The Visitors Who Stole Britain: Part One
Imagine that around twenty years ago a handful of highly intelligent opportunists targeted the United Kingdom. Britain's vulnerabilities -a complacent public, a corrupted Parliament, trillions of dirty international cash flooding through the City- were irresistible. To divert that financial flood into their own pockets, the levers of power -political, economic and social- had to be captured. New 'leaders' would need to be installed, loyal to globalist finance instead of to the country. Imagine if they had done that, what would the new Britain look like?
Well, if my hypothetical globalist conspiracy had actually taken place, and Britain's wealth really had been burgled by foreign sharks, it would look exactly the same as it looks today. A truly remarkable amount of individuals in senior British power-positions have sprung into place in these last twenty-odd years, apparently from nowhere. Not coincidentally, they tend to have a lot in common. Their support system -network, if you like- can easily be traced back to the worst imaginable sources: corporate finance, known globalist organisations and untaxable foreign entrepreneurs.
The identities of many of the Quislings who helped organise this (hypothetical) capture of Britain is revealing, as is the timeline of events.
2005 was the year the British Conservative Party elected a new leader: David Cameron. Taken at face value, Cameron was -superficially- the quintessential English Tory: Eton; Oxford; posh. Charming, innocent, harmless, even. We should, perhaps, have paid a little more attention to what the new Tory party chief would say two years later when quizzed about the thorny problem of Muslim 'integration' into British society.
2007. Agreeing that integration was in itself a desirable thing, Cameron stated " "Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around." In the light of subsequent events, one can only guess to what degree Cameron had already been primed to elevate "British Asians" within his own regime.
2010. With the trademark say one thing do the other attitude that is 21st century Conservatism, newly anointed Prime Minister Cameron announced that "state multiculturalism has failed", then proved the opposite by appointing Baroness Sayeeda Warsi to be Britain's first ever Muslim Cabinet Minister. (Warsi, incidentally, pioneered the soon-to be-compulsory 'rags to riches' PR hogwash about her dad being a penniless immigrant "bus-driver". This identical fairy-story was afterwards employed by both London mayor Sadiq Khan and all-purpose cabinet minister Sajid Javid.)
But who else crept into Parliament on David Cameron's coat-tails, in that supposedly game-changing general election of 2010? Let's delve into the careers of just a few: Alok Sharma, Rehman Chisti, Priti Patel and Sajid Javid.
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Step forward the remarkable Alok Kumar Sharma, who in 2010, suddenly popped up as MP for Reading. For many years gone by, Mr Sharma had been quite the poster-boy of corporate finance, having paid his dues toiling for the global finance lords of Deloitte, Nikko Securities (Tokyo) and SEB (Sweden).
Clearly tired of hob-nobbing with international CEOs, hedge-fund vampires and random billionaires, Alko Shurma had, by 2010, somewhat mysteriously decided that he'd rather be an MP than a filthy rich financier. Allegedly. But who was/is really pulling Alko's strings? The Swedish Finance Giant SEB (Sharma's last real employer) is run by arch-globalist Marcus Wallenberg, inheritor of one of Europe's richest and most powerful family/financial operations. Indeed, as Wallenberg himself is on the Steering Committee of the notorious super-elite Bilderberg Group, that should tell you all you need to know about SEB flunkies like Alok Sharma.
In any case, in 2010 Bilderberg's's boy came to Westminster-and he wasn't hanging about either. By 2014 Alok Sharma was already Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party itself and co-chair of Conservative Friends of India (where he was born). In 2016, Sharma was appointed as the Prime Minister's "Infrastructure Envoy to India" - an interesting post which involved very, very large sums of money moving in and out of India and London. Remarkably light on his feet, Sharma quickly hopped his way up several rungs of the Cabinet ladder and by 2019 was made Secretary of State for International Development. In October that year, Sharma formally declared his allegiance to the WEF/UN globalist borg by stating he wanted to use Britain's leverage over the World Bank to focus on "climate change, building sustainible economies and women's rights." Ah yes, one of those chaps.
Compared to the average British citizen, Sharma had what can only be described as a "great" pandemic. 2020 saw him appointed Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. This left him handily placed to assist his fellow Hindu (and then Chancellor) Rishi Sunak in offshoring countless billions of taxpayer money while the British public were safely under house arrest. (In January of 21 Sharma's cabinet post was given to ex-JP Morgan Chase employee Kwasi Kwarteng, who would go on to humiliate himself as the shortest-serving Chancellor in UK history under Liz Truss.)
Nevertheless, for this lucky bankster, things could only get better. Sharma's earlier Build Back Better/ Great Reset declaration had not gone unnoticed, and during the peak "Booster" era, our hero was duly packed off to Glasgow to have it large as President of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference a.k.a. COP26. Nice work if you can get it. In January 2023, in return for "services to fighting climate change" Alok collected the knighthood needed to complete his globalist bingo card. Arise, Sir Alok Kumar Sharma!
Rehman Chisti's story is a revealing tale of inter-generational elite opportunism.The Chisti family is essentially a loyal satellite of the immensely powerful Bhutto clan from the Kashmir region of Pakistan. Between 1971 and 1977, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto controlled Pakistan, first as President, then Prime Minister. His Pakistan People's Party government drafted the Constitution of Pakistan which remains in effect to this day. Rehman Chisti's father -one of Bhutto's closest advisers- shrewdly fled the country and moved to England in 1978, shortly before Bhutto was overthrown and executed in a military coup. Chisti chose to leave his wife, daughter -and newborn son Rehman- behind in Pakistan, and upon arrival in London, became an Imam.
Back home in Pakistan, the late Prime Minister's daughter -Benazir Bhutto- then took over as head of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). In 1984, Benazir Bhutto left Pakistan and moved to London. By an amazing coincidence, Chisti's wife and children moved to London at the same time. Benazir would return to Pakistan and serve two stints as Prime Minister (1988 - 1990, and 1993-1996). She served as co-chair of the PPP for 25 years until her own assassination in 2007.
Meanwhile, the young Rehman Chisti, having arrived in London aged 6 to meet his dad, went on to attend various grammar schools, then the University of Wales where he acquired a law degree. Remarkably, this relatively humble qualification saw him accepted into the elite Inns Of Court School of Law, and he was subsequently called to the bar by Lincolns Inn -jackpot!
Armed with this improbable but impressive CV, in 1999 at the ripe age of 21, Chisti was employed as a 'political advisor' by none other than Pakistan's Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto herself, and he stayed in that job for seven years until her untimely death. Not content with this high-powered gig (globetrotting between London, Pakistan & Dubai) Rehman Chisti also got himself elected to Gillingham Council in 2003 -by the Labour Party, shock, horror. In 2005 he made a failed attempt to be elected Labour MP for Horsham.
Clearly having inherited his father's gift for swapping horses at exactly the right moment, in 2007 (when his Pakistani employer was murdered) he relaunched himself as a Conservative, grabbing a new Council seat in Rainham. Aged 31, Chisti (like Alok Sharma) went on to sail into Parliament after the Tory general election victory of 2010, becoming MP for Gillingham.
In 13 years since, Chisti has never ceased to be showered with faint praise and hollow awards -for no apparent reason- from sources great and small ("a rising star of the party" -Daily Telegraph; "Parliamentarian of the Year" -road safety charity BRAKE; "Conservative Party People's Choice MP of the Year Award 2015" -the Patchwork Foundation (?) "2nd place in Parliamentarian of the Year 2015" -as voted by readers of ConservativeHome blog. (Wow). That such feeble plaudits are trumpeted on Rehman Chisti's Wikipedia page speaks volumes about his manic determination in the field of self-promotion.
In March 2016, Chisti became an advisor to the King Faisal Centre for Islamic Studies -a Saudi think- tank- at the modest rate of £200 per hour, since when he has never missed an opportunity to big up the Saudis in his frequent House of Commons speeches. True to modern Tory dogma, in 2019 Boris Johnson appointed Chisti as the "new Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief". As the son of an Imam, Chisti didn't need asking twice, and proceeded to advance the creeping Islamification of the west through the back-channels of the United Nations Security Council to which he was now reporting.
In July of 2022, Chisti's new best friend (Boris Johnson) appointed him to the potentially pivotal role of Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for North America, Sanctions and Consular Policy. Astute readers will spot that with the Ukraine/Russia conflict in full swing, "Sanctions" was now a serious global hot potato with billions in international trade at stake. However, Chisti's timing was out for once, as Johnson was sacked a month later and so was he. That didn't stop Rehman making a doomed bid for the party leadership himself, but precisely zero MPs offered support and he made a swift retreat.
Although there can be no doubt Chisti had his own sights set firmly on Downing Street, he was ultimately out-manoeuvred (by the current PM) and must lick his wounds until the next opportunity presents itself. Meanwhile, there is little else to say about this self-serving cuckoo in the Westminster nest except to note that he swore his first MP's oath of allegiance to Parliament on a Quoran, but with a Torah (Jewry) and a King James Bible (Christianity) beside it on the Despatch Box. Gotta keep your options open, eh?
Priti Patel -another meteoric success story- also joined the Cameron Club in 2010, and her journey to the rotten core of British politics is another fine example of cynical, greedy opportunism. As with so many Asian business families, her grandparents had left India to pursue commercial interests in Africa, after which her parents left Uganda -where they allegedly ran a "corner shop" - to try their luck in England.
Young Priti collected a couple of ho-hum degrees in economics and politics before a seven year stint trying to hit the fast-track into Parliament. She kicked off with an internship at Conservative Campaign HQ, that led precisely nowhere. Miffed by her lack of progress at Tory Central Office, Patel skipped into the arms of the then-popular Referendum Party, running their press office from 1995-97.
In 1997 she backed the wrong horse by returning to the Conservative Party to work in William Hague's press office, but Tony Blair's success in that year's general election torpedoed her short-term ambitions as a potential Tory high-flier. Several years later, the Financial Times would quote Patel as having bitched about "racist attitudes" within the Tory party having prevented her getting fast-tracked into Westminster. It would not be long, however, before the party was re-modelled to Patel's liking.
There were, however, richer pickings to be had in the meantime, so in 2000 Patel joined the international PR consultant Weber-Shandwick, whose HQ is at 909 Third Avenue, New York City. Weber Shandwick is part of the consortium of PR goliath IPG -one of the world's largest global marketing operations, whose HQ is...well, 909 Third Avenue, New York City. IPG has (as of 2018) control over $15 Billion worth of assets.
Quite why such a firm would be so keen to hire a 28 year-old Brit whose entire CV consisted of running press-offices for two (failed) political ventures is not immediately obvious. Nevertheless, for the next three years she was part of a team handling Public Relations for cancer-manufacturers British American Tobacco, something Patel tends not to mention nowadays. In 2003 she traded up into a job at global alcohol-distributors Diageo (who produce 40% of all whisky on earth) working in "corporate relations" (also known as 'perception management' i.e. spin-doctoring). After four years of bigging up the societal benefits of bargain-basement brands like Johnnie Walker, J&B and Vat 69, Priti returned to Weber-Shandwick as "Director of Corporate and Public Affairs practices"- pretty cool for a 35 year-old Priti. As we can see, by this tender age, this lady had already demonstrated that her loyalty was up for hire to the highest bidder -the #1 attribute of any truly ambitious politician.
Incidentally (as far as her wages were concerned) while busy hopping between PR firms, Patel also managed to stand for election in Nottingham North (2005 -failed) and get herself selected as Tory candidate for the newly-created (can't lose) seat of Witham in time for the 2010 election.
And lo! She became an MP. To celebrate this career milestone, in 2012 Priti co-authored a book -along with fellow true-blue heroes Kwasi Kwarteng, Dominic Raab, Chris Skidmore and Liz Truss. This unintentionally hilarious but frankly globalist volume: Britannia Unchained, contains (among other startling ideas) the advice that the UK should "seek to emulate the working conditions in countries like Singapore, Hong
Kong, and South Korea rather than those of other European nations." Full marks for saying the quiet part out loud, chaps! And don't we perhaps hear, in this suggestion, a haunting echo of David Cameron's very own enthusiasm for the "British Asian" approach? Coincidental, I'm sure.
The rest is history, as Priti Patel quickly detatched from her "new right" chums and went cabinet-hopping up the tree to secure the Home Secretary's job with the same relentless drive she had formerly applied to flogging fags and booze. (She replaced fellow class-of-2010 graduate Sajid Javid, who briefly became Chancellor of the Exchequer during the early Covid months until elbowed out of the job by the unstoppable rising force of Rishi Sunak.)
During her three-year stay at the Home Office, Patel both invented and announced a breathtaking, seemingly endless series of far-fetched schemes aimed at "curbing/limiting/preventing/stopping" illegal immigration, all of them entirely fictitious and/or designed to fail, which of course they did. Immigration of every kind soared like a golden eagle throughout Patel's stint in charge of the borders, an achievement of which she must be (secretly) very proud -and for which she will be handsomely rewarded in years to come. Equipped with very powerful friends in very high places, Patel has survived repeated allegations of serious ministerial misconduct, notably for her many secretive -and allegedly improper- dealings with the Israeli government. You go girl!
It is none other than Sajid Javid -the Grand Master of Ministerial Musical Chairs- who completes our roundup of the "visitors" who came to fame in 2010. As long ago as 2018 we covered the back-story of this bankster-boy's nefarious ascent to shame : - CLICK HERE for details.
In the short version, Javid's history (according to Javid) is a near-miraculous tale of rags to riches, in which the son of a "penniless immigrant bus-driver" (see Baroness Warsi above) overcame the scourges of racism and poverty to claw his way to success through sheer hard work and determination. He was -can you believe the horror!- "called a Paki" by "National Front skinheads" -a notable achievement in far-left Bristol where he grew up. Among the many bizarre obstacles Javid overcame -in his mind, at least- was discovering he was "not allowed to study Maths at 'O' level" -an allegation so outlandish that there is, unsurprisingly, no evidence of it whatsoever beyond Javid's own words. (Perhaps his school was in the grip of the hitherto unkown BNP-run teachers' union of Bristol). Equally amazing is that Javid's brother -presumably hobbled by the same forces of racism, bigotry and penury- had no trouble becoming the Commander of Solihull Police Division and later a Commander at Scotland Yard. Go figure.
In any case, at the very first opportunity Sajid Javid skipped the country that generously took in his starving parents and crossed the Atlantic to make his fortune at the Chase Manhattan Bank on Wall Street, becoming a vice-president by the age of 25. (Because that's what happens to the sons of penniless Pakistani bus drivers in England). From there he graduated to the Deutschebank, where he nabbed a directorship and a £3 million-a-year salary. They couldn't hold him, however -seven figure bonuses be damned- as the noble Sajid gave up banking a year before the 2010 UK general election -because what he really wanted to be was a humble MP for Bromsgrove.
As you would, after 18 years of growing fabulously rich in the company of American and German billionaires. In fairness to Sajid, he only spent six of those years as a "non-domicile" bankster so he could avoid paying any tax in Britain. What a thorough Englishman and credit to dear old Blighty he really is.
Anyway, in the last 13 years he's done every job in the Tory cabinet bar tea-lady and...of course...Prime Minister; the gig he wanted the way snow wants white. Alas, the final obstacle that plucky, lucky Sajid could not overcome was yet another upwardly mobile go-getter from the sunny climes of the Great Elsewhere, whose family also shook the dust of Africa and Asia off their shoes and who-after the general election of 2015- elbowed his way to the Westminster top table. Stay tuned for Part Two of this article "The Visitors Who Stole Britain" - in which we shall meet the one and only Rishi Sunak -and the fragrant, unflappable Suella Braverman.
Seems there is no shortage of “entrepreneurs”: