Controlled Opposition Hires Ex-PM -It's BJ News!

For many, the concept of "controlled opposition" is parked next to "conspiracy theory" in the hollow space between their ears. Such normies will ask "are you crazy?" or " why would anyone bother to finance a group that disagrees with them?" My answer is: imagine a boxer -a world champion boxer- who wants to stay world champion for 10 years. His manager picks who he will fight. He can choose (a) all the  best boxers available or (b) a sequence of patsies who are sure to lose. Do you get it now?

It was announced today that the wafer-thin 'rebellion' channel of GB News -basically an internet phenomenon- will henceforth be graced with the presence of the Fat Controller himself, the heavyweight champion of the globalist Borg, the Man For All Parties, the one and only Boris Johnson. Welcome to BJNews, boys and girls. The funniest aspect of this will be watching former GB News fans turning mental cartwheels to accomodate what is -lets be honest- a sick joke. The idea of the Oxbridge elite's most beloved globalist arsewipe fronting his own internet TV station claimng to be "the Home of Free Speech" should be enough to kill the franchise stone dead -or at least most of its viewers.    

Readers will be aware I have never endorsed, recommended or even mentioned anything about GB news, for the simple reason that it was such a terribly obvious patsy.  This was always a fake rebel outpost, purpose-built to gather the desperate non-woke into an attractive echo chamber with all the promise and false hope that their new cartoon Churchill so perfectly represents. As the Johnson/GB ship sinks, it will take all the supporters and their dreams with it. Such is the very essence of the controlled opposition paradigm, and once again it has worked like a charm.

I have watched from a cynical distance as GB news quickly became the go-to channel for refusniks, patriots and dissenters alike. As with all controlled oppositions, this one was launched with bold promises of "genuine independent commentary and analysis" and supplied just enough morsels of both to bring hope to those who persist in thinking their saviour will be found on a screen. 

The presence of the entertaining but ultimately toothless celebrity Nigel Farage at GB's heart should have been enough of a red flag to the unwary. Farage is a convincing maverick, but also a professional career politician, created for and nourished by the establishment, whether you like it or not. Like GB News itself, Farage is wedded to the system and its perpetuation -which is the second reason it deserves none of our pity. I have never wavered from the line I drew during the Covidian fiasco that unmasked our true leaders, namely: YOU CANNOT VOTE YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS SYSTEM. 

Nothing has been less surprising than the selective culling of the few original dissenters in the GB ranks that began with the swift ejection of the irrepressible Mark Steyn. [Steyn was previously sacked by Fox News -the US template of GB News- for precisely the same reasons]. After Steyn, the dominoes began to fall. A blind man could see that both pastor Calvin Robinson and actor Laurence Fox -a pair of likeable, camera-hungry iconoclasts who were set up to fail - would be next. The last remaining GB News holdout -the final domino if you like- is Neil Oliver. 

Oliver entered the GB fray as a relative moderate, but underwent a remarkably quick conversion to become the popular embittered realist of today. His increasingly florid posts are doomed, however, as no organisational umbrella is flexible enough to contain, at the same time, both the monstrous, flatulent blubber of Johnson and the sharp, penetrating wit of Oliver. That's a recipe for explosion; one of them has to go. Bojo, of course, will remain to ensure that GB News is well and truly scuttled. 

[to read our various BORIS JOHNSON profiles CLICK HERE or HERE and HERE.] 

At some point I imagine the last of the true Conservatives -and they say some are still living free in the wild- will give up and accept that both the "major" political parties have been mirror images since the day Tony Blair's left/right hybrid government put an end to the democratic illusion. Conservatives -according to recent sightings which cannot be confirmed- are described as a forlorn, nomadic breed, roaming in search of each other at obscure country shows, village markets and terminally overpriced rural pubs.

Equally pitiful is the spectacle of the well to-do elderly lefties, paddling in ever-decreasing circles around their own kids, in a swirling tide of incomprehensible omni-gendered race-baiting. Endless noble wars, the miracle of migration and free vegetarian everything forever. All this and the NHS too -where oh where will the money come from? (Spoiler alert -you and your bank balance).  

It must be a little bit galling to have bravely navigated the stormy seas of hated capitalism all the way to a nice detached house, only to find your grandchildren queuing to have their genitals customised to help destroy the civilisation you quietly adored. So much for the family dynasty of your dreams. It's enough to make you throw up on your Guardian Saturday supplement.

On the plus side, once BJ News is up and running, the comments section under every video starring  Boris the Blob will make for amusing reading. It wasn't as if you could fling a snarky response at the fat slob himself back in 2020/21, when he was still doing Pfizer jab-commercials and explaining why you had to live in loveless captivity till Daddy says you're allowed out again.

Farewell then, to GB News, the rebel rabble that never was, and say hello to yet another incarnation of the sweaty-palmed posh-boy from New York and Brussels. And spare a thought for those crusty old Tories flinging themselves off their castle ramparts in existential despair. They found out too late that if voting changed anything it wouldn't be allowed.   

Ian Andrew-Patrick

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