All the World's Losers and Zeros Flock to Schwab's Davos Pantomime

While openly positioning themselves as a respectable, powerful group with a shrewd inside grasp of geopolitics, the World Economic Forum's 2023 assembly of third-rate celebrity big-mouths has made them an international laughing stock. I had intended to do daily reports on the Davos highlights, but so much of the show was beyond tedium there wasn't enough material to justify the manpower. (Possibly there wasn't enough manpower either but it's been about minus three this last week and my brain freezes around 2 degrees.)

I confess I was a touch puzzled when they wheeled Tony Blair out into the daylight from his windowless suite in the lair of the Lizard People, just to push global vaccine-passports. When you're trying to make a case for authoritarian tyranny, placing a globally despised war-criminal up front won't inspire much confidence in the programme. 

Equally absurd was the spectacle of Saint Greta of the Polar Bears, who found herself relegated to a kiddie-panel composed of earnest-looking juveniles even less impressive than the autistic eco-pixie herself. Perched like skinny crows on a row of ghastly bar-stools, it looked eerily like those cringe-fest TV 'debates' politicians have to decide who get to read the leader's script. Quite likely it was an audition of likely teen-marvels competing to be the next Greta, but it was such an unpleasant sight I fled the scene and never found out.

But the gold ring for stupidity went to the WEF's tone-deaf re-launch of mister potato-head himself. What planet must the WEF inhabit to put failed CNN talking head Brian Stelter -one of the most untrustworthy dumbos in television history- in charge of a discussion about 'disinformation and hate speech'?  Stelter's ill-starred career was so clownish that youtube commentor Mark Dice garnered several million more views with his satirical "Little Brian Stelter" videos than CNN managed with Stelter's actual primetime news-show. Incredibly, Dice achieved this -with videos made on a laptop in his own kitchen- simply by speaking Stelter's own words, pitched an octave higher than Stelter's already near-falsetto pitch.  [CLICK HERE for an example]

Apart from the absurdity of havng a fake-news specialist chairing a panel on disinfo, footage of this crass WEF event itself reveals that it consists of around two-dozen air-headed arse-licking suits gathered in a cramped auditorium - like a team-bonding seminar for insurance salesmen in somewhere like Mohawk Colorado. [CLICK HERE to view]. Far from exposing a secret cabal of global powerbrokers, it resembles a chunk of discarded CCTV from the average Wednesday afternoon in assembly room#2 at a Holiday Inn. 

In such lacklustre performances, we see only the smokescreen -and it ain't a great one- erected at Davos to conceal the grubby reality of clapped out, well-connected zombies like Tony Blair and Al Gore greasing up to the wanabee Presidents of 2030 in locked rooms, wheedling and bribing. Just as there is a theatre of government (e.g. "live TV from Parliament") there is, naturally, a separate forum entirely, where real decisions happen, after hours of negotiations which are never broadcast, and are recorded only for blackmail purposes.     


To put the above observations in context, it is not coincidental that during Davos 2023, a number of high-profile former WEF insiders are being slung out of their seats on the globalist gravy train -Jacinda Adern and Nadhim Zahawi- for example. This is simply the reshuffling of the deck, as ready-made successors for such creatures are churned out of the WEF like rancid peas from a rancid pod. 

Where the noxious Adern is concerned, her public claims of resignation from ruling New Zealand like a queendom due to 'burn out' are about as convincing as her bug-eyed stare. She has, of course, been ordered to sling her hook (like Boris Johnson, like Liz Truss, like Joe Biden is now being slung) by the Powers That Have No Name. As always, a new face has already been lined up.

Back in Blighty, the disgusting carpetbagger known as Nadhim Zahawi has been shafted from within the system (the headline claims 'tax evasion' -like they don't all do that) by one of his UK rivals with an eye on a top job. Here you see traditional WEF tentacles in play, heaving out the political dead wood while the rubes watch the 'Disinformation Panel' or cream themselves at the latest instalment of Greta and the Cool Kids.  


I received an email this week from a long-standing subscriber who lamented the difficulty of getting non-conformist comments posted  on various online platforms. Having fought this particular e-war for over four years, I sympathised. For the benefit of those who haven't had the experience of watching their personal contributions shot down in real time, I offer the following report.

Today (January 21st 2023) I came across a Youtube video by the excellent Simon Webb in which he covered the cynical attempt by vaccine-manufacturer Moderna to exploit the covid hysteria to launch a new range of mRNA ju-ju jabs on a gullible public. [See it HERE].

Of course, his video was trumped with the compulsory Youtube /NHS BLUE MESSAGE attached to it, referring viewers to the NHS for all truth and wisdom on anything covid. Here is a screenshot of this common  phenomenon...


Now, having viewed Simon's video and being largely in agreement with his stated view that Moderna were gearing up for a profit-focussed vaccine sales-drive, I thought I might usefully direct he and his followers to an article I posted here in January 2019 (14 months pre-pandemic). In that year,  I warned my readers that a major plague-hype was imminent, and that it would be followed by an all-out attempt at organising universal compulsory vaccination. [That CLASSIC post can be read HERE]

So I typed a quote from that 2019 article into the Comment section below Simon's video, including a link to the original post. Here is a screenshot of what happened within five seconds of my uploading that comment...


As may be seen, the automated youtube censorship algorithm kicked in instantaneously, striking through 75% of the text, literally as soon as it was typed. To add insult to injury, I refreshed the page (30 seconds later) to find that the entire comment had now vanished completely, memory-holed, unread, never to be seen again. Verboten. Readers may judge for themselves whether the above comment was beyond the pale -a wild conspiracy theory promoting disinformation- bearing in mind what happened a year after I wrote those words, and that the (hyped) pandemic and the subsequent vaccination cash-bonanza are matters of indisputible fact.

Such is the online hell-hole in which we toil. The truth is now legless, but the lie has leathery wings.

Ian Andrew-Patrick

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