Young Zombies Raised On Beautiful Lies

The truth is ugly.  Science will not make you live forever. Men cannot become women. Diversity is not a strength. The truth is that most people just want the time and space to navigate the mystery of life -without constant government advice. We expect the elected to: keep the lights turned on, stop crazy people stealing and killing, and to help out if we are truly ill. That's it. Nobody votes for endless death threats, robbery, and stupid, beautiful lies. But that's what we get. 


People with too little to worry about have strange nightmares and even stranger dreams. Pity the hypnotised lemmings who see visions of the earth consumed in a fireball of carbon dioxide next year. In their bizarro world of bland contradictions, logic is extinct for Extinction Rebellion, much as oil is essential to the slaves of Just Stop Oil. 

In their collectively imagined heaven, the planet is inhabited by a peculiar blend of indigenous tribes dwelling in leather-free wigwams, next door to tree-lined avenues of mysteriously healthy vegan dropouts who sleep in eco-pods lit and heated by immortal wind-turbines. Public transport for the masses will consist of rentable wooden-wheeled bicycles. For the rest, travel opportunities will be limited to how many blocks you can walk in a plastic rainproof hoodie while navigating by smartphone. 

Freed (by a benign dictatorship) of the necessity to engage in anything resembling productive activity, the New Perfect Humans will enjoy unlimited leisure time for meditation and masturbation, while counting the days until mum checks into a Canadian suicide-clinic, leaving an agreeable rural cottage in her will. We are describing a world of beautiful lies; juvenile fantasies that cannot withstand the slightest contact with reality.


Beautiful indeed is the lie that gets every young graduate out of bed in the morning. Be who you really are...Isn't it superb that you can bring your whole self to work? In other words, spend your workday advertising the vital importance of your ego, race, gender or sexual obsessions. Every major chainstore, bank, coffee-franchise is peddling this beautiful lie - the absurd fiction that the workplace is a showcase for attention-seeking slackers who would rather preen than toil. 

The CEOs of these corporate zoos (which is what most high-street outlets are) press on, confident their colossal financial power will ensure they can ride out any boycott; survive any criticism. But the more popular the lies become, the heavier grows the weight of the illusion it creates. Sooner or later the framework starts collapsing beneath the wild expectations of staff for whom work is a distraction from the important business of self-promotion. These adult/infants are, of course, endlessly disposable and replaceable -and are swiftly added to the already swollen ranks of the futureless and unemployable.         


Among the ignorant, confused young, perhaps the worst lie -and certainly the most popular- is the idea that by deceiving yourself you can deceive the world. Ignorance can be disguised (bluff), visual shortcomings erased (filters), your pathetic self-obsession validated (social media bubbles) and much, much more -so long as you first convince yourself the lie is true. This laughable myth underpins the narcissism of self-identification and the derangement of "non-binary" and its 50+ gender companions, but persists in the minds of post-graduates who are shocked to find their self-delusions are worthless in the world outside the classroom echo-chambers of woke indoctrination.       


Of the many explicit falsehoods trumpeted in our media maelstrom, the Climate Change hoax is the most nakedly religious. Sweeping aside the traditional post-mortem furnace of Christian hell (where admission is performance-related)  the Warmists insist on an imminent earthly holocaust that will incinerate the guilty and innocent alike. Punishment, like everything else in the Climate Hoax, is both universal and collective.

Discarding the inescapable truth that weather is not climate, every drop of rain or sunbeam can be harnessed to serve the beautiful lie - in this case, the idea that planet earth would be just perfect if we humans could just turn ourselves into plants. As the latest form of vegetation, we (that is, all the little people) will eat soy, never move around, make a fuss, behave like individual organisms or display any signs of intelligent life after dark. Imagine an ordinary day at say, Glasgow Polytechnic or Reading University and you'll get the idea.

The most absurd aspect of the weather/climate conflation that delights the media so much, is the in-your-face evidence that rain, snow, hail, lightning, storms and floods have been deliberately engineered for several decades. Both military and commercial outfits are openly, blatantaly involved, and yet the mere idea is still dismissed as a "conspiracy theory". [To read THEY FAKE THE WEATHER AND BLAME YOU click here]  Readers following the above link will find all the proof they could wish for.


If criminal psychopaths imagine beauty -and that's a big "if"- it is likely pictured in a parallel universe where extreme criminality is not merely tolerated but encouraged. In this context, the blue-haired elephants of FemDom must be swinging their limp trunks in clumsy joy at the massive increase in sexual assaults committed by so-called "women".  Gender-bending is a night-crawler's Nirvana. For the testosteronal psycho, life is indeed beautiful when you can forcibly penetrate the female of your choosing, safe in the knowledge that you have 'protected characteristics'.

Dozens of self-proclaimed 'women' have thus wangled their way out of the male prisons where retribution was guaranteed, landing instead in 'women only' jails -quite a bonus if you're inclined to go raping with your "lady-penis". In a self-own that should have seen the whole lot permanenty ejected from public office, the entire political class lined up full-square behind this quasi-legal phenomenon -until the last sane women on earth began fighting back, tooth and claw. 

Who would have guessed that feminism carried to its logical conclusion would see the very existence of women erased, and the concept of womanhood reduced to a pantomime costume hung in the weekend-wardobes of pedos and predators? (Well, quite a few of us actually, but no bugger listened when we said so). 


Aesthetically, however, it is at the spear-tip of the trans-pants cult that ultimate perfection beckons -in the shape and form of  "nullification" . This meat-and-gristle procedure is best explained by one of the handful of "experts" in the field -step forward the formidable Dr Peter Davis. [Visit Davis at his website HERE]   In case you were wondering, the idea of "nullification" boils down to the surgical removal  of all and any evidence of human genitals, with a view to presenting a smooth, streamlined body free of male or female signifiers. 


Peter Davis is not coy about what he does :  

"For his gender non-conforming patients, Dr. Davis also performs gender nullification, also known as male to eunuch or “smoothie” procedures. The procedure includes a complete penectomy, orchiectomy, a reduction of the scrotal sac, and shortening of the urethra. The goal is to leave the area as a smooth unbroken transition from the abdomen to the groin. Although, an inconspicuous midline scar and shortened urethra will still be present. Dr. Davis does also offer the option of retaining the highly sedate distal penile tissue (which normally makes up the clitoris in a typical gender reassignment procedure), which he “buries” in the deep tissue of the lower mons above the urethra, akin to a “hidden” clitoris. This area does not affect the final smooth appearance of the area but does offer significant extra sensory tissue to aid in orgasmic stimulation. Of course, this option is left entirely up to the desires of each patient."

Did you get the superlative linguistic contortions? Chopping off the penis and testicles and sewing up the resulting mess isn't castration - it's a "smoothie" procedure. Like a healthy fruit drink. "A smooth, unbroken transition" no less. Nothing broken here. Uh-huh. 

To picture such a fantastical creature,  readers may recall The Man Who Fell to Earth, a 1970's movie featuring David Bowie as an alien trapped on earth. Bowie appears -in dream sequences- as a silvery, hairless, genital-devoid thing that cavorts with a similarly bald "wife". Their balletic, squishy coupling happens in a globby tide of what appears to be unlimited waves of seminal fluid. Indeed, perhaps that movie is where Dr Davis got the idea, as he is clearly no stranger to the entertainment industry...

 " A true scientist as well as an artist, Dr. Davis has had multiple research papers published in peer-reviewed medical journals. He plays several instruments including the piano, harp, guitar, and ukulele (he grew up in Hawaii after all.)"   

Truly this is a rennaissance spiv: doctor, scientist, artist, surgeon. 
"He has performed reconstructive surgeries on missions in Honduras, Mexico, and Vietnam."  
Three countries I don't personally associate with top-notch medical care, but that's just me, what do I know?
Scratch his celestial surface and we find that Davis is at root a humble qualified plastic surgeon. Cosmetic surgery, as it was commonly known before the gender cult took hold, is what he does. The giveaway is in the photo gallery section of his website, which offers familiar images of "face lift" and "liposuction" not to mention "tummy-tuck". At a pinch, Pete'll inject you with plain ol' Botox if you're on a budget. Or presumably, knock out a tune on his ukelele by the ATM if times get hard. 
My, how easily thetalented Doctor Peter Davis moved from everyday ego-boosting to the Frankenstein world of trans-humanism. I don't doubt there are platoons of similarly greedy sawbones out there, hawking their knife 'n fork tricks to the zombified teens of generation Z.    


Nullification, however, sums up the woke catalogue of beautiful lies. In climateer heaven, travel, heating, socialising and food are reduced to a minimum, the pleasures life reduced to as near zero as possible. In the genderless non-binary utopia, all humans will be equally neutered, featureless, devoid of the poisonous feature of masculinity and femininity.  As World Economic Forum chief Klaus Schwab predicted "you will own nothing and be happy." Nothing, got it? Nil, nada, nowt.  [to read THE ZERO IN NET ZERO IS YOU click here]    

I watch them at play because so few are involved in work; all the young zombies. Each minute of the day, clutching their digital donkey-leads in sweaty palms, thelittle darlings are "notified" about all the things that must go : cash, families, travel, meat, gas, cars, breasts, genitals...why, the list is endless. But at the end of the trail of tears, at the open gates of heaven, waiting to welcome them, will be the smiling faces of the New Gods : Peter Davis & Klaus Schwab.     

Ian Andrew-Patrick

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