What's in a name? Not a lot, whenever "world"  appears in your title. World Bank, World Health Organisation, World Economic Forum -all three of these names certainly suggest they are truly 'global' entities, but are they? Do they in any way 'represent' the interests of the entire world? The answer is a resounding NO, NYET, NEIN! These groups represent simply their own wet-dreams, BUT! -they very much want you to think otherwise. This week the WEF in particular is busting a gut to persuade you their power-fantasy is very, very real.

There are probably better ways to spend a Monday evening in chilly January, but as it happens I spent last night reading the 18th edition of THE GLOBAL RISKS REPORT so you don't have to. This monstrosity is an annual publication prepared by the crystal-ball-scratchers at the World Economic Forum. I'm guessing they released it now to get their biggest week of the year off to a flying start. I downloaded it from their website, and couldn't help noticing that I'm forbidden to reproduce any bit of it without prior permission from the WEF. It says so right there on page two. 

There is no description of what terrible punishments would be inflicted on me if I dared to do such an outrageous thing, but readers and subscribers should be aware that (a) I will indeed reproduce chunks of it for your entertainment starting today, and (b) when they lock me in the WEF dungeon and get out the torture equipment I'll never -ever- give them your email addresses, cross my heart and hope to die. [Brave truth warriors are invited to download the Report for themselves by clicking HERE].

So let's get started. We'll skip chapter one (Today's Crises) because you know perfectly well what they are. Instead, let's plough straight into the fabulous fantasy future outlined for us on the intro page of chapter two, namely- 

"Global Risks 2033: Tomorrow's Catastrophes" 

The Davos prophets pull out three real eyecatchers in this nerve-shredding summary, kicking off with everyone's favourite, the threat of unstoppable environmental disaster, titled : "Natural Ecosystems: Past the Point of No Return" (eat your heart out Greta Thinkborg). 

It's all downhill from there, apparently, because no sooner have we passed the point of no return than we are confronted with "Human Health: Perma-Pandemics and chronic capacity challenges".

Wowza! Pandemics that never end -wouldn't that be something? (Somewhere in a top-secret chalet on a Swiss mountainside, Klaus Schwab and Pfizer boss Albert Bourla are sharing a hot-tub, roaring with laughter and soaping each other's hairy backs while Bill Gates dog-paddles in the foam between their knees.

By this stage -an unsaveable planet and an uncurable plague, you'd think the prospect of 2033 would be dreadful enough, but no - the WEF sees a third -suspiciously non-specific- catastrophe on the horizon: "Human Security: New Weapons, New Conflicts." Hmmm. Bit of a no-brainer, that one. You could have made that prediction every decade since 1880 and never missed. We shall, however, be returning to the issue of who exactly writes this kind of fluff shortly.

But what, we are entitled to ask, is in the actual report itself? The meat and potatoes, as it were? (Or the plant-based vegan alternative). Well, with all the panache of a first-year student struggling to create a pie-chart, the WEF brainiacs launch chapter two's catalogue of impending nightmares with a handy list of their top ten catastrophic scenarios, arranged in order of severity. (This arrangement is, of course, supported by no data whatsoever, but presented as a fait accompli -just 'take their word' for it.)  One could be forgiven for thinking the WEF are tipping us off regarding which fake emergencies they think will best serve their purposes. 

But hard times require strong men, my friends. So, at the very real risk of trigging a potentially lethal WEF/SWAT attack on the armour-plated ramparts of my secret island hideaway, I hereby offer readers a screenshot of that terrifying list.


So, we can expect four large helpings of Climate Change then. 

Moving on swiftly, catstrophe #5 raised a hearty chuckle in the safe room of my heavily-defended fortress, as the threat of LARGE SCALE MIGRATION had mysteriously acquired the inexplicable word involuntary. Call me mister pernickety, but three weeks ago on Christmas Day, the British Ministry of Defence announced that during 2022, a whopping 45,756 people had "migrated" across the channel from France into the UK. Nobody anywhere has ever suggested that a single one of these forty-five thousand plus individuals made the short hop from France to Britain against their will. In fact, they were so keen on the idea, 75% of them had already navigated across five or more other, perfectly safe countries to reach the land of free everything. Nobody but a card-carrying Marxist or a hyper-woke halfwit could possibly call this unstoppable tsunami of benefit-tourism involuntary.  

And there is the rub: for such lightweight, gullible mugs are in fact the very lads and lasses who prepare documents like the WEF GLOBAL RISKS REPORT 2023. This, by the way, is not a conclusion I reached alone, but a slice of inside information which came straight from the horse's mouth. Twelve years ago a friend of mine -who had already attended a number of Davos WEF jamborees- spilled the beans to me regarding who writes the "papers" and "reports" pumped out by the globalist trumpeteers.  He'd just supplied four thousand words for one such report himself. 

This chap, for all his talents, had no relevant qualifications whatsoever, but was one of several dozen faceless pen-pushers tasked with producing a big chunk of waffle aimed at backing up the wish-list of his employer - a world-famous international NGO. Shortly afterwards, he was head-hunted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and he's back at Davos today, supplying the lyrics for His Master's Voice. Productions like the WEF RISK REPORTS are basically assembled by a small army of willing, well-paid gofers working to outlines dispatched to them from anonymous power-mad leeches who spend the Davos week  swapping fantasies,  plans, money, hookers and bodily fluids. These 'elite' characters have little time to waste on writing reports. 

[To see our in-depth profile of WEF boss Klaus Schwab CLICK HERE]

Once you realise how all this waffle is put together, the wafer-thin nature of the content becomes obvious. Straight in at #6 comes "Natural Resource Crises". A little on the retro side, this has strong echoes of the "peak oil" nonsense we were fed from about 1980 onward, when Klaus Schwab was still doing the rounds with his begging bowl and American six-year-olds had only recieved a paltry twelve vaccinations each. 

Number 7 is a real softball: "Erosion of Social Cohesion and Societal Polarization." Duh! Like we hadn't noticed. This kind of claptrap belongs in somebody's sixth-form essay collection in between "Systemic Racism" and "Gender Sudies for Juniors".

From here on you can just picture the Scribes of Davos sucking their thumbs and searching for three more existential threats to complete their vitally important list of ten -because ten's the magic number, presumably. So it is that "Widespread cybercrime and cyber-insecurity" limps in at #8, as if internet scams and online identity theft haven't been raging for the last twenty years.

"Geoeconomic confrontation" gets my 2023 prize for bloated English, having successfully transformed the phrase "trade wars" into a ten-syllable mouthful worthy of its place at #9 in the WEF threat parade.      

The tenth and final catastrophe pictured on the global horizon has the desperate air of some wretched intern still awake at 3 a.m. counting the hours to her WEF RISK REPORT deadline. Clutching one final straw, she types "Large Scale Environmental Damage Incidents" and gasps, her fingers raw on the laptop keyboard. She hits SAVE, then SEND and staggers through mounds of empty plastic coffee-beakers to her bed in a downmarket hotel room on the edge of town, near the airport. I wonder if anyone will notice that 'large-scale environmental damage incidents' happen all the time, and should therefore be topping the chart of the Decade of Doom, not propping it up? (Nordstream gas pipeline ruptures, volcanoes erupting, 50,000 tons of high explosives every day in the Ukraine, colossal weekly pollution output of Chinese industry, yada yada).  


Why, you may well ask, does the WEF produce such massive, meaningless documents at all? The answer is as infuriating as it is obvious :  for exactly the same reasons that the United Nations, the World Bank, the EU and your own sweet government  pump out equally gigantic slabs of impenetrable  over-written bilge. These pointless word-mountains (a) supply the interested and/or gullible with plenty of pompous-sounding nonsense to satisfy their curiosity and maintain the illusion that the producers are "serious thinkers" and (b) confirm that the authors (and their masters) are 100% loyal to the globalist creed, as every page is littered with the compulsory voodoo vocabulary: sustainible this and systemic that, Build Back Better etc. etc. 

It's all thick smoke and two-way mirrors. Look at this important report! shout the hucksters, while the real deals are done in bug-swept rooms behind triple-locked doors.  While the common herd pore over this mammoth exercise in distraction, and so-called "journalists" argue the toss about the small print like wanabee Popes decoding the Dead Sea Scrolls, the vampire squid running the WEF press on with grabbing as much wealth and power as they possibly can. The WEF RISK REPORT 2023 is a public relations release, and nothing more. 

Don't believe me? You can download it yourself at the link above - if you dare. 

Ian Andrew-Patrick

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