The Great Reset Replaces Needs With Misery

It's the little things that break you. When easy becomes hard, good things go bad; each domino floors the next. The packet  shrinks but the cost does not. The family-run cafe, bakery and butcher, gone, lost in the Build Back Blizzard of unpayable bills. Restaurants shuttered; padlocks and chains keeping pub doors closed as foodbanks open for new beggars. The descent into drudgery where rules won't matter anymore. New Normal will be scrimp, scavenge, steal. Not very great, this Reset.

One by one they take basic needs and replace them with weasel-words. You can't have gas but  you have The Fight For Democracy and Freedom. You can't see a doctor but you're NHS hospital has a huge, expensive rainbow mural by the car-park. Your dare not walk the neighbourhood streets after dark but never mind: it's diverse! 

They take humble pleasures and offer second-rate imitations in return.  Your car has to go but there's always Home Delivery. Theatres, clubs and concerts are cancelled but Youtube and Netflix are not. Steak will be verboten but Beyond Meat is waiting.(click for details).

Britain's children are forbidden from learning their true national history, but force-fed a fake one one populated with imaginary black heroes and celebrities. It's not a re-set but a re-write and a re-creation. The past must be destroyed so that in the future no-one will remember what was lost. If you grow up on crumbs you won't miss the cake you never had. 

Once every schoolchild believes that African migrants built Hadrian's Wall, the Roman empire can be forgotten -along with principles of democracy that it popularised. Black Romans feature heavily in Britain's latest primary school fake-history books. [SEE RACE-INDOCTRINATION CHILDRENS BOOKS HERE]. 

The most common boy's name in the UK is now Mohammed. Once Islam is the dominant British faith, Christian values can and will be dismissed. By 2060 an entire generation will believe history began with the crucifixion of George Floyd, the only-begotten son of Nelson Mandela and Whoopi Goldberg, who died to free the black slaves of America and Britain in 2020.

Europeans, you see, are just a little too prone to getting organised and overthrowing their elite rulers.  The populations of sub-Saharan Africa are, by contrast, historically more inclined to slaughter each other than organise against their ruling class. Once everywhere becomes sub-Saharan Africa, the elites will have little to fear. If you want to understand why your politicians are in love with immigration and the borderless fantasy-world of Coca-Cola commercials, take a long, hard look at the streets of London, Birmingham, Liverpool and Glasgow. Take a look at post-apartheid South Africa for a blood-soaked preview of Europe's 'diverse' future. 

Who controls the food supply controls the world.

Big questions invite simple answers. Why do corporations insist you must eat laboratory-food? Why must farming be stopped? Because the corporations own the laboratories, not the farms. Farm-shops and fresh-food markets connect people to producers - but Big Business can't get its cut. When we buy food from farmers we bypass the robot-run, factory-food depots that make billionaires out of button-pushers. So their government flunkies pass laws to make food a gift from the State, until only State-regulated produce is permitted for sale. A State food monopoly: every dictator's dream.

The farmers must be wiped out -like the cafes, the pubs, the baker and the butcher, the tailor, the comedians and the bards, because the likes of us matter not one jot in the Reset Robbery. Slowly but surely, the corporations merge and bloat as the broken sell out to the greedy, who sell out to the greediest. Each week another fiefdom of Tomorrow's World is scooped into the clutches of the super-predators -now only a handful are left and they want it ALL. The corporations and the State merge, becoming one: Mussolini's precise description of the Fascism he adored but never saw.

We are microbes in the eyes of Reset Robbers, digits on a global spreadsheet, units of consumption, to be farmed like the livestock that are -they insist- destroying the planet, one breath at a time. King Charles III -he who once spoke of masking the cows- will soon begin  his nationwide lecture tour, bringing the cult of Great Reset to a screen near you. Always remember, the zero in 'Net Zero' is you. [READ THIS ARTICLE: NET ZERO REVEALED]

We are offered insects to replace our beef and milk, because it's a Lear-Jet Reset, and we ourselves are insects, dots crawling on the landscape below as the rich roar through the skies towards their next blood-change and organ transplant. Finance sharks and 'royal' billionaires with fresh young kidneys ripped from youthful, Chinese prisoners. executed to order. My, they live long lives, our masters. Will Henry Kissinger ever die? Will King Charles rock on to 120, 30, 40? Will Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg be swapping life-hacks in the year 2150?

Them and us; the oldest of stories. No brave new anything, just flashing lights, digital tools and the ancient themes of theft and compulsion. Do not be fooled, your personal bar code is coming, your mark of the beast. Government is your outright enemy. Every parliament is possessed, every party a poodle-parlour. Nobody is going to lead you out of the jaws of the Reset; you can either walk away or submit. If there is one thing only that I ever manage to get across to readers of this blog I pray it is this: YOU HAVE TO STOP VOTING FOR THESE PEOPLE. 

Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are now obliged to fight. Many thanks to readers for supporting 99EndOf throughout the last two years. Our existence depends on visitors spreading the links and information among friends and colleagues. Please do likewise whenever you can. This is a time to prepare ourselves for what is inevitably coming. Your help, as always, is very much appreciated.


  1. Good writing. We need stronger Nationalist Ideology to keep culture alive in Europe or North America.

    1. Nationalism, however, is no longer permitted in white countries. The Brexit vote -the strongest natoinalist statement made in the UK for centuries- was rewarded with a tenfold increase in immigration and no discerniblle sign of actual separation from the EU global agenda. The election of Trump -a very clear call for nationalism- was greeted with a worldwide concerted campaign of lies and disinformation on a scale never before seen, and the Covid hoax launched to accelerate the drive to a borderless world with an unelected global government. I fear it's too lare for nationalism -at least where Britain and the USA are concerned.

  2. So true people not watching


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