The World We Knew Is Going and Something Far Worse Being Prepared

For several years I have been warning that the newspapers, television and internet news-sites have been merging into one large propaganda-factory which combines to broadcast a unified -but entirely fake- version of the real world. More than once I have suggested we are, as a result, on the brink of a kind of collective psychological breakdown, in which society will divide in two.  One -a confused, zombie-like mob, will be hypnotically obsessed by their daily diet of imaginary tales, and  the other -a bitter, angry group- will percieve themselves better off believing nothing at all. Events of the last few weeks suggest that day has arrived.


A quick tour around the 'news' producers is both frightening and revealing. For the laziest, passive consumers, the internet of Google, Youtube etc. now functions like a gigantic one-stop censorship hub where reality is is entombed beneath a mountain of digital cement. Any online attempt to promote  dissent from the mythical 'consensus' to the public attracts an astonishing range of trouble. 

This year alone has been an education for the likes of myself. Youtube deleted certain important videos without a hint of warning or explanation -simply memory-holed while I slept. On various occasions, posts on this blog -99EndOf- suddenly evaded the algorithm and I watched, delighted, as they began to go viral.  And each time this triggered the sudden descent of an impenetrable curtain of digital cloaking, to erase my new readership and push me even deeper into the digital ghetto to which I have been assigned. To rub it in, at one point Paypal temporarily suspended our account for no discernable reason at all, thus severing the only possibility of external support. Such grim manoeuvres are not, it seems, limited to hobbling the efforts of large, high-profile dissenters -in 2022 no minnow is too small to escape the stomp of the internet jackboot.


Although I observe them only from a distance (to avoid contamination) I know that television and radio maintain a mindless round-the-clock advertising campaign, broadcasting headlines, slogans and catch-phrases to validate the most absurd propaganda by a process of endless repetition. But TV news is now only connected to reality by flimsy threads of hastily-manufactured narrative. I will offer just one very current example. The ridiculous antics of the globalist-sponsored puppet-protest groups -XR, Just Oil, Meat is Murder etc- are invariably screened on prime-time news, and the televisual message is both stark and subliminal. What a curious form of 'protest' has now bloomed, where the 'protesters' demand an acceleration of every pre-existing  global agenda: More refugees now! Jail the Climate Deniers! Bankrupt everyone to solve the 'energy crisis' and the 'food shortage'!  

Cue the usual work-shy puppets glueing themselves to something somewhere inconvient to the public. But the TV cameras will always be on hand to idolise these stick-insects clinging fast to the tarmac or the floor, while a row of friendly, disinterested police stand guard over their precious 'right to protest'. The viewers -god help them- are now impaled on the fiendish two-pronged TV fork. Seeing the police -passive, merely watching- the viewer is first enraged -why are these idiots not arrested and stopped? But even as the first prong bites, the viewer recoils and fling himself onto the second. I too am just watching, passively -like the police on the screen. Something must be done, Do something, somebody! 

And somebody will. It is so screamingly obvious that these contrived 'protests' will be funded, policed and continued until -when the time is deemed right- some populist MP will be commanded to 'stand up for the public' and introduce a new law to 'place new limits on public protest'. This law, of course, will then be used to forever silence the genuine dissent of those who can see tomorrow's Communistic tyranny coming over the hill on stilts. Just as they learned during the Covid hoax, the sheep will have  clamoured for their own herding. Police me harder, daddy!    


Saddest of all the fake-news sources are the former newspapers, which now resemble comic-books created for particularly slow children who cannot be expected to read and think at the same time. For example, in the cartoon-world of newsprint, the only war on earth that matters is the squabble over voting rights for ethnic Russians living in Ukraine. Now, as readers who can remember the Troubles in our own Northern Ireland, although a certain amount of violence is inevitable when neighbouring tribes disagree, there are limits to how important such conflicts should be internationally. 

The military 'line in the sand' placed in Ukraine by the Anglo/American war machine is actually just a blank cheque drawn on the Bank of You and Me. Twenty-odd western nation states must be brought to their knees and their peoples pauperised so that Ukraine can hang on to a crowd of Russians smaller than the population of Manchester? If you'll believe that you'll believe anything -and it seems that plenty do.

But in the Times,Guardian, Telegraph and all the other turgid tabloid rags, the controlled demolition of our collective future is just great. Every day in the la-la land of Fleet Street, in words small enough for six-year-olds, Ukraine deals yet another 'blow' in The War That Putin Can't Win. And every day the loathesome Zelensky rattles his begging-bowl for the presstitutes and every day another truckload of taxpayer's cash goes East never to return, while the journo-slobs who lie for a living dribble about 'standing up to the Russian Bear' when most of them couldn't stand up to urinate. 

On the same front page which announced that anonymous wonks of Westminster had chucked their very own Prime Minster on the garbage heap, the Daily Telegraph howled in horror about the 'naked corruption' in China, where their ex-Prime Minister was 'physically removed" from their Parliament by the Head Honcho. Readers with a functioning brain could see two identical stories on the same page, one west, one east, but irony is obviously a think too far for Telegraph fans. Who were once, let us remember, viewed as the best-educated in Britain.


Superficially amusing, this is far from a trivial situation. The gulf between reality and the imaginary world of mass-media has created a very dangerous chasm - into which the remnants of a free society could easily topple.  Totalitarian states are not born overnight, they creep into place one 'crisis' at a time. It seems certain that those who are committed to their belief in mediated reality will sit hypnotised as bit by bit their freedoms and (relative) prosperity vanish in favour of engineered recession and gradual digital enslavement. The collectivist hells of Nazis, Stalinists and Maoism overtook their populations by stealth.  It wasn't the Russian revolution that created the hideous nightmare of the USSR, but the subsequent normalisation of censorship, groupthink and dictatorship.

In the throes and woes of Covid-19 we were exposed to a trial-run for what is most certainly coming and coming fast. But, like a population of blinded rabbits on some digitised motorway staring fixedly at the approaching headlights, a mass of frightened, ignorant people sit dumbly entranced by the spectacle, as if the disaster can be wished away. 

Twice within seven weeks Britain has woken up to a Prime Minister appointed by a privileged few instead of democratic vote. Four of the last five UK PMs reached the office that way. America has a  powerless dementia victim pretending to be President. Canada, Australia and New Zealand are in the hands of blatant psychopaths. 

No amount of media spin can disguise the fact that the end of western democracy is upon us -and another form of governance will quickly take its place. Drunk on money and power, the real controllers of global events can no longer be bothered to present credible puppets for us to worship. A new shadow is falling upon Europe. Something very large and potentially game-changing is in the pipeline, and beneath the smokescreen of the quietly escalating conflict in Ukraine, almost no madness can be ruled out. 

Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are now obliged to fight. Our existence depends on visitors spreading the links and information among friends and colleagues. Please do likewise whenever you can. This is a time to prepare ourselves for what is inevitably coming. Your help -and when possible, support- is as always, is very much appreciated. 


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