Does Everybody Want The Internet of Everything?

We live in the era of digital dilemmas. All of us bristling with devices; up to our necks in gadgets that amaze and frustrate us, surrounded by swarms of cameras and microphones much like the ones we carry in our pockets and bags. Every digital day we are drawn deeper into an enormous thrumming web of connectivity that we struggle to resist. In truth we are becoming adult children, dazzled by pretty coloured lights, stumbling along a pathway towards something we cannot picture, and a future we do not understand. This is the road to the Internet of Everything.


Last autumn I was in a small English village, looking for out-of-the-way places to walk dogs in private. I was -as often before- in charge of two well-meaning but hopelessly untrained pooches. To be honest I'd had enough of dragging them away from all the other animals and people they wanted to bark and lunge at during every trip outside. 

After a little solo prowling I found short-cuts into fields and overgrown country pathways where the larger inhabitants  -badgers, foxes etc- spend the daylight hours asleep under the ground. Problem solved, and the dogs loved their new adventurous walks as much as I did. Then one morning, in a meadow between an old bridle-path and a derelict farm, I noticed a rather peculiar-looking tree. 


Puzzled, I made my way towards it, and after a few steps, understood that this 'tree' was actually a fifty-foot concrete mast. On top of it were vaguely familiar shapes I remembered from a magazine article. It was, I realised, a 5G transmitter.  

Close up it was stunningly ugly, yet very obviously disguised to remain unnoticed if glimpsed from a distance. I had walked this very path twice already without spotting the thing.

I have worked in the adjacent village several months of every year since 2017.   How long, I wondered, had this monstrosity been lurking in the undergrowth? A spell of recreational drinking unearthed the answer (2018), and I learned that more than a few locals were aware of the phenomenon.


Now at this point, the tale takes a dark turn. Work takes me to a wide range of rural locations in the UK -places where practically nothing dramatic ever happens. In the two years before Covid, however, we had two separate exposures to the 'dead birds falling out of the sky' phenomenon. The second concerned a seaside town in Anglesey, the scene of a three week job in 2019. The prime dog-walking route led out of town by the ruined castle, up a winding country road filled with blackberry bushes to a hill overlooking the sea. Such an attractive walk that the details remain fixed in my memory. A month later, at home in Scotland, I saw a Youtube video about birds falling out of the Anglesey sky and immediately recognised the road we'd been walking. The road -in the video- was strewn with the dead bodies of dozens of starlings.    

My first encounter with the mysterious dead-birds trend had been a year earlier in 2018 - in that selfsame village where the 5G mast pictured above had (unbeknown to me)  been discreetly erected.  I can well remember how, in the very pleasant summer of 2018, the roadsides and hedgerows had been littered with dead sparrows, starlings and fat pigeons, although nobody seemed to know why.  

At the time, there was speculation online that the creeping advance of 5G installations was killing birds, and I made some notes with a view to researching the topic. In the years that followed, however, other irritations -the Mystery of the Vanishing Brexit, Trump Derangement Syndrome, the Coronapanto- kept me rather busy, and I shelved the subject. 

Until now. Last week we returned, yet again, to the Lincolnshire village and the badly-behaved dogs. A long drive is involved -a five-hour journey that includes a whopping, very boring stretch of the A1. It was here that I began to notice 5G masts lining the roadside. Dozens of them, some standing alone, some in groups of two or more. There was one every mile at least -sometimes every half-mile. 


Once you start noticing, you cannot stop; 5G masts are out and proud. Crossing the Pennine Way on the A66, the familiar landscape of rolling farmland and rugged, rocky hills was now studded with transmitters -some slap-bang in farmyards practically by the front door. It's no secret that 5G comes with extremely powerful radiation emissions; have gullible farmers been assured these things are harmless? The majority of large masts are on hilltops or steep banks but plenty of smaller ones -I have christened them "relays"- are up and running by bridges and industrial outbuildings.

Worse was to come on the return journey when I halted in a multi-storey car-park in central Glasgow. I emerged from the car on the fifth floor, with a panoramic view of the city-centre. Immediately opposite was a twenty-storey hotel -of a rather posh chain- with an enormous 5G transmitter squatting on its roof, less than ten metres from the top-floor rooms and suites.      

Driving around the city I saw masts on the roofs of over a dozen council-flat high-rises. In Duke Street, the abbatoir where I briefly worked half a century ago (to pay for my escape from Glasgow) has been demolished to make way for a housing complex aimed at accomodating the city's rapidly exploding population of young international nomads. The building isn't quite complete but the 5G masts most certainly are: 


So what, then, is 5G -and why is it suddenly everywhere? In our neck of the net, it appears that a company called Qualcomm is hurrying to claim the lion's share of the credit. (Click the link for their website). Being a 21st-century tech company, their sales-pitch is one of unlimited self-praise, in which their product is lauded in terms worthy of the Second Coming; a universal blessing that humanity must race to embrace. Like, say, Coca-Cola or Covid jabs. Here is a sample of their simplistic devotion to the 5G revolution...


There is a strange mixture of naivety and arrogance contained in Qualcomm's pitch - the assumption that everyone wants to be connected to "everything" including "machines, objects and devices". I can't quite recall voting in the Qualcomm referendum. Yet Qualcomm go wittering blithely past this anomaly as if it's an inarguable truth. Their miraculous 5G, we are told, is designed to make these connections-and by implication, will make them - whether we want them or not

Judging by the astonishing speed at which the transmitters and relays are now appearing, the matter has already been decided. Opting out isn't actually on the table. Unless you wanted to convert your home into a giant Faraday cage which would stop electro-magnetic fields from penetrating the premises, thereby severing yourself from all mobile-phone and internet services at a stroke. 

Not exactly a soft option, though, for modern Joe Citizen. Perhaps just a Faraday bedroom would be a good start. But what if you want to nip to the kitchen for a beer, say, without exposing yourself to the 5G barrage? Maybe the answer would be portable, short-term protection you could keep handy on the bedside table...something like...a tin-foil hat?        


Here, of course, is the nub of the issue. Hypothetically, it's an either /or decision -like being injected with mRNA gene-altering drugs- except we don't get any choice whatsoever about 5G. We are just expected to topple into the welcoming beams of Qualcomm irradiation and accept bland assurances that hoisting super-powerful 5G transmitters at 400 yard intervals across every square mile of the planet must be a great idea, connecting everyfink and everywun! In this scenario, you Get Boosted whether you like it or not.

On the other hand, we could ask politely if the 5G pushers could do some real, genuine in-depth long-term testing, just in case the radiation really does fry your brains after a certain amount of exposure. I mean, if it can kill birds stone dead in mid-air...

Surely Qualcomm could try it out somewhere full of cool and trendy people, like Hampstead Heath, or perhaps San Francisco? (Come to think of it, maybe they did). Is it really kosher to just shove the stuff right onto the rooftops of British council houses as if the people underneath were laboratory rats? Questions, questions.

There are, it seems, a rash of very important decisions being made about how life on earth will be organised, but none of them involve consulting the likes of you and me. So how much internet do we actually want? Personally, I was much happier in the pre-internet world. Even now, addicted as I certainly am, it is into the open air I go, when in need of clarity and sanity. The net gives and the net takes away, but not in equal measures; such is the nature of technocracy. 


Speaking of technocratic tyranny, there is something fundamentally wrong about creating an electro-magnetic field around all humanity, from which nobody can escape.  This is mandatory mass-irradiation, without prior consent. The so-called 'authorities' claim that since 2,3 and 4G mobile networks were rolled out and accepted, 5G should be no different. 

This is a false argument, for two reasons. First, the fact that governments have 'got away with' forcibly irradiating their citizens up to this point is not an argument or a justification for continuing evermore dangerous experiments. Secondly, the power of 5G is exponentially greater than any of the prior networks -with waves of radiation on a scale never before attempted. "Over 100 times faster than the current 4G network" claimed President Donald Trump when promising America a nationwide 5G rollout in 2019.       

If, however, we fixate on the health aspects of enduringing a massive leap in irradiation, we risk overlooking the potential nightmare scenario towards which a successful -global and universal- 5G network points. 

As the Qualcomm cheerleaders cheerfully explain, the system is designed to connect absolutely everyone to everything -nothing less. The logical consequence will be a technocratic tyranny in which literally everything we ever do will be recorded, to be assessed and used in evidence against us by the self-appointed global controllers. The grim experiences of 2020-22 demonstrate how swiftly the machinery of the digital state can be weaponised against the public -and how very eager our leaders are to treat us like property.  

This was part of the dark purpose behind the the clumsy -and temporarily stalled- grab at enforcing vaccine-passport restrictions by means of smartphone technology. Like the smartmeters and smart cars, these trinkets are manufactured and marketed specifically to ensnare us in an ever-shrinking web of total surveillance. I spent this Christmas in a house with a smart-fridge and a smart-door. The rooms were crawling with eminently hackable smart-securitycameras. [Read about that HERE] 5G, to be sure, is a globalist infowet-dream.      

Armed with the precise knowledge of how we pass every second of our lives -our exact levels of consumption, travel,  food choices, exercise, health, social and sexual interactions, weight, wealth possessions and intentions, we will be less free than sheep. In this cashless dystopia of permanent predatory surveillance, we are to be be threatened with fantastical catstrophes, shamed for non-conformity, fined, cancelled and caged for crimes against the climate, the earth, the state and its brainwashed servants. Courtesy of fifth generation signals. Is that enough internet for you?

In the second part of this two-post examination of 5G, however, we will take a deeper dive into the frantic global race to digitise our physical brains, and the steps we can take to derail that venomous conspiracy. Watch this space.

Ian Andrew-Patrick

Please do your best to share and re-post any articles or links of value that you find here. There is no agenda on this site and we support NO political ideology whatsoever. We support the individual, and the freedoms with which all individuals are born. Government is now the enemy of liberty. Your freedom will not be given back -it never has been, and never will be. Freedom must be taken.  


  1. U vill eat any shit ve say und be happy!
    Take a look at the transparent part of the £20 note . There is something resembling a 5g tower which radiates with slight movement .WtF ?
    Mark Steele on Telegram reckons 5g reacts on the graphene in the jabs.

    1. Yes, Steele is not alone with that theory. From what I've read on 5G, the transmitters certainly have the potential to emit frequencies specific enough to energise nano-particles. I'm still waiting for conclusive proof of graphene in the jabs although it looks extremely likely. The mind boggles at what could yet be inflicted on people if it's true. Ian AP


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