We All Have to Grow Up or Shut Up

We all despise the monsters who abuse children as the lowest of the low, because as adults, we recognise how weak and vulnerable we ourselves were, before our innocence was lost. Yet we all, to some degree, like to indulge the child within ourselves although we are knowing, experienced adults. It is into this anomaly that criminals and politicians insert their leverage   The divide between the children we were and the adults we are is a weakness used to exploit and control us. Crime and politics are the lifestyle choices of professional abusers. Until we learn to bridge that gap within ourselves, they will always succeed and we can hardly complain, because we gave them every chance. We have to grow up or shut up.

The most important difference between the child and the adult is dependence. An adult can take care of things, but a child is always in need of help and support. Dependence is the very definition of weakness. For this reason,  corrupt modern governments have re-engineered our societies to stunt the develepment of children and infantalise youmg adults. Weak adults can be controlled like sheep, with a combination of fear and rewards. Weaklings will submit to those who pretend to be strong; to the plans of the elite predators and the governments they create. Almost every aspect of the Woke plague is a result of this programme, and it is succeeding. Here is the explanation for the newly-coined disorder known as Adult Child Syndrome.or ACS (Read more about ACS HERE)


As with all global social-engineering programmes, the re-modelling of education was both loudly advertised and cleverly disguised as benign. In Britain, the announcement was made twenty-one years ago on May 23rd 2001 at 11.45 in the University of Southampton. It was springtime, and Prime Minister Tony Blair knew his government's popularity was sinking fast. A general election was approaching and his manifesto would centre on one priority above all others. To a suitably gullible audience of sympathetic students, Blair declared:

"Our top priority was and always will be, education, education, education." He wasn't kidding, either. When Blair said "our top priority" he meant the priority of himself and his fellow globalist plotters. They knew the advance towards a world government controlled by a tiny elite could be derailed if enough of the "common people" became aware of the agenda. A successful return to the master/slave relationship globalists long for could only be achieved by dumbing-down the rapidly-growing populations of the successful western countries. A well-educated population is a nightmare for any would-be tyrant; how much easier to control a herd of ignorant peasants. (To read Blair's entire speech CLICK HERE


But 2001 did not mark the beginning of the end of real education. In reality, Blair's school-centric revolution was already up and running. Four years in, his government were busy upending the practical, logical teaching methods that had, in post-war Britain, produced the best-educated working-class anywhere in the world. By the late nineteen sixties, the level of literacy and numeracy -even in the tenement streets of  Glasgow, Liverpool and Birmingham- were astonishing, compared to ther pre-war equivalent. 

This intellectual inflation created a very post-war problem. Unfortunately for the elite, the more people learned, the more they understood. The unprecedented rise of anti-war movements organised by students in that era was not coincidental. Twentieth century European history had been a horror story of mechanised death and destruction, and the lesson was not lost on an underclass whose parents and grandparents had been fed into the grinder. The cat was out of the bag - too many of the proles knew that war was really the logical extension of big-business. Politicians were confronted by a generation that were simply not going to fight and die for the benefit of international trade.

Disobedience on this scale was an unacceptable development for the parasite-class -the unelected super-rich who stand in the shadows behind groups like the United Nations, the Council for Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute for International Affairs etc. Something had to be done, for without a steady procession of wars, untold billions in profits would not be made, and worse still, the underclass would start to multiply faster than the elite could possibly control. From a globalist perspective, the regular slaughter of a large percentage of young males was simply an unavoidable pruning exercise; a necessary culling of the herd.


The elite response to this dilemma was perhaps inevitable. As a first priority, the general public must, by whatever means necessary, be led away from the pursuit of knowledge. Secondly, a new kind of politician would be needed to make the radical changes necessary for a national dumbing-down programme. Rather than continue the hit-or-miss tactic of recruiting politicians early in their careers, the globalist hardcore decided to manufacture their own. By this means, politicians would need no persuasion to obey orders; obedience would be their default position. 

(Britain's government of 2022 is stuffed with cabinet ministers who were, in this way, groomed for government by financial elites. Javid, Patel, Sunak and Zahawi are just four examples of international business-executives placed into the UK government to achieve specific aims.)  

Tony Blair was an early but conspicuous product of this new breed: the apolitical politician. Having loudly brandished his Marxist loyalties, he left Oxford and changed gear, toning down the rhetoric while pursuing a brief career practising law. That he would move into politics was, according to his peers, inevitable. Blair's rise to the top of the Labour Party was unremarkable but inexorable.

That he was being steered, backed and bankrolled -from outside the party-  every step of the way, was never publicly discussed, but is, in hindsight, quite obvious. It was certainly no accident that he had chosen to to study law, as his machinations in Downing Street would depend on finding ways to make the illegal legal. Once he became Prime Minister, he effortlessly switched his rhetoric again to embrace the fundamentals of aggressive capitalism, and rode his luck all the way to re-election.


In the aftermath of the Iraq debacle I often heard committed Labour supporters express their amazement at how the Blair of 2003 was "unrecognisable" as the Blair who came to power in 1997. Yet this was merely a tribute to his powers of deception. The war-monger who betrayed his party, his country and the Christianity he pretended to espouse, was always there. Blair was- to his masters- the real deal: a living breathing creation of the elite, and when his spell was broken, they collected him back into the fold.

What we see today, in the hell-holes of indoctrination they call 'schools', is the real legacy of Tony Blair. Every single Prime Minster since has him to thank for starting the inexorable, irreversible destruction of the intelligent, learned, thoughtful working-class we once produced. And every one of those PMs has kept the wrecking ball swinging, because the dumber we get the safer they become.

Klaus Schwab's notorious school-for-puppets was merely one manifestation of the elite manufacturing process that has brought us the likes of Trudeau, Macrom and Merkel. But the public lapped them up, exactly as intended. The die was cast at the turn of this century, because while the adults were binge-watching television and fumbling with the newborn internet, their children's brains were being quietly washed. 


In the planned future, we shall all be children of the State, although there's already no shortage of big kids in our twenty-first century metaverse. Largely unthreatened by the spectre of war, the peoples of the western world have instead been intimidated to pieces, by a procession of imaginary hob-goblins designed to frighten and infantalis. Health and Safety danger-decrees mean that every staircase comes with a hand rail, every tin of processed food with an instruction manual and a health warning, every beer-bottle with a lecture.A hard-hat for every head, airbags in evety car, windows you can't jump out of, goddamit, kid, don't you realise the world is an incredibly dangerous place and you need OUR PROTECTION!!?? 

Somewhere in all this is at least part of the explanation for the millions of damn fools who just couldn't wait to get triple-jabbed, mask-up and barricade themselves indoors when the Wu-flu came to town. A lot of training went into producing such brave new sheep. Caution is an occasional necessity, but in government hands, moves quickly upstream to neurosis, compulsion, addiction. 

There are already a million teenagers out there who think you should be arrested for hurting their feelings. No discomfort is too small to shrug off, nothing more important than emotion. Not when you're an infant, that is. But don't worry, Daddy's here to make it better. And daddy is always here, mapping the signal from your phone, his ear to the microphone on your laptop, chatting to you through Alexa, accounting every second on your smart-meter, monitoring your meals in the smart-fridge.  Yes, daddy's right in the room with you, listening to every word you say, and watching too, if you're not careful.    

So don't shout at daddy -he only wants to help. Tht's better -calm down, take a chill pill why don't you? Have a nap. And when you wake up, we can start all over again.  

Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are now obliged to fight.

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