Farewell, Tucker Carlson- Latecomer To The Terrible Truth

During the pandemic frenzy of 2020, a narrow strip of Youtube bridged the transatalantic divide between Washington and the world.  Around the lockdown globe,  citizens, horrified by house-arrest, turned online in search of sanity. Scouring the web for signs of hope, many found solace in video clips of  Fox News pundit Tucker Carlson- a populist maverick, rejecting the mainstream and defying the "establishment". Tucker, however, was not a prophet, but a pre-prepared lightning-conducter -a corporate instrument designed to seduce the weak. Now he is, very suddenly, toast. Read on.

What exactly was The Tucker Carlson Show? As repeatedly trumpeted by the great man himself, it was the "sworn enemy of lying, pomposity and groupthink." (A bold statement to which we will return). For TV-addicted Republicans in America, Tucker was John the Baptist, Paul Revere, a political voice in the wilderness. For the mainstream media, Carlson was the Other -a cartoon hate-figure- a 21st-century Emmanual Goldstein (Big Brother's sworn enemy in George Orwell's 1984). 

Yet this morning, all that is history; a week of draft scripts lie unread in the desk; Carlson's future a blank page, the cameras no longer rolling. So how, why, what actually happened? It is not, alas, such an unusual tale at all.   


The glowing star that was Tucker Carlson  rose in the West during the societal chaos triggered by the election of President Donald Trump. While the Left and Right locked in increasingly savage oppositional struggles, Tucker was cool at the wheel; remained cheerfully afloat, steering a steady course of common sense through unending stormy seas. Crises came and went; the Russia Collusion hoax, Trump Derangement Syndrome, the covid hoax; the absurd BLM deification of George Floyd; Biden's stolen election, the non-insurrection of January 6th, the fact that Ukraine is a corrupt dictatorship, and the descent into gender-centric madness that passes for politics in 2023.

On every page of this catalogue of catastrophe, the wisdom of Tucker Carlson was written large and loud: Trump was NOT a Russian spy, a racist or a warmonger; Covid-19 was NOT the Bubonic Plague; George Floyd WAS a degenerate thug; the 2020 election was NOT kosher; the 'miracle vaccines' were pretty much crap, President Zelensky is a fraud, and biological reality proves that men and women really are two different things. So there, chirped Tucker, with his trademark cheeky grin.

Stepping back from the above list, these were barely debatable issues, let alone bombshell revelations. Such obvious, mundane truths could only appear controversial in a world where reality itself had been upended -but such was the world in which Tucker Carlson Tonight became the most-watched cable-news TV show in the history of the United States.  

The show's runaway success was no fluke, but the product of hard-work and smart head-hunting.  With the shrewd attention to detail expected of any Murdoch corporate manoeuvre, in 2009, the unemployed Tucker Carlson -already a veteran of several (failed) cable TV shows- was cherry-picked for the role of roving, all-purpose populist hero. Personable, intelligent, humorous, agreeably decent, a lover of guns, god and the nuclear family, and -for a tv pundit- astonishingly articulate, he quickly evolved into televisual gold-dust. Starved of digestible commentary, numbed by a decade of mindless media, the news-hungry public were ripe for the taking. 


So it was that the eminently marketable Tucker Carlson - ex of PBS, CNN and MSNBC (where he had dutifully protected and secured the lies of 9/11) was re-potted in the welcoming Garden of Earthly Delights that is Fox News. Initially a humble 'contributor', Carlson thrived on the Fox info-treadmill, and after seven years of trotting flat out, was finally offered his own major slot in 2016 -the first Year of Trump. 

With the flick of one coroporate switch, the former Deep-State shill caught the Zeitgiest, and was born again as Mister Toadally Anti-Establishment. Wearing this hat, Tucker was awarded a prime-time opportunity no ambitious TV anchor could have resisted. Accompanied, of course, by an appropriately obscene salary. 

The rest is cable history. As the engineered crises, the viewers and the dollars rolled by, Tucker -reassured by his skyrocketing  popularity- became emboldened. As with every born performer, it wasn't long before the dangerous thrills of the high-wire beckoned him upwards. Interviewees with connections to The Unspeakable Ones began appearing from dark corners of the 'alternative' universe -uncharted territory where cable news-anchors had never before dared to venture. 

Scepticism regarding taboo topics like vaccines shifted gear into outright mockery. The vocabulary of (dare you say it) conspiracy theory began peppering Carlson's entertaining monologues. Viewers boggled to hear Tucker describe how the 'The Deep State' and 'Permanent Washington' were the true political power-brokers, while Senators and Congressmen were bought and sold like football players. Terms like 'false flag' sent shudders down the spine of middle America, even as Tucker began squaring up to (oh no!) the CIA's role in the assassination of JFK. (So brave, so Tucker -confronting evildoers of the past after they're all dead and buried). 

For Tucker Carlson, noble and alone, shedding Light in the Darkness, buoyed on spiralling viewing figures and international acclaim, it seemed the only way was up. But up, as Tucker found out, is where the light shines brightest; where the sun itself is waiting like a globe of judgemental Hell to melt the wax-wings of incautious freebirds. In the world of conspiracy realism, the only way up is down -down the rabbit hole that leads straight from JFK to 9/11. These two pivotal events are bound together by conspicuous ties -not the least of which is that both required the active participation of American royalty, i.e. the Bush family.

Rest assured, the back-room staff at Fox knew exactly where Tucker's journey was leading, and as the moment of unspeakable truth approached, the plug was pulled and he was dumped like yesterday's blind date.          


On Monday night, then, the news broke that Carlson and Fox News had "parted company". It's a phrase I  remember well from my years working in a riding stable: parted company was the polite term we used to  explain that someone (usually me) had fallen off a horse. Well, Tucker has most certainly hit the deck, but in this case it's fair to say he did not fall. He was very much thrown, and straight into the jaws of a thousand howling wolves.

Robbed of their Tucker fix, millions of the newly awakened are now experiencing that feeling-all too familiar to some of us- of being robbed. Ripped off, screwed yet again, by the great, anonymous  THEM. To citizens of a western democracy, however, getting shafted is now the natural state of affairs. 

It is nonetheless painful for that. A major problem anyone must face when waking up to the full, terrible truth of the democratic illusion, is the gaping chasm that has opened behind us; the crowd of former friends, acquaintances, companions, relatives etc. who are suddenly cast adrift. Tucker Carlson must now gaze into the rear view mirror to see the mammoth audience of devotees he assembled over the years: quo vadis? Where to now?   

This is how the system collects the energy of dissent, channels it into a selected, well-policed corner, and -at a chosen moment- swifty disposes of both the medium and the message. But there are phantoms in the room; ghosts in the shadows that now surround Tucker Carlson, crowding in like avenging angels. For their sake -and for Tucker's- it's time to name them.


My first -unforgettable- look at Tucker Carlson happened sometime between 2005 and 2008. I would love to be more specific, but in the last ten years, a huge, multiplatform effort has been made to erase this particular moment from TV history. Indeed, the entire mainstream internet has been effectively re-written in the attempt to bury the dreadful truth about the events of 9/11 -the subject that Tucker Carlson had (unwisely) chosen to address.  

One of several senior academics and science professionals spearheading the 911 Truth movement -Dr Steven Jones of Brigham Young University- had, by 2006, establshed beyond any reasonable doubt that (a) World Trade Cenre building # 7 had been destroyed by controlled demolition on the afternoon of Sepember 11th 2001, and that (b) Large quantities of military-grade nanothermite -an explosive/incendiary substance -was scattered on and around the entire smoking rubble-heap of the World Trade Centre complex, and all across Manhattan and the surrounding area

In other words, Jones had proof there was a lot more to 9/11 than the childish "official" fairy-tale about young Muslim suicide-pilots backed only by an evil mastermind hiding  in a cave in Afghanistan. Beyond question, American Intelligence fingerprints were all over the 9/11 story. To voice this heresy on mainstream media was, of course, professional suicide, but Steven Jones was a religious, moral individual, and a hero to boot.

For scientists and laymen alike, the most easily understood part of Dr Jones' huge trove of evidence was -and remains- the video of the WTC 7 building -a 47 story skyscraper- collapsing straight down into its own footprint at free-fall speed. This video was well-known and universally distributed among the 9/11 truth community, to which I was an early recruit. It is literally impossible to overstate the importance of that video, or indeed the vital importance of the terrible truth it revealed. It takes less than 15 seconds to see all that you need to understand what was happening. CLICK BELOW.


Even in 2006, to anyone with a functioning brain, this was clearly a professional, controlled demolition carried out with explosives. While allowing Dr Steven Jones around 40 seconds to speak,  Tucker Carlson flatly refused to play the video Jones had supplied. Carlson deflected, waffled, delayed and ultimately buried this video rather than risk his own 'credibility'.

[NB: Readers in search of further, deeper 9/11 evidence should visit AE911TRUTH.ORG]

So far so sad. Perhaps we should forgive Tucker -a self-confessed "talk-aholic"- for hiding the truth about 3000 murdered Americans and thereby securing his own career prospects. But Carlson did not merely help conceal the work of courageous truth-tellers. In the years that followed -and most notably with the launch of Tucker Carlson Tonight- the charming Fox News  pundit repeatedly and savagely attacked the uber-conspiracy freak Alex Jones, the boss and front-man of Infowars.com. 

Alex Jones is without doubt the most divisive journalist of the internet era. His manic, aggressive pursuit of patriotism, Republicanism, plus his fanatical dedication to leaving no conspiracy stone unturned is much more than many can stomach, although he is nevertheless idolised by millions. Whatever his shortcomings, Alex Jones has also been almost single-handedly leading the online charge towards the formerly unsayable truths about JFK, the sins of Big Pharma, the false-flag adventurings of the military/industrial complex and the totalitarian plans for Global Government (a "New World Order") which culminated in the Covid-19 hoax. And Alex was banging the warning drum for over twenty years, while most of us slept. 


By 2023  the mimicry was impossible to ignore. The weekly output of Tucker Carlson's own show was now eerily, startlingly similar in both content and intent to that of Alex Jones circa 2006. Remember, at that point in history, young Carlson was wearing juvenile-looking bow-ties and pissing in the face of truth-tellers who dared question the Holy Myth of 9/11. Alex Jones, by contrast, was prowling the streets of New York with a bullhorn yelling "9/11 was an inside job!" at Fox newsreader Geraldo Rivera.

What a difference a top job (at Fox News) makes, however. To general amazement, between 2017 and 2023, notorious Trump allies Roger Stone and Steve Bannon became regular guests on Tucker Carlson Tonight -as they already had been for years at Alex Jones' Infowars headquarters in Texas. By the same token, Carlson's born-again anti-vax posturing was, by 2022, merely a polite echo of the ruthless, no-quarter position Alex Jones had already held for two decades. 

But never once did Carlson acknowledge nor apologise to his mentor, even as he donned the protective skinsuit of Infowars-style theorising, indulging his very own anti-elite rants a la the untouchable, unforgivable monstrosity that was (according to Fox) Alex Jones.

Whatever you or anyone else thinks of the Infowars operation, it's creator deserves enormous credit that even as Tucker began marketing himself as Jones Lite, Alex himself directed his viewers and followers towards the Carlson TV show trailing in his idealogical wake. This is exactly how any sincere truth-seeker should and would act, because Jones understands very well that many people require mainstream endorsement to cross the bridge of disbelief, at least where state lies are concerned. 

Now Tucker has -at least temporarily- joined the legion of the damned; just another victim of collateral damage in the information war. Alan Watt; Richard Grove; Tommy Robinson; Stefan Molyneux; James Corbett; Lauren Southern, Alex Jones and a host of others. One by one they were reviled, hounded, cancelled, shot down or broken by the weight  of corporate, global power. Tucker's turn has come, but I wonder if he even sees the spectres in whose company he will probably be remembered. Perhaps, almost certainly, his eyes are merely fixed on the next opportunity for self-promotion. It's the nature of the TV animal.

For three years I've made a point of watching Tucker Carlson pitch his act on Youtube, for the rare, fleeting pleasure of hearing the occasional dose of common sense thrust into the ears of the public at large. But those who live by the box, die by the box. Farewell then, Tucker Carlson; latecomer to the terrible truth.                      


On the morning of Monday 17th Matt Walsh, a hugely popular, tub-thumping Conservative Christian dedicated to saving children from the trans-cult, woke up to find his Youtube channel -with over two MILLION subscribers- had been de-monetised with immediate effect because he refused to parrot the selected gender-specific pronouns of so-called 'trans-girl' Dylan Mulvaney. A number of Walsh's videos were also summarily deleted (welcome to the club, Matt; I've been there, had that). Walsh was also a  frequent 'guest contributor' on Tucker Carlson Tonight, and rapidly becoming a household name fon cable TV.

That same morning, Fox News announced it would cough up over 700 million dollars in an out-of-court settlement for the crime of broadcasting news stories that questioned the operation of electronic voting machines used in U.S. elections. That's around three-quarters of a billion -a considerable sum, even for Uncle Rupert. It's not hard to imagine the kind of pressure being applied behind the scenes at Fox HQ.

On the evening of Tuesday 18th, Matt Walsh discovered that his smartphone had been hacked, and a stream of racist, sexist, homophobic etc tweets posted on his Twitter account. This Federal crime, it soon emerged, was carried out by a left-wing activist who was, it appeared, very pleased with himself. The criminal was, of course, widely congratulated for his efforts by plenty of lefty media goons. A vast amount of personal information -passwords, text messages, private emails, correspondence, tax details etc. was stolen from Matt Walsh in the course of this 'hack'. Nasty. Very nasty indeed. But hardly surprising to the unrepentant Mr Walsh, whose family has required 24/7 security guard details at their home ever since the release of his stunning trans-cult documentary film What Is A Woman?

On Friday 21st, Elon Musk -the eccentric billionaire whose interview with Tucker Carlson Tonight had just been broadcast in two consecutive evening shows on Fox- sent a space-rocket into the air, but -by accident or design- it blew up. However, having already seen a few dozen of his Tesla cars spontaneously combust, the Twitter chief is probably getting used to seeing his best-laid plans go up in flames. 

On Sunday 23rd, Tucker Carlson made the keynote speech at the right wing Heritage Foundation's 50th anniversary celebration. He spoke rather forcefully about the tremendous power of the "herd instinct" and how it trumps other considerations, causing individuals to self-censor and -if necessary- stay silent. Within hours Tucker was unemployed, his colossal Fox News platform vanished, his career amputated at a stroke.

I hope that one day, when the lustre of his former wealth and fame have faded,  he reflects upon the morning long ago when Dr Steven Jones -a braver man than Carlson will ever be- offered him the scoop of the century, only to find himself dismissed as a 'conspiracy-theorist crackpot.' 

Of course, nearly ten more years would pass before Carlson would declare himself "the sworn enemy of lies, pomposity and groupthink", but the fact remains, he chose never to re-address the 9/11 issue. He chose never to approach Dr Jones again, even to -at the very least- apologise for crushing the terrible truth in its cradle. I hope he is not nurturing false hopes of a return to the glory days of 2022, because like it or not, there is no way back for the wrongthinker. The truth is a harsh, cruel leveller, and as Tucker Carlson must now understand, on the brink of the rabbit hole we are only ever offered a one-way ticket.

Ian Andrew-Patrick 

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