Once Upon a Time There Was a Deadly Killer Virus

Strange times indeed. Whether you're a license-paying BBC lovin' jab-junkie or a webwise, anti-vax plague-dog, it's time to put your feet up, pour yourself a long one and watch the Covidian narrative fall to pieces like a paper bag in the rain. Wherever you look, experts are stammering where they used to strut and "authority figures" are doing 180 flip-flops. Yesterday's conspiracy theories are today's surprise "new data" and the usual weak-kneed bottom-feeders on mainstream media are falling over each other to pretend they are_____________________________


  1. I wish you could make regular appearances on GB News I think you would find Neil Oliver a compatible presenter.

    1. Neil, in his very worthwhileoutput, walks that difficult line between the acceptable and the forbidden, and I respect him for that, because in the end he is on the right side. Having been in the belly of the beast myself (writing for the Times) I have zero tolerance for cooperation with the mass-media. I know that this means I will be penned in a algorithmic ghetto forever, but at least I can speak my mind withut fear. I will soon, however, be releasing a forceful hour-long video expressing my experience of the last two years. Nice to hear from you, B - ERNIE.


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