Government Turns Every Problem Into a Crisis To Punish You With

Millions of migrants swarming across Europe did not bankrupt our National Health Service. But the British  government's free-for-all cross-channel taxi-service did -by making sure the NHS was overloaded to the point of collapse. Covid didn't destroy millions of British lives and thousands of UK businesses -the government "pandemic response" did. Climate change won't bankrupt the country but the government's insane Net Zero fantasies will. It's a battle -and you are the enemy.

Step back from the "nightmare horror in Ukraine" narrative for a moment. The war in eastern Europe need not affecting your heating bills. They've been fighting with big guns there since 2015. (But you were not invited to care). This week, however, the government is organising a "response" that will kick a debt-size hole in your finances. A Russian takeover of Ukraine would not make food more expensive in Britain -without your government's "response", which is guaranteed to make prices skyrocket. 

Forget the silly speechifying about "supporting Ukraine" -your government could not care less for them. This is about crushing your life down to the level of the eastern Europeans. It's about crushing the remaining fragments of Britain's economy till we are as desperate as the Ukraine or Poland. Every single policy held by government -of either the so-called 'right or left'- increases YOUR suffering. Because it is intentional - a process meant to increase your pain, your fear and your dependence, until the government can take control of everything you ever do for the rest of your life. 


Governments deliberately turn every problem into a crisis. Because in a "crisis" the government can give itself super-powers, "emergency" powers - and ignore our objections. As I wrote in February (CLICK HERE to read) we are now expected to live in a permanent atmosphere of emergency. We are bring trained to believe that we are under constant threat and "only the government can save us from [...........]" -fill in the crisis of the week/month/year. There is an end goal for this training: it is called globalism. 


Globalism demands that every modern government must grow -fast and furious- until it controls everything in the country. Once this happens, groups of total-control governments can join their countries together under a single, much larger, government. The EU was created to be one such mega-government. In the globalist endgame, inevitably, an all-powerful world government will be formed. Therefore, all the individual nation states must be destroyed. Observing that destruction -realising it is being done to your country right now-  is the key to understanding the seemingly endless state of crisis forced upon us by our governments. As we will see, the consequence of every "major crisis" is a sharp increase in elite wealth, paid for by economic hell for those at the bottom. 

As I have said before, although this plan has been under way for generations, the Brexit vote was a catastrophic WTF event for those laying the path to global government. Instead of cementing the (strategically important) UK to Europe forever, the supposedly impossible LEAVE result shattered the illusion of European unity. 

I truly believe that is why we and the rest of the world were subjected to the hastily-assembled but massively-funded Covid hoax. By hyping a minor virus into a " worldwide emergency" the whole concept of "a global response" and "the world acting together, all nations as one" was suddenly up front and centre again. The clearest proof of this theory is that now, six whole years after the "once-in-a-lifetime referendum", for all practical purposes Brexit never happened and never will.  (By the same token, the American elite are attempting to introduce legislation to prevent Donald Trump from standing for election ever again. The age of permitted popular dissent is over).

Between the 2016 referendum and the launch of the Covid "emergency" a series of ridiculous excuses and fake "negotiations" brought four more years of business as usual for the EU and the central banks. Brexit was just a can being kicked down the road -until Covid cleared the decks. I was wide-awake to this process throughout those years and wrote extensively on the subject here at 99End Of. It was clear to me that -from an elite perspective- something drastic would be needed to crush the spirit of Brexit before the anti-globalist movement spread too far. That belief prompted me to predict roughly what was coming [SEE THIS POST from January 2019] but I admit I under-estimated the extremes to which the globalist fanatics would go.

We all know what happened next. Ironically, as a consequence of the Covid psychodrama, many millions of people across the world in different continents have indeed been brought together with a single mindset -but not the one the globalists wanted. The speed with which "emergencies" follow on each other's heels have become obvious to even the least engaged citizen. 

Newspapers stuffed with threats and warnings pile up in the supermarkets, daily reminders of the terrible dangers from which the government is supposedly protecting us. Never in my life can I remember the sight of so many miserable, dejected people in the shops and streets. It's battle-fatigue -the strain of endless striving to recover the simple daily existences we enjoyed pre-covid.  At every turn, however, the state screams at us about another "emergency" for which we, the little people, must prepare to suffer and pay through the nose.  

               PROBLEM                                                        RESPONSE


The Big Three phoney "global emergencies" of this decade so far are listed above. In each case, the problem itself was by definition impossible to solve. (1) No government in history has ever been able to control the spread of an airborn virus. (2) No government plan can possibly overcome "climate change" because the climate is always changing and always will. (3) Britain cannot possibly fight a war with Russia -the idea is absurd. All these "emergencies" are, however, hand-picked to maximise the state's ability to exert maximum control over the public. 

Unsolveable problems permit unlimited spending.  Emergencies permit special powers -and power always corrupts. Barring a major societal awakening and uprising, the children of today will never know what it is to live a single day free from fear, without a terrifying "existential threat" hanging over them. The modern government is set up to demoralise its population and bleed them dry. Government leeches upon every citizen with endless ever-increasing taxes and runaway inflation, while handing the stolen surplus out to service the central banks which give the orders. 

Every time the government declares any kind of emergency, vast sums of money vanish up the spout to colleagues, relatives and cronies of the political class. Today it was announced that Britain will burn over ELEVEN BILLION POUNDS worth of useless PPE gear bought in haste in the holy name of Covid. (SEE DETAILS HERE) Throw in the TWENTY BILLION that vanished into the worthless Track & Trace fiasco and realise that some very crafty people got very, very rich out of government "covid responses" while millions of innocent victims lost their livelihoods completely. These repeated transfers of wealth are not accidents, not coincidence, not "incompetence". This is a programme of calculated theft, of fleecing the poor to bloat the rich. Wealth is power and on the road to the One World Government, wealth is being taken off the menu for all but a privileged few.

Do not overlook the timing of announcements like the above, which actually describe the theft of billions. With the headlines full of "Russsian war crimes" and similar propaganda, who is really going to giver a stuff about useless masks and gloves? So it is that the flames of the new crisis consume the sins of the old one. 


Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are now obliged to fight.

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  1. It's hard to relate the utter comtempt felt for these serpents, the shear magnitude of the deception,hyphocrisy,and malelevolance is breathtaking. These people are of this world, evil and debassed. FBJ FJB.

  2. I remember a time when you received your wages in cash in a brown paper envelope. In banknotes and coins that weren’t changed every couple of years in order to prevent you keeping your savings at home, out of the grasp of the banks.
    I remember a time when the government regarded free public education, up to the point of graduation, as an investment in society. Before they decided to turn it into another way to allow bankers to further enrich themselves by making youngsters take out a bank loan.
    I remember a time when most people simply paid a reasonable rent, and never considered getting into a mountain of debt to a bank in order to live in a house they didn’t particularly like in an area many miles away from all their relatives.
    In fact I remember a time when neither my parents, nor I, had ever felt the slightest necessity to have a bank account.
    And I aIso remember a time when, if you wanted a job, you merely looked on the noticeboard of the local newsagent and phoned someone up. Rather than having to undergo an interrogation by an arrogant government apparatchik who had never done a useful or productive day’s work in their entire lives.
    I remember, as most people today now do, a now-vanished time when people could actually visit their GP. I even remember a time when their GP occasionally condescended to visit them.
    ‘1984’ was written as a warning. Today, it’s a detailed instruction manual, with which Western youngsters would do well to familiarize themselves.

    1. So on-point. My first wage-packet was that selfsame paper envelope. That friday, I took it home to show my dad - he grinned and showed me his own brown-paper envelope. 99% of the time, none of our cash went anywhere near a bank. We kept it at home and used it at will.
      Of course, I left home at 18 and never imposed on my parents again. Like you, my route to eomployment was straightforward first-hand contact with the employer, who would judge me on their persona assessment of my merits.
      I remember -aged nine- being badly scalded by the boiling contents of a dropped iron kettle -and how the doctor came in person to our tenement flat to deal with the injury. (With wonderful, understated efficiency).
      The Lost World, my friend.

    2. Here’s an alternative view of the Ukraine war.

      The last time Russians flirted with Western-style democracy, it got them eight years of the drunken stooge Boris Yeltsin. Under whom post-Soviet Russia was comprehensively looted by the men who became the billionaire Russian Oligarchs, whom the West cheerfully encouraged to launder their criminal proceeds via our property markets and soccer clubs.

      Post-Soviet 'democratic' Ukraine went through an identical process of looting by a similar bunch of crooks. In fact Ukraine featured the highest number of politicians, 38, of all the countries listed in the 'Pandora Papers' leaks last year detailing suspicious financial dealings.

      And its current President, Zelensky, was revealed in that leak as having offshore accounts in the British Virgin and Cayman islands and in Cyprus, and a nice little multi-million-pound London property portfolio.

      In fact Zelensky's main financial backer for his Presidential bid, Ihor Kolomoisky, the guy who owns the media company under which Zelensky achieved TV fame as a comedian, was on March 5th last year formally banned from entry to the USA, along with his entire family, by the US Secretary of State ''due to his involvement in significant corruption.'' Kolomoisky is a chap whose career is very much worth researching

      So now the two gangs of Russian and Ukrainian Oligarchs are feuding like Cosa Nostra 'families' in 1920's Chicago, but using their respective national armed forces instead of tommy-guns.

      And we are instructed to care?

    3. Many thanks foe such cogent input. Quality commentary and I concur with your conclusion. L have resisted going into too much detail regarding the actual backstory of Ukraine as the tangled threads of corruption run so deep it needs a book to explain. It is the horrible fate of the populations of corrupted countries to pay the price for the greed and excesses of their leaders. Ukraine was hopelessly lost eight years ago.
      Trying to report on conflicts as inevitable and contrived as this breaks my heart. The veins of evil intent running through the narrative are so repetitive and callous that I balk at even addressing them. The cycle of history is so hard to break, the thrust of ruthless commerce so stark and relentless that sanity wobbles in its face.
      There must be a way to halt this hellish paradigm - I pray we find it soon.


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