Rest In Peace : The Britain We Loved is Dead


It would be an understatement to describe Britain as a nation divided; a better word would be fragmented, although I would personally plump for atomised. Never in my life can I recall this country mired in such a maze of conflicts, tribal hostilities, foaming prejudice and deranged obsessions. So many things we held -or seemed to hold- in common, have been swept away by a relentless, engineered storm of_______________________________________-


  1. Things are now beyond politics, debate and reason.

  2. Ian, that is the saddest epitaph i have had to endure in my long life time/ Oh, oh how i wish it was just drivel like almost everything i read nowadays.

  3. Again you hit all the nails on the head, Ian.

    I dread to think what is to come this year and beyond. As if it hasn't been hell for the past two years...
    As I've said before I think I would have gone mad before now had I not realised it wasn't just me who *saw the rot set in" years ago.

    My longest friend, who's as close as an actual brother, is the only one I can share my dismay with for real, and my close family too I must add. Just about everyone else I know, besides them, are playing ball with the current narratives - everything you have mentioned in your post - they've completely fallen it all for hook, line and sinker. It's a matter of time before I'm in the middle of a huge argument... I can feel it coming. And I will defend myself.

    I am prepared to be ostracized - it's inevitable. I can't sit quiet forever. It'll only take one sentence in the right way for me to go off on one.

    I just want to know - where did people's balls go? How easily they've accepted the complete and utter ruination of the fabric of our society. I barely recognise Britain these days. The "Great" prefix no longer applies.

    Thanks again Ian for letting me blow off some steam.

    So... what next?

    1. It's the real disease -this terrible destruction of relationships and familes, the polarisation of views. It's universal. I have my own list of thosewho simply cannot be engaged with on a half-dozen subjects. One of my oldest friends-an intelligent, thoughtful guy- got frightened into line because his health was poor and the fear-propaganda just broke his will. That's over 30 years of very close friendship shattered on the altar of lies. We still communicate but only in certain "safe" areas of conversation. I've lost my business, my home, my job and my health to this crap, but it's only the people that I really miss. I used to be quietly proud to inhabit such a free country. What next, Will? For me its got to be keep on keeping on. Partly as I have very little to lose, and partly from a kind of dog-eared determination to carry a torch for the people we used to be. I doubt I'll live to see it, but I believe this monstrosity of a system will ultimately be defeated, like all monstous systems before. Chin up, dude!

  4. Hi Ian,  Ive wanted to respond for a few days now so I thought I would share my experience.  I work overseas and have done so for several years now. When I get home to dear old blighty, I see a step change each time.  And each time the country gets worse...much, much worse.  You are right when you say 'the Britain we knew and loved is dead...'  In my own words 'the Britain we had is now a lost cause...'  For example, TV is now a 'no go zone' for me.  Homosexualisde and multiculturalisde with mixed race families; brainwashing to the nth degree.  My friends children who have now got children of their own...well I usually get a 'friendly' warning from the 'parent' on what I'm allowed to say or talk about.  I, of course, totally disregard the advice and call things as it is so I assume I am an unwanted guest from the past (some of them are my godchildren who were always happy to accept financial gifts when they were growing up but hey..I'm not going to throw that in their callous do they think I am?).  I only see one way out in my mind and see if there was a land that could be bought where like minded people can form our own country, our own laws, our own infrastructure and our own protections and so on...  and before its too late.  Thanks and take care.

    1. Nice to hear from you Andy. I hope you're in a position to get even temporarily free of this madness because it's a crushing weight on every area of the UK. It's quite telling when you pinpoint TV as a no-go zone, because that was my jumping-off point back in 2002. I honestly think TV has been the great hypnotiser of the 20th/21st century, and has a terrible grip on the minds of a significant majority. How appalling it is that your friends feel emboldened to place red flags on your conversations with the children - ye gods, what have we become? Once upon a time there was a -perfectly logical- assumption that age brought a degree of wisdom and the words of older people commanded respect. I too long for that island where the non-zombified can gather and rebuild the world along lines of sanity and sense. Let me know if you ever find it -and I'll do likewise. I'd be very intersted to hear what things are like where you work abroad - feel free to email me at lordofzero@proton with anything you don't want to be public. And keep on rolling. I honestly believe that none of us may ever know what, if anything, we're achieving by staying true to our basic humanity -but we have to do it. Take care yourself, Andy, and stay in touch.

  5. I think you're very close to the truth in this essay.

  6. Thanks Russell - and respect to you for using the word "essay" because that is the correct term for this post. I do indulge some polemic, and the odd rant, but I prioritise the essay format, because I think it's a powerful form and I believe in offering depth as well as colour. Hope you can find more food for thought by exploring the site. The SEARCH area should be a help. Feel free to offer your own input if you wish - I really welcome the thoughts of others. Best wishes, Ian AP


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