The stench of State propaganda hangs over every bloodstained city in Europe. New Europe: the home of brainwashed cowards who would rather hang their heads than raise their voices. Remember, citizens, never to hate. Choose instead to be hated, insulted and butchered in your own city streets. Quietly bury the corpses of slaughtered white youngsters and sing Kumbaya for today's 800 new arrivals. Join the karaoke choir for hymn #1 in the Diversity songbook: Don't Look Back In Anger. Bleat in defeat, you sacrificial sheep.
June 2017, London town, capital city of (formerly) Great Britain, streets filled with every kind of alfresco fun 'n games, wining, dining, cold beer, crowds by the riverside bars...and a van full of homicidal immigrants, driving at high speed into the bodies of innocent strangers, breaking bones, maiming arms and legs, killing two. The immigrants leap from the vehicle waving 12-inch ceramic knives and begin stabbing random strangers, 48 injured, six more hacked to death.
June 2020, Reading, student city, party city, the people are out and proud at 7 p.m. in Forbury Gardens, a popular public park, groups chatting, drinking, playing games...and a homicidal immigrant with an 8-inch carving knife stabbing at two groups of random strangers until three lie dead on the ground.
June 2023, Paris, city of fine art and life-lovers; a summer's day, families strolling in the park, bees humming, buterflies in the bushes...and a homicidal immigrant stabbing the pink flesh of tiny babies -random, innocent infants- lunging and gouging them with a huge knife.
June 2023, Nottingham, student city of dreamers; a beautiful June evening, end of term party-time, futures beginning, the sheer joy of youth...and a homicidal immigrant hacking two students -random, innocent strangers- with a knife, stabbing them to death. He'd already murdered a grown man to steal the van with which he tried to kill yet more strangers.
That was three days ago, and before you can say STOP THE MIGRANT INVASION NOW the scripts are already written, the banners are printed and hoisted, the social-media virtue vultures shrieking their slacker's compassion for likes and clicks, demanding "love" and unity" instead of righteous anger and an end to the replacement of our civilisation with a parasitic tsunami of international freeloaders. Because diversity is our doom strength, as demonstrated in Sadiq Khan's majority non-white London, isn't it?
Not that stabbing the locals is merely a June thing. God forbid we should list all the bloodsoaked cultural enrichment Brits (with functional memories) associate with, say, the month of May. Just two from the last decade will suffice. 2013: the public beheading of private Lee Rigby / 2017: mass-murder at the Manchester Arena, 22 dead and over 1000 injured, youngest victim aged 8.
Come July a considerable number of us might even dare to recall the Tube massacres of 2007 -no, stop, don't look back!
Look forward, then, we must assume. But to what? Tomorrow's 700 more dinghy passengers setting themselves up in riverside hotels? The 3000 fresh chancers coming next week to get in the queue for every last thing left in Britain? Bear in mind that immigrants go to the front of those queues, prioritised over you and your family of course. They built Britain, you know, immigrants like these. Didn't you know that? It's time you read some the new history books -they're much better than the silly old ones.
So be nice. Did you -did you actually dare to say you were angry? Shut your stupid, racist mouth. Just who the hell do you think you are? Consider yourself lucky. Next year you will get to vote for a brand new government. Every single vote will be for a party that will guarantee much, much more of the stabbing and killing. Don't waste your breath on negativity, think of each blood-drenched atrocity as an opportunity. A chance to "come together with your community" , join hands and dwell on the "power of love".
And remember to stay safe -as in, stay off the street. Just stay indoors in fact. Everything you'll need will be just 15 minutes away. (Unless it's an ambulance,of course.) If you do have to leave your cell home for some reason , don't be afraid. Just keep smiling. A smile can be like a mask, you see - a way of pretending everything's alright. Forget what happened last week. Whatever else you do, don't look back on the murders of yesteryear. Forget.
Smile; be happy. There's a pill for that, by the way, just ask your doctor. It's completely normal to take happy pills -join the crowd. As of 2022 around 8 million people in Britain are being prescribed anti-depressants [
CLICK TO SEE THIS REPORT] so you'll be in good company. There's been a whopping 35% increase in just five years. A fantastic 45 million+ SSRI doses adminstered in just 2021/22 alone!
The government knows that this week's June murders are a nasty thing. But for heaven's sake, control yourself. Unroll that fist and light a little candle instead. (Carefully, striking the match away from anything flammable of course). Nobody likes a conflict. Far better to keep calm, like it says on those jolly mugs in the charity shop. It's nice to be nice. Especially when immigrants kill children.
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