Normal Children Exist and Shrieking Wokesters Hate Them

The most impressionable people on earth are children. Confusing a child is the easiest thing in the world -and an act of unforgivable evil when done on purpose. Teachers who don't know if they are men or women should not be allowed near schools or schoolchildren. Teaching staff who indulge self-centred "classroom conversations" about their own sexual preferences, desires and beliefs should be arrested and charged with assault -because they are committing psychological assault on those least able to defend their innocence. There is such a thing as 'normal' and it's time to stop the shrieking extremists from pretending otherwise. 

Modern gender-obsessives are idiots; ignorant, selfish narcissists who think they invented sexual deviance and transexual behaviour. Nothing could be further from the truth. For thousands of years, gender-twisting cults have surfaced in societies across the globe -almost always at the point where an empire or culture is disintegrating, decadent and poised to collapse. [See TRANS in the |Roman Empire HERE

Not content with posing as pioneers when they are actually born-again dodos, the new genderists demand praise for their 'courage' and 'honesty' as if attention-seeking was a virtue and perversion an achievement.  

If these poseurs were content to drum their heels and squeal we could simply ignore them, but egocentrics love company - and they will take whatever attention they can get, wherever it can be found. Schoolchildren -corralled in a class by government decree- have no choice; no other focus for their attention than the 'professional' in the room. Children are commanded to 'respect' their teacher, who is frequently a young, immature person with very limited experience of either life or 'education'. Most often, teachers are childless twenty-something products of 'training college' where their heads were stuffed with Woke priorities and gender-nonsense.


All this happens behind closed doors: closed, at least, as far as parents are concerned. No oversight is carried out; no parent has any way of knowing whether an individual teacher is organising useful, healthy lessons for the children, or just parading their own trendy sex-theories and fantasies to satisfy their juvenile lust for approval. Millennial teachers are notoriously prone to the whims of identity politics and 'intersectionality' - both codespeak terms for 'Woke'.       

I see no reason why all state-sponsored classroom activity should not be recorded on camera; none whatsoever. The technology costs virtually nothing and the result could only be a rise in standards.  Every class in every school could -and should- be videoed and recorded, with parents able to see exactly what kind of 'education' is being fed to their innocent children. If there is nothing wrong going on in classrooms; no queer propaganda, no trans-incentivising, no perverse declarations of imaginary 'gender identities' being passed off as 'education', then what's the problem? 


Curiously, the very same heavily unionised 'teachers' who grabbed the Covid comfort-blanket in both hands to insist on 'remote learning' via Zoom (to protect them from the terrifying presence of potentially 'virus-carrying' children) are suddenly freaked out by the idea that parents might actually get to observe the gruesome idealogical infections they are trying to pass off as 'learning' on a daily basis. 

God forbid that concerned mothers and fathers be free to sample the classroom experience for themselves -and, of course, blow the whistle when they encounter the kind of disgraceful political indoctrination school staff members brag about in self-made Tik Tok videos. No depravity, it seems, is too low for teachers.

I wonder how many parents are aware that schools quite routinely employ 'teachers' whose motivation is, shall we say, a mile short of ideal. If, for example, you are putting Eleanor, your five year-old daughter, into a state school, would you be happy to have her put in classrooms where the adult in charge might be a supply  teacher sent from an agency like the London-based WORLD CLASS TEACHERS? (Click the link to explore their website)

                 Here is a sample of how WCT recruits would-be teachers to their agency.

Benefits of supply teaching in London

If you’re not already convinced here are some of the main benefits you can enjoy when you complete the route into supply teaching in London, you won’t look back!

  • Flexibility to take time off whenever you desire
  • Variety in workplaces – you won’t be getting sick of the same four walls
  • Freedom and Autonomy – enjoy the tasks of teaching without the responsibility
  • Relocation – move wherever you like and take your job with you, not the other way around                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              It says plenty about this agency's expectations that they view the number one benefit of supply teaching as having a license to "take time off whenever you desire". It's equally significant that WCT staff are urged to "enjoy the tasks of teaching without the responsibility". Does this sound like "World Class Teaching" to you? WCT, incidentally, specialises in supplying globetrotters -people whose only teaching experiences may be from a completely different country.

The truth is, five year-old Eleanor -in her first weeks at a British state school- could easily find herself in a class run by a 22 year-old non-binary Australian BDSM enthusiast who spent the last year back-packing in California getting stoned in lesbian bars. A month ago she flew into Heathrow with her trans-man partner to experience Pride Month in London, so she needs to pick up a few quid in a hurry. Fortunately, she was smart enough to ring World Class Teachers -where work is always waiting.     

Remember, at every level from primary school to university, all British educational establishments are infested with HR officers and Diversity & Inclusion guidelines specifically designed to prioritise any  and every form of socio/sexual identification -except, of course, those monogamous white heterosexuals who are rapidly becoming a minority in the 'teaching profession'.     

This -unbelievably- is the all-too harsh reality of schools across England, Scotland and Wales. And because the education sysytem has been thoroughly overtaken by the cult of Woke, schools do not merely tolerate sexual deviation among teaching staff, but positively enthuse at its arrival. The gender-bending climate has seamlessly moved from toleration to active promotion, so that  schoolteaching is now one of the most attractive job-prospects available to flamboyant sexual deviants, who know a warm and inclusive welcome is waiting behind the staff-room door.   

All this against a background of the incessant, shrill bleatings of the LGBTQ+AI%$KFC & bar crowd who are still foaming with outrage that the Tavistock Centre -the butcher's shop at the core of the UK trans-the-kids industry- has been shut down. [ Read: GOOD RIDDANCE TO THE TAVISTOCK

Over 1000 parents are now suing the Tavistock for medical malpractice -among other crimes- but this must be seen as merely a first step to halt the 24/7 sexualised onslaught upon childhood, inocence and normality running wild in the western countries. 

It is an abomination that teachers, of all people, should collude in the practise of encouraging children to think the perfectly normal struggles of puberty can be 'harmlessly' evaded by ingesting drugs designed to castrate rapists. A short way down that road lies surgery, drugs, then more and more of both for the rest of every trans-kid's life.

Puberty is the real 'transition' -and always has been. Puberty is an evolutionary miracle -the perfectly natural course of human development, and cannot be 'improved upon' by charlatan millionaire surgeons growing rich on the spoils of mutilation. Yet this is the road towards which many 'teachers' are directing children who know no better, while millions of parents remain completely oblivious to the danger. Please forward this aricle to any and every parent you know with school-age children. In an era yet to come, we will look back in horror at what was done to the young in this decade of unfolding nightmares.     

Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are now obliged to fight.

Many thanks to readers for supporting 99EndOf throughout the last two years. Our continued existence depends on visitors spreading the links and information among their friends and colleagues. Please do likewise whenever you can. This is a time to prepare ourselves for what is inevitably coming.. Your help, as always, is very much appreciated.


  1. Absolutely 100% bang on with everything.
    I might be a gay bloke but I absolutely despise what the woke evil perpetuates. As for the LGBTQ+-XYZ... I couldn't be more removed from it.
    And I can tell you that 🙂
    Schoolkids are being corrupted by this vile ideology and it turns my stomach.
    I'm so happy my brother's kids were homeschooled - for various reasons.

    As for my fellow gay friends - the vast majority haven't noticed what's going on, or maybe they actually support it.
    I had an argument at a garden party yesterday - one of them actually thinks that trans surgery can turn a woman male and vice versa. I didn't capitulate - I stated that it was bullshit and sex is unchangeable, you can only approximate the outer appearance.
    The there's others who I've seen in a Manchester Pride-related pic going around on Twitter - I've seen 3 so-called mates in a pic with an absolute bunch of trans activist degenerates. That's now 3 EX -mates. When I saw them standing with idiots with anti-TERF flags those friendships died on the spot.

    I don't care if 99% of them exclude me from their lives. No way could I follow the vile far-left indoctrination that they support.

    1. Bravo Will -I really feel for your predicament. One of the worst aspects of all this is that a lot of impressionable youngsters -even the ones who are not actively participating- see the whole alphabet-people/trans/drag-queen story hour/Pride march/groomers thing and think -that's what GAY people do-that's who THEY are. The arrogance with which activists pretend to 'speak for the community' drives mre nuts. Thank god for individuals like yourself who refuse to get dragged under the woke umbrella.
      Ian AP


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