (yet).

In the aftermath of his victory in court, Harry Miller was quick to point out that 122,000 'NCHI events' are already held on British police files, although all should, in accordance with the verdict, be struck from the record and the files destroyed. (Good luck with that)

The ironically named Lee Freeman, Chief Constable of Humberside Police (whose staff visited Harry Miller and triggered the whole issue) responded to criticism of his force for "not using common sense" with the astonishing statement that "Common sense is not an appropriate tool for police work because it leads to unpredictable outcomes".

I'll resist the temptation to comment on that. You can fume in your own time.Instead, I'd like to address the "five steps to genocide" referred in the title of this post. This is the alleged "sequence" that ex-policeman Harry Miller had begun. Believe it or not, the constables who confronted him -in his own home- suggested that he was (courtesy of wrongtweet) embarking on a path which would, inevitably, unless thwarted by police intervention, lead him -by five 'clearly defined steps' to pursue a programme of genocidal intent. Your police force, collecting your tax as their wages.


Okay, since they started it, let's talk genocide, in the context of Europe. In totalitarian societies of the 20th century, the primary step towards genocide was always, without exception, the scapegoating of a minority social group. The Nazis targeted the Jews, Stalin chose the 'non-conformists' and in 1992, the Bosnians targeted the Croats. The unwanted groups were identified as 'unworthy' and the result was genocide.

'Unworthy'  and 'non-conformist' is the position of the "unvaccinated" in Europe, 2021. They (we) have already been publicly targetted for exclusion -by government decree, poodle-press and state televised propaganda -for blame and ridicule, in the New Covidian Regime. An appalling amount of people seem to think this 'just a health issue' -and not the exact same process that happened in pre-war Germany, post-war Russia and 1990's  Bosnia. It is astonishing that grown adult humans can fail to see the same hideous process of bloody extermination rolling out under their noses. Yet in every one of the three cases offered above, even as the mass-murdering began, people said "it's just a conspiracy theory".       

The first step to Genocide - in the real world - is the demonisation of a minority group who are not just different - but by their difference "represent a threat to the rest of society itself."   Once this idea is accepted, the scapegoats can be criticised, reviled, rejected, isolated, and -inevitably and invariably - exterminated. 


It is happening, right here, right now. The "vaccines" are killing huge numbers of innocent and often healthy people. {SEE THIS} or {SEE THIS} for evidence. The tide of this flood of death is not stopping and not even debatable, despite the blanket denials and postures of ignorance adopted by so-called "medical authorities" across the globe. But this is hardly surprising. Mass-murderers are not in the habit of confessing their crimes, and we live in a society that permits and celebrates them, so long as they are fully-fledged elite parasites. 

Am I exaggerating?  Just a raving conspiracy theorist? Arise, Sir Anthony Blair! 

Ian Andrew-Patrick

I want to thank all the many woderful readers and supporters  who have kept the this blog going throughout these last two years. Many times I have got close to the point of despair -these are such insane days- but the knowledge that so many people care so much is a measure of the strength we -together- possess. I wish you all the best possible New Year for yourselves and those you love. I look forward to a year when we can break through the dreadful spell cast upon this world, and reclaim the freedoms that are ours by birthright. Resist and refuse, my friends! 



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