The Nightmare World Of The Smartphone Children

Too late, we are learning how quickly the digital experience generates diabolical real-world consequences. Within what should be the safest of places -the family unit- a terrible mistake is being made. Driven by the primal urge to protect, parents are presenting each of their children with a DIY toolkit for confusion, insanity and abuse. Equipped with this psychological suicide-vest, the child is then pushed through the doors of an indoctrination centre where fanatics will spend a decade perverting its tiny mind. This is the nightmare world of the smartphone children.

If Satan existed -and you are at liberty to believe he does- we can be certain his every last disciple would be carrying a smartphone. It's hard to imagine a faster method of recruiting demons for Hell than the universally-approved, must-have digital dildo that (apparently) nobody can function without.

Children deserve better -and they damn well used to to get it. Two thousand years ago parents on the lowest rungs of the social ladder understood that exercise and fresh air were essential for young humans to grow, learn and flourish. As recently as the 1990's being 'sent to your room' was considered a punishment for adolescents. Today, it's a rare teenager who can be seduced out of the solitary self-hypnosis achievable in their bedroom without the incentive of food, drink or meds. Their world has shrunk to the dimensions of a plastic biscuit. For many, simply being separated from the phone is a  procedure bordering on surgical. 

What looked -briefly- like a passing phase, an over-reaction to novelty, is now a looming catastrophe. Deserted playing fields, empty football pitches, derelict playgrounds; everywhere we look there is little or no juvenile enthusiasm for anything further away than a screen. The billions of us who have lived on both sides of the internet revolution stare in disbelief at the collapse in intelligence that has followed. I meet recent university graduates who have the active vocabulary of twentieth-century twelve year-olds. Yet every last one can -and does- efforlessly navigate the virtual universe of their smartphone for endless precious hours as if prodding tiny plastic keys entails a journey to somewhere far better than the material world.  


Detaching the public from reality has become the sole purpose of government, and the process begins at school. The public education syllabus has been captured by a matrix of media designed to push upon the most gullible, least critical members of society -children- a non-stop digital narrative that describes only itself. 

Education has morphed into a calculated exercise in dumbing-down by weaponising confusion and fear. Catapulted into a swirling vortex of virtual realities -  delusional genderspeak and engineered  emergencies to name just two- children retreat to the only thing they can actually control: the flickering images on a hand-held screen. Off the leash in the howling emptiness of social media they are free to roam on a virtual headscape in which everyone stars in their own TV series -a fraudulence which feels, to these  emotional cripples, like the ultimate success. 

Carefully prepped for social isolation in the educational dunce-factories, these philosophically-hobbled young adults hasten to shut the door upon the outside world, armed with ready-made excuses that make virtues out of vices. The societal 'leaders' they glimpse online between visits to Instagram parrot the same fairy stories as the 'teachers' who spent the previous decade addling their wits. No 'senior' politician speaks to any subject beyond the groupthinker's wish-list which they are instructed to promote. 

As a direct consequence, youngsters become so bloated by the enforced diet of overblown lies that most  will eagerly submit to the agenda of the false world portrayed on the screens, because that's less effort and socially more acceptable than exploring the territory of the real one.  

It's in this context that we witness the ascent of the living woke, a generation of zombified, greenhoused perma-brats, heads bulging with off-the-peg answers for all the problems that don't matter, and gaps the size of canyons where logic and reason should be. They are as blameless as they are shameless, because the architecture of morality and social responsibility vanished into the memory-hole during the headlong rush to declare all living humans equal. Which apparently requires the elevation of fetish and perversion to the level of a common good.


The smartphone children did not create this nightmare; they were ushered into it by lazy, decadent adults who tasted the early fruits of the internet and saw no spiders lurking in the web. It's easy to underestimate the part-time nature of most working people's interaction with the internet; only the wealthy, unemployed or retired have the necessary leisure to assess the nature of the experience in depth. Everybody else is seeing just the tip of a dark, malevolent iceberg.

Equally, the undoubted benefits (for busy workers) of online shopping, booking and news aggregation creates an illusion of generality and convenience that disguises the insidious true nature of the net: a fiercely controlled medium that poses as a neutral environment and a welcoming facility. The manipulations, traps and pitfalls are, by design, concealed, underplayed and under-reported. Parents cannot teach their children how to navigate the digital depths because they themselves are skipping across the surface of oceans they have never mapped. 

Unless mature people stop fast-forwarding their infantile offspring into the gaping maw of the digital dragon, the next generation will be doomed to a desperate, shallow existence on the frigid fringes of a reality they will never know, much less experience. There is no virtue in the virtual, but the clock ticks faster every day. Resist, my friends, resist and refuse.

Ian Andrew-Patrick

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  1. Sadly, as we have all witnessed, true.


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