Britain Is A Zombie State Run By Remote Control

Reviewing the extraordinary sequence of recent events, anyone can see that Britain is no longer governed from within, but controlled from elsewhere. Which begs the question: who exactly is running the country? In the 21st century, a variety of individuals, corporations and organisations are known to control more wealth than most of the world's nation states -and Britain is not a large or resource-rich country. To identify our 'invisible masters' we must direct our attention towards the super-rich global elite and their international networks. So lets take a look.

We all prefer villains to have a name and a face; it's very tempting to personalise our enemies. Yet the more celebrated international power-brokers -Zuckerberg, Gates, Schwab, Musk etc. are by no means the most senior players, just the most conspicuous. These individuals are, however, part of a much larger matrix, in which anonymity is the preferred option. The real global power is invariably of the familial or corporate nature. There are three species of senior global power now in operation, all of them spawned in the aftermath of world war two. The first is perhaps the simplest. 



It was President Eisenhower, in a farewell speech to the American public, who warned of the imminent rise of a Miltary Industrial Complex. His warning went unheeded, by the 1960's the mightiest businesses on the planet were the arms manufacturers. The cream of the Nazi science & technology experts had been secretly absorbed into the post-war American Defense industry. The destructive power demonstrated at Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the USA had initiated an arms race that would dominate international politics for the next 44 years. Between them, the USSR and the United States accumulated insanely exaggerated arsenals of nuclear weapons, aircraft, submarines, carriers and rockets. As a consequence, the wealth and power of the Military Industrial Complex is almost beyond imagining. 

The arms trade depends on war, and through its well-paid political operatives, has ensured there was never a shortage of expensive slaughter to keep business booming. Vietnam created the first billionaire corporations, Iraq the first billionaire CEOs. There is no better -more sordid- example than the current 'war' in Ukraine -a transparently ridiculous hi-tech conflict that shames everyone involved. But to the Military Industrial Complex, it's just business as usual. America alone has coughed up over $50 BILLION already, the majority of which passes through the hands of mass-murder experts like Raytheon and BAE Sytsems. Hundreds of billions more are changing hands, as the war industry leaps into the latest financial bonanza with glee.      

The military Industrial Complex operates above and beyond the reach of governmental or international law. Indeed, NATO, the UN and the EU are the physical manifestations of the MIC in action. Over half the 'elected' members of the American Senate are bought-and paid-for stooges of the arms industry, and will contrive and promote their wars of choice like the loyal employees they are.   


Britain's biggest export is arms, and has been for fifty years. Take a look at the -very recently upgraded- website of BAE Systems, Britain's global front-runner in the field of violent mechanised death. [CLICK HERE]  Spend two minutes on the BAE site, and it becomes abundantly clear that BAE and the so-called British government are one and the same. In 2016 alone, BAE sold $22 billion worth of armaments. BAE's biggest customer, of course, is the Pentagon. No organisation or country on earth possesses or purchases more arms than the Pentagon. Laundering the cash through BAE and the Bank of England, the Pentagon is effectively Britain's bank manager.

To see how this works, we note the Bank of England had only two governors between 2003 and 2020: Mervyn King and Mark Carney. King was a lifelong Yankophile, having both studied at Harvard and taught at the Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he shared a desk with future Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.  After leaving the Bank of England, in 2014 King was appointed a post at the New York Stern School of Business. 

Mervyn King's successor at the Bank of England , Mark Carney, was a Canadian who, like King, graduated from Harvard. Carney had spent 13 years with Goldman Sachs, the notorious 'vampire squid' of American finance, but took over as Governor of the Bank of England in 2012, where he remained for the next eight years. Clearly well-informed, Carney quit the bank on March 16th 2020, and left the UK -exactly one week before Boris Johnson announced  the first Covid lockdown. The Governorship passed to lifelong Bank of England employee, Andrew Bailey. Bailey was clearly tasked with doing nothing at all but keep quiet for two years while first Sajid Javid and then Rishi Sunak disembowelled Britain's economy. 

In early 2022, by ushering in the Ukraine conflict the Pentagon kept Europe in the state of societal shock begun with covid. The Pentagon is now concentrating on bankrupting all the important economies on the continent, ensuring our collective servitude for the foreseeable future. The sabotage of the Nordstream pipeline was merely one of several steps being taken with that aim.  

Across the Atlantic then -at the Pentagon- we find the location of the first of the three secret controllers of Britain, its economy and its political agenda. To emphasise the scale of Pentagon financial clout, consider the following numbers. In 2001, the day before the World Trade Centre attacks of  9/11, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld made a truly amazing speech at the Pentagon. He confessed/lamented that an attempted audit of Pentagon finances had revealed that a scarcely believable $2.3 TRILLION was unnaccounted for. Of course, after the horrific events of the following day's, this collosal fraud never became headline news.

By 2019 estimates of the Pentagon's total of missing dollars had risen to £21 TRILLION.  [CLICK HERE]  The Pentagon has NEVER supplied balanced accounts, despite being 'constitutionally obliged by law' to do so. This tells you all you need to know: the Pentagon is bigger than the US government.  By coincidence (not) in 2019 the US government turned around 50% of the Treasuries market 'dark'  - politispeak for 'nobody gets to see where the money goes'. This got the Pentagon off the hook and the nerve-centre of the American war-machine was free to write blank cheques from here to Armaggeddon. If the Pentagon can lift two fingers to the US government, you can see why it views Britain as little more than a conveniently-parked aircraft-carrier.


By the end of world war two, the concept of biological warfare was embedded in the psyche of all militarised countries. As with the arms industry, the evil brilliance of Nazi science was quickly co-opted into secretive American experimental laboratories. Vast stockpiles of engineered and weaponised disease were created, including various strains of Anthrax, Botulism, Plague and god knows what else. In the process of creating the new bio-weapons, there were inevitable spin-offs and breakthroughs as new technology uncovered the complex secrets of human biology. The late twentieth century business-model was the art of turning science into money, and the opportunities were almost unlimited. 
Consumers became swamped by an avalanche of cures and medications -some beneficial, others of dubious value - as the commercial potential of 'making sick people healthy' exploded.
The pharmaceutical industry was not, however, blind to the inbuilt contradiction of their trade. There was a lot more money in sickness and disease than in 'curing' people. Healthy people won't be buying your products. Far better to create medication-addicted populations who would be lifelong customers -willing or not.
This is the an aspect of human nature from which we instinctively shy away: evil for profit. Even those engaged in the process tell themselves they are innocent. The employees of BAE systems smiling on the company's upbeat web-pages do not lie awake every night worrying that theirs are the wages of death and destruction. It's just a job, after all. 
In the same way, the employees at Pfizer and Moderna rationalise their place in the scheme of things. It's the management who market dangerous fake covid-cures that do more harm than good, not the office-staff. 
But a certain percentage of all populations are psychopaths, and such people are drawn into businesses like arms and drugs by the fantastic opportunities to profit from the deliberate creation of human suffering -as both the Miltary Industrial Complex and Big Pharma do. In moral terms, and in practise, many pharmaceutical companies are the industrial equivalent of inner-city crack-dealers. Except the Pharma dealers are never jailed, just occasionally fined when their customers are killed and maimed.
Big Pharma was at the very core of the Covid hoax in every country -in fact, the abomination of the coronavirus hysteria revealed the astonishing power Big Pharma wields on the levers of international power. 
When the pandemic was officially launched in March 2020, all the necessary Pharma operatives were already in place -in the manufacturing industry, the academic world, the media, the medical profession and the British government itself. Various elite colleges in Oxford, for example, had been thoroughly infested with Big Pharma money and agents in preparation for the plandemic. That was hardly surprising, as many chief operators were Oxbridge products themselves. In Britain, Oxford was the hub of the Covid hoax, and the list of associated collaborators begins with Boris Johnson (graduate) and Professor Neil Ferguson- the Gates Foundation stooge who curated both the UK's worst virus disasters (foot and mouth and covid-19) at home on his laptop.   
The global hub, however -the beating heart of the hoax- was the Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States, which is next door to Harvard University. Just as the Pentagon is America's military HQ, the MIT is the headquarters of Big Pharma. We covered the significance of this Pharma-infested elite institution in depth at the time... -[CLICK HERE] and also [HERE]
It's increasingly difficult to separate the pharmaceutical industry from the military, as both pursue profit through suffering, ideally on a global scale. This was perfectly summed up in April when Russia pointed out to the UN that America had an entire network of bio-weapons research facilities operating on Ukrainian territory, bordering Russia. Our report can be read [HERE].  
For the second source of external control over Britain, look no further than the MIT/Harvard scientific elite which has produced most of the technological evils this century.            


Inevitably, the third string of external control over Zombie Britain originates in Silicon Valley, from where the digital overlords have generated a worldwide web of control over the information and communication processes on which all western citizens have been trained to rely. By a gradual process of seduction, we have been lured into a screen-centred existence which exploits human weakness to fragment our families and communities. Under the guise of 'personal autonomy' billions have become convinced that life centres on the smartphone in their pocket. 

Potential resistance from among the younger generation (to the rise of global governance) was cleverly undermined by promoting digital communication as the most important interaction. The result was that actual dissent became replaced with virtue-signalling on social media. The sucess of mass-media indoctrination can be measured by the enthusiasm displayed by the handful of energetic young protesters for mainstream elite policies. Mass migration, feminisation of males, a borderless world, the end of national identity, eco-fascism to prevent climate change...the kids check every box on the globalist bingo card. 

Although we tend to think of laptop headliners like Facebook, Google and Youtube at the core of big Tech, the reality is much more pervasive as companies like Palantir, Paypal and Stripe gradually grow in power and influence, virtually unnoticed. Palantir in particular has become a global powerhouse with hardly any public awareness of its extraordinary outreach. To see our coverage of Palantir's NHS info-guzzling role in Britain during the Covid era, CLICK HERE.  

But what is inescapable is the bitter truth that all western online activity is controlled, filtered, sold, censored and, when wished, disappeared by the IT collective in Silicon Valley. With the power to frame all public opinion within their own desired limits, Big Tech can justify war, invent plague, shut down economies and swing 'elections' at will.     


All three of the above named organisations are American. All have their fingers deep in the British political pie, but that is not to say that our zombie nation is purely under US control. Increasingly, it appears the internal infrastructure of the United States has in large part been sold out like our  own. The pernicious influence of China manifests itself in huge -and increasing- land purchases across the States, and there are suspicions that tens of thousands of acres more are Chinese-owned through proxy agents within the continent. Across the globe, it is increasingly uncertain where China stops and global capitalism starts. The German government has approved the sale of a 25% share of the seaport of Hamburg to China's largest shipping company. [DETAILS HERE] Hamburg is the second largest port in Europe. Given that Germany's economy is on the brink of meltdown, the implications are obvious.

To understand how power and politics operate in the modern era, we must dispense with the ongoing illusion that western countries are genuinely 'independent' and 'democratic'. This comforting myth has persisted since world war two, albeit for good reason. From an elite perspective, public faith in democracy made social-control relatively easy, and allowed true, international power to be quietly centralised. While the 'little people' preened beneath their national flags, the global economic landscape was being quietly re-arranged behind their backs. 

Regular 'elections' ensured that for decades, inhabitants of the 'free west' truly believed themselves to be masters of their own destiny: when things deteriorated, you could always 'vote the bastards out'.  Endless home-grown propaganda about liberty and freedom from the massively expanded media matrix reassured generations of Europeans that our countries were special -and on a completely different course from Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc.

The collapse of the Berlin Wall -and that of the USSR- shattered the comfortable status quo in which  elders of the European tribe had been privileged to live. Few of us realised it but from 1989 on, the 'free west' was fixed on a collision course with the clandestine global control-grid being constructed behind closed doors. While we were busy watching TV and holidaying on each other's beaches,  the World Bank, IMF, United Nations, NATO and the EU were merging and submerging like some monstrous deep-water iceberg. Late to the party, the WHO and WEF are scrambling for a slice of the action.

Launched into deep water by Covid-19,  the free peoples of the west are now conscripted passengers on a 21st century Titanic, speeding towards that huge, icy rock, the tip of which we can only begin to glimpse. It might just be time for us to get up out of the deckchairs.

Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are now obliged to fight. Our existence depends on visitors spreading the links and information among friends and colleagues. Please do likewise whenever you can. This is a time to prepare ourselves for what is inevitably coming. Your help -and when possible, support- is as always, is very much appreciated. 


  1. Good analysis IA-P. None of this is new to me but needed to be brought together to remind me that all of this started many years ago. Long before nazi Germany, even before Napoleon. The deluge of information and sheer bad news, both real and imagined, distracts me from seeing the big picture. How far does this go back? Can we go back to the founding of the infamous international banking family R*******? Even further to the Ashkenazi emergence, sitting between Arabia and Russia? Or even to ancient Babylon, Semiramis, Nimrod and all that? It's said that Semiramis ruled as regent an empire which stretched from the Arabian peninsula to the Caucuses. Russia again. Napoleon tried it and failed, we tried it and the Light Brigade went down in history along with cardigans and balaclavas. Hitler had a go and failed. What is it about Russia? Maybe Mackinder had a point when he surmised that who controls the heartland (central and eastern Europe) controls the continent and thereby the world. It seems that America wants to have a go now, aided reluctantly by some Western nations and eagerly by others.

    Sorry about the drivel above, needed to get it off my chest. Going to listen to Hawkwind's We Took the Wrong Step Years Ago. That'll help no end.

    Stay healthy good sir and keep up the good work.


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