Europe Collapsing Into the Black Hole of Ukraine.

Yesterday, driving past the entrance to a small hotel in the midlands, I glimpsed one of those sodden, dog-eared squares of blue and yellow that represents the British public's dwindling rump of enthusiasm for the money-laundering racket still being marketed as 'the Ukraine War.' Times are changing. Significantly, this ongoing swindle can now be pushed off the front pages by fluff as grubby as Matt Hancock's Watsapp content or Gary Lineker's career prospects. Suddenly, they don't want us looking at Ukraine -and for good reasons.

Private jets are jumping in the sun over the equator, as billionaires chase their wealth around the globe, as their satellites weave invisible webs of sleek irradiation in the neverending race to control every last bloody thing. Power and money dissolve in the digital dawn, transformed into stardust by the heat of electronic suns; the ions swirl and spit as the jets cruise over sleeping continents, while the non-essential by-products spurting in their wake (fumes, waste, dirt, cancer, human bones and blood)  go corkscrewing down the Black Hole of Ukraine.

It's a grand old time to be a globalist. No taxes to pay, open borders in every direction, unlimited credit from your friends in the banking imaginary money business, and about three billion hypnotised  consumers prodding cash at you with their telephonically-inclined forefingers.  The bankrupting of both Europeans and Americans is in full swing, and there's no better way to wash your dirty money than finessing into Switzerland via Ukraine. Zelensky PLC only takes a modest few million here and there; call it a 'handling' fee...)

All the political parties belong to the WEF and the mighty internet is in your pocket, complete with pay-as-you-go censorship and instant cancellation for wrongthinkers. 

It was bad enough when the public more or less believed the headline news and the government took advantage by 'spinning' stories accordingly. Now even  the spinners are redundant, because flat-out lies can be fed straight into the smartphone-sized slot in the modern citizen's brain -the one marked 'news'. (You can find it in your Settings in between Instagram and the Amazon app.)  

Two quick Prime Ministerial examples from yesterday's papers: 

Okay, this is an in-your face classic falsehood. The only thing UK taxpayers should pay to 'defend' is, of course, our national border. We used to do it ever few decades, with astounding success, for several hundred years until the flourishing of a certain Tony Blair. Since then government.orgy has decided to stop defending the borders. 

Sunak -that posturing ball of ghee- is lying in his gigantic teeth. This £5bn will NOT be spent on preventing the ongoing 24/7 southern invasion of Britain's shores. Not a penny of it. This £5bn will be added to the 'defence' budget - which means it will bounce in and out of invisible civil-service procurement departments and emerge in the form of yet more arms and ammunition to be manufactured (at taxpayers expense) and sent into the Black Hole of Ukraine. 

Here's another; 

There should be a prize for this level of doublespeak. Because the true headline should read: Rishi Sunak delighted to use Gary Lineker as a distraction from his latest fairy-tale. Unless your brain has been eaten by zombie cannibals, you absolutely know nothing at all will be done to tackle the 'migrant crisis'. Sunak LOVES the migrant invasion; he is, perforce, the most public and visible figurehead of it; the very epitomy of the sleazy global carpetbagger; the perma-grinning poster-boy for the Great Replacement, with Hindu knobs on.


Arithmetic has never been my strong point, but I do tend to notice when the price of something like milk has doubled. This morning's bleary-eyed tramp around the wood with a dog in each hand had, as backdrop, the nagging realisation that I am, yet again, nearly broke only half way through the month. Now I am certainly not at the bottom of society's ladder, and nowhere near starving. But a lot of things I once indulged -an annual holiday, for example- have been relocated from the portfolio of recurring pleasure to the realm of fond memory. 

The available world, and my options within it, are rapidly shrinking, and not from choice. Both work and play are in short supply, while the competition for everything increases. Inflation and recession are no longer theoretical clouds on the horizon but treacherous puddles lining every avenue still open to the likes of us. How diabocally awful things must be for those with no work at all; no marketable skills; no avenues of escape. My occasional hasty visits to the garbage-strewn streets of Glasgow are sickening dark-night mini-breaks to the very British third-world experience.

I have written before (too often) about the yawning gap between real-life and the fantasy-world portrayed in TV and other media. But the crushing weight of economic reality is breaking too many backs for the fantasy to be held aloft much longer. Once people stop believing in the invisible cloth-of-gold, the emperor's wrinkled arse is there for all to see, pale, mottled and sagging.       

So determined are the self-hypnotised that the collapse of huge international banks, and the horrendous somewhere-near-you fallout that must surely follow, is greeted with a shrug. Where did the money go? (Bet you can guess!) Another day, another turn of the Conveyor Belt of Emergencies. [ to read about THE CONVEYOR BELT click here].  In the Stupid Economy, destruction is creation; benefit-tourists are our strength; pets win prizes and the devil dances in drag.        

Worthless German tanks are rolling off the trains at maximum-security Polish military stations, en route to their obliteration. German government mouthpieces gabble about freedom and liberty and God Bless America although Uncle Sam cut Germany's Nordstream throat and gloats aloud as the the lights go out in Berlin. Once more the lights are going out all over Europe, but it's you and me switching them off because the price is unpayable, and the darkness finds an echo in the Black Hole of Ukraine. 

Meanwhile in Kiev, as the bodies of dead soldiers pile up at the crematoria, like some TV salesman pushing life insurance for 80 year-olds, the whore Zelensky is busy shooting a promo for the business-opportunities soon to be available in the smoking, arid wasteland where his country once stood. Watch:  

In the puppet Zelensky's vision, the graveyard of his former nation is nothing more than a vast, exploitable industrial state, open to all enthusiastic investors. It's the grift that never ends, a $500 million-a-day tax-free scam that will outlive the population itself -there's unlimited rebuilding opportunities in our devasted landscape -get your share now, while stocks last.

The German public is rapidly retreating from its own corrupted government, mindful that the White-House poodles in charge are on the brink of committing Germany to a shooting war with Russia -something inconcievable to a nation that has only recently recovered from its last Eastern-european adventure. But there is no bunker into which tghe citizens can retreat.

And Germany -like Britain itself- cannot escape the clenched fist of the EU, which has uncloaked -through Covid and Ukraine- to reveal itself as the geo-political poodle of Klaus Schwab's unelected World Economic Forum. The EU speaks with one voice -the voice of forever war, the voice of NATO- and the sitting ducks running the so-called United Kingdom quack along in perfect harmony, because they know -and you know- there never was a Brexit, and never will be. There is no off-ramp for the citizens of Europe. Our wealth, our freedom, our economies and our children's future are disappearing down the Black Hole of Ukraine.

Ian Andrew-Patrick

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