Banks Start The Wars & Governments Invent the Excuses

I have, for the last 30 years, studied war in great detail. At first I focussed on World War Two, because my dad, his two brothers, and their own father -who was rather old at the time- were all in uniform during that conflict. Despite their slum-kid origins, all three brothers flew in the RAF.  My dad got trained, diapatched and mutilated, but survived,  as a result of which you get to read these words. With every passing year I have gleaned a little more truth about the business of wars, which brings us to TRUTH #1 : BANKS START THE WARS.

The widely-accepted version of our social structure is a myth. Politicians and the mass-media are employees of big finance, essentially doing the same job, for the same purposes. Their job is to supply explanations for the seemingly 'unstoppable' events that ruin lives and wreck societies. Events like a 'stock market crash' or an 'outbreak of deadly disease' or a 'war' -in other words 'things that just happen that nobody can control' : that is what we are asked to believe. Curiously, all such 'events' always result in an enormous transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich -something that delights the banks. Entire economies or countries can be destroyed, millions of jobs and lives lost, but the 'explanations' will never, ever involve  involve the one most powerful influence on life on earth: banks. 


In reality these events are always the result of 'business decisions' made by banks and their corporate armies. Wars do not happen at random; an enormous amount of planning is done in advance. Most of all, wars require a vast amount of investment money -and banks control world events by literally creating money and then deciding who gets to use it. (I will return to the 'creation of money' shortly.) As the world's population steadily increased, energy supplies became the most profitable investment, so wars were fought mainly for the control of gas and oil. 

For example, whenever giant energy companies decide the price of crude oil or gas is too high, the banks supply money for investment in staggeringly expensive weapons systems, so that oil and gas-rich countries can be attacked. The politicians and mass media -which the banks own- join in the creation of a story that will justify the attack. War begins as planned, the oil and gas are stolen, and puppet 'governments' put in place to ensure the theft is successful. War is simply the logic of business taken to the max. The longer the war lasts, the more money banks make. From a banking perspective, the ideal scenario is a never-ending sequence of wars. That, as you may have noticed, is a reasonable description of life on earth for the last hundred-odd years.


To conceal this nasty truth, governments and media are employed to "explain" the wars in a way the public will accept. Usually the story focusses on one pre-selected, cartoonish figure (Hitler, Ho Chi Min, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Colonel Gadaffi, Assad, Putin etc...) who rose to power as 'a freind' before morphing into an evil enemy as the shells and the billions start flying.  The 'explanation' of the result is merely propaganda, which begins before the war, becomes hysterical during the event itself, and usually dissolves when the war is over. Furthermore, many of the people shouting loudest before and during the war seem to (a) go very quiet and (b) find themselves in possession of a tasty war-sponsored profit - after the war is over.   

This is a well-established pattern. My own research into WW2 led down some pretty deep rabbit-holes, and the more I learned the more obvious the role of bankers as war-profiteers became. For example, Adolf Hitler's invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1939 resulted in the transfer of millions of pounds in gold from a Czech government account to the Reichsbank in Germany. This was done via a banking scam run by the Vatican known as the B.I.S. (the Bank of International Settlements) which allows a central bank to decide who gets the dosh when a country gets invaded. At the time, the Bank of England's Governor, Montagu Norman, cooperated with this Nazi theft, as did his colleagues in Belgium and the Netherlands. [MORE DETAILS HERE] Bear in mind, in 1939, the nightmare of the Holocaust and the devastation of France, Poland and Russia were still in the future -as the banks well knew.

By the same token, the Bush family -which has supplied two notoriously corrupt presidents to the United States- were up to their necks in financing Hitler's war preparations behind the scenes in the 1930's. Prescott Bush (George's father and GW's grandfather) narrowly evaded criminal charges for the scale of his investments in Nazi Germany -all carried out through 'legitimate' banking channels. An excellent account of that -and other astonishing Bush family scams- can be found in Russ Meyer's superb book FAMILY OF SECRETS.   


Every war I have studied required the deliberate, profit-motivated interventions of billionaire banks and businesses. All my life, I have observed government, TV, radio, press and now the internet desperadoes, all working 24/7 to conceal the grim reality of the power-mad banking elite.  

The central banks and the giant corporations devote themselves to ripping wealth from the hands of the many and securing it's safe passage up the chain to the existing power elite. With each passing decade, more and more effort is put into creating 'fake' governments, where the Ministers and Presidents are simply tools of banking & business. It's a very simple idea, and depends entirely on people's willingness to believe that their government is working for the many, when in fact, the entire purpose of government is to protect and enrich the few.  

Britain's current government is a classic of the type. The man posing as 'Health Minister' is a career banker who came to Parliament after an astronomically successful career with banking giant Chase Manhattan and the financial monolith of the Deutschebank. Similarly, the man claiming to be 'Chancellor' married into a billionaire investment clan and might as well be sponsored by the B.I.S. Neither is a politician, both are hard-nosed business through and through. As is the so-called Home Secretary, actually the daughter of a global investment clan similar to the Chancellor's. I will waste no more words on Britain's sock-puppet PM but new readers are welcome to check some of my previous posts on the subject of Mr Johnson HERE and HERE.

France's President emmanuel Macron came to power straight from his only ever job: working for the Rothschild family, who are embedded in every banking operation on the planet. By the same token, the Ukraine President Mr Zelensky was an actor playing the part of the President of Ukraine in a TV series (DETAILS HERE) before the CIA (who can, like banks, print their own money) came along and, using a corrupt Ukrainian frontman, installed him as the actual President in a 'soft coup' in 2014. Zelensky's real job was just to take orders and talk tough to Russia. 

Unfortunately, when dealing with monsters like the CIA, the 'soft coup' is invariably followed by the hard times -in the form of hi-tech, million bucks-a-minute warporn. A credit to the Actor's Union, Zelensky continues to turn in oscar-worthy performances as 'Ukraine's Heroic Leader' , but has probably already realised he is dispensible. In all likelihood, he will, when the time comes, be neatly plucked from danger and parked in some offshore safe-space where he can play the part of King in Exile. Unless his 'heroic death' might prolong the conflict, in which case that will be easily arranged and massively publicised. When you deal with the devil, expect fire and brimstone.

In this way the banking interests were able to contrive a completely unnecessary war in Ukraine, a place which, like Libya and Syria, could be terrorised at enormous expense, without disrupting too much in the way of international trade. The nonsensical propaganda about meaningless "sanctions" is the cover-story the banks use to explain the mysterious process that "punishes Russia", while only Europeans and Americans feel the pain of the whip. Russia invades Ukraine so British bread costs more. Suffer, peasants, but it's all in a good cause! 


In public, the poodle politicians make ridiculous speeches -this time round they are all 'standing up to Russian aggression' - while behind the scenes, the banks are preparing the next step. Now that China, India and the Gulf oil states are all embedded in the casino called 'the Global Economy' the latest 'unavoidable' redistribution of wealth is already well under way. The stage-managed conflict now under way in the Ukraine is -we are being told- responsible for higher prices on petrol, gas, electricity, food, travel -you name it, the 'war' is to blame. 

The Ukraine/Russia bunfight is certainly affecting international trade, but only in the way that each scene of theatre play or a movie takes the story forward towards its pre-ordained conclusion. The politicians tell you the rising prices are consequences of the war when in fact, they are the purpose.  By the time the Ukraine conflict fizzles out, the media and the politicians will already have launched the next 'crisis' on which we we must obsess. [ See: THE CONVEYOR BELT OF EMERGENCIES]  

We are being force-feed a series 'good vs evil' narratives no more sophisticated than fairy-tales. Television, radio and internet surround us and bombard us with stories that we are instructed to believe. But all the major events which re-organise the 'global economy' are completely engineered in advance, and what we are told is 'chaos' is a choreographed dance. That real death and destruction (of little people)  are at the heart of this  performance makes the deceptions and lies of the banksters all the more monstrous. It's not new, it's not good and it's time we stopped pretending that these theatrical horror-stories are uncontrollable. Ukraine, like every war that in the last 100 years, is a well-organised programme of mass-murder, organised by the money-merchants in the central banks who will, yet again, reap the rewards.


TRUTH #2: The awesome power of the central banks lies in their ability to literally imagine money into existence, which the rest of are obliged to pay for. It sounds crazy, but this the unvarnished truth that lies behind the tides and storms of global events. Central banking is arguably the cancer at the heart of not only the financial industry, but now the tumor now devouring what remains of Western civilisation. 

You can learn a lot more about the process of creating money out of thin air -who gets to do this and why- by watching James Corbett's brilliantly-researched video CENTURY OF ENSLAVEMENT : The History of the Federal Reserve. (Click to View). This video was a landmark of its kind, and after recieving millions of views and near-universal praise, it was, of course, banned by Youtube. Don't let the truth be memory-holed: please do yourself a favour; watch and learn. I will return to the subject of banks and what they do later this week.  

Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are now obliged to fight.
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  1. I vividly remember seeing a letter, about thirty years ago, in the correspondence columns of the ‘Telegraph’.

    I can’t remember the exact wording, but most of it stuck in my mind – ‘’In 1945, I was ordered to escort the last commander of the German army in Italy, General von Vietinghoff, on his train journey into captivity. After he had got over his indignation that he, a senior General, was being held captive by a mere subaltern, he informed me that the result of the war was irrelevant as it had already been decided that Germany and France would rule post-war Europe between them, and that this would be achieved by means of a common currency.’’

    Well, we’ve all seen exactly how that panned out, haven’t we.

    Since Russia, with its miniscule foreign debt, has largely managed to keep itself economically sound despite the West’s sanctions and therefore out of the hands of trans-national banksters, it’s small wonder, but highly appropriate, that the latter have been using Ukraine’s neo-Nazi-backed regime in an attempt to bring down the current Russian government. They would of course much prefer Russians to be governed, and again financially ruined and rendered internationally impotent, by a new ‘Yeltsin’. And no doubt be forced to take their import quota of young African men of military age.

    However, whether this latest Globalist exercise in ‘Regime Change’ will be any more successful than the West’s previous efforts in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Afghanistan remains to be seen. The gentlemen of the World Economic Forum are limitlessly ambitious and machiavellian, but not necessarily as smart as they think they are.


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