WEF Dilemma -AI or the Amish?


With its twin virtues of elastic neutrality and fiendish corruption, Switzerland is the logical home for the World Economic Forum. The conspicuously stable Swiss regime has spent nearly two centuries demonstrating that smart cookies invest in wars and avoid fighting them. That rarified atmosphere of prudent self-interest inevitably attracts the likes of Klaus Schwab and his tribe of grasping billionaires.

The fat fish attract the middling ones looking for tiny ones to devour, and this year's WEF jamboree has thrown up (literally) some real charmers for our entertainment. It takes genuine chutzpah to live up to my worst expectations, but a Green wingnut named Jojo Mehta immediately took pole position in the race to be Ms Davos Dumbelle 2024. In a demented save-the-earth rant worthy of her autistic, swivel-eyed mentor Greta Tinderborg, madam Jojo called for the creation of internationally-agreed laws to jail people for stuff she doesn't like.

You may imagine this would be limited to, say, egregious corporate pollution, fracking, drilling etc, but no -Jojo has decided to criminalise farming.

The relevant category of crime will -in her fantasy dictatorship- be called Ecocide, a word that cannot fail to inspire visions of a particularly powerful toilet-cleaner. I don't know how much applause this barminess provoked but -at first glance- it doesn't say much for WEF quality-control that a bozo like Jojo somehow got through the net and onto the stage.

Yet on reflection this is really to be expected, as behind the internet huff and puff, the hoisted flags and the staged photo-ops, the World Economic Forum is, as I suggested on Monday, little more than a PR exercise aimed at creating the illusion of an important, unitary force that simply does not exist. The unlovely Green wingnut is their town crier, a lightning-conductor which allows the WEF to offload the fallout from its real agenda onto 'independent advocates'. Jojo's ravings are her own idea, is the implication.

But as we learned during the Coronapantomime, what begins as raving insanity can become accepted wisdom within a few short weeks -if the public is bombarded with enough BS from every source.


Not at all coincidentally, a few days prior to Jojo Mahte's incontinent outburst, an Amish dairy farmer named Daniel Allgyer was prosecuted for selling raw, unpasteurised milk from his Rainbow Acres farm in Kinzer, Pennsylvania. He was convicted on Monday 15th, as the curtain went up on WEF 2024. This is how the PR matrix operates nowadays, with the court verdict arriving right on cue, and the ‘dangerous, illegal farming practice’ being splashed across the press and internet a matter of hours before the ‘independent’ voice of the anti-farming lobby appears on the world stage.

"Instead of cooperating, the Justice Department said in a statement, he tried to evade the federal regulation against the interstate sale of raw milk by creating a private membership organization that he used to enter into cow-sharing agreements with his customers. The court ruled that the cow-sharing agreements were “merely a subterfuge” and issued an order enjoining Allgyer and his associates from distributing unlabeled or unpasteurized milk for human consumption in interstate commerce. " [READ the full story HERE]

A few points need clarifying. Daniel Allgyer’s customers were all, without exception, buying his milk precisely because it was raw and unpasteurised. America’s FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are simply punishing him -and them- for refusing to consume only FDA ‘approved’ milk, -milk which contains exactly the same glorious cocktail of chemicals, antibiotics and lab-produced input you would expect from a Pharma-backed government agency. A similar commercial monoply operates in the UK and elsewhere.

This might be a good moment for readers to reflect that America’s Amish communities emerged from the Coronapantomime -sorry, pandemic- with no measurable change in normal illness/death statistics at all. Although not a single Amish was ever injected with the MRNA gene-slicing goop that made Pfizer $4 billion in a single year. Amish faith requires them to live in a manner which does not accomodate the majority of modern mechanical or chemical interventions.

What intriguing anomalies we see in the approach to “public health” taken by our “authorities”. Mature adults are not permitted to choose natural milk for their cornflakes, but ignorant children can command a supply of chemical-castration drugs as a prelude to mutilating their genitals. Health services indeed.

The larger story is the current, ongoing revolt in Germany where the nations farmers -correctly spotting that their businesses and way of life are both being extinguished by Net Zero fanatacism, began staging Canada-style blockades and convoys. The scale of this is unprecedented -Germany is a large country- and the government itself is starting to fragment under the strain of internal conflict. 

Germany is reeling under a triple whammy of the NATO terrorist attack that destroyed the Nordstream gas pipelines, a foolish de-industrialisation program and insane commitments to impossible climate-related targets. It would be naive to think that a WEF gathering just across the border would not shove its oar into these deep waters. 

Similar revolts are brewing across europe as the economic noose tightens on rural communities which are only gradually releasing the threat coming at them from predatory globalism. The endgame for the mega-corporations is a permanent end to family-owned farms -indeed to all forms of non-state ownership. This scenario would not just spell the end for the Amish way of life but would lead to a society of complete dependence, from which there will be no avenues of escape for those who dissent.  


Organisations like the WEF -and there are plenty- are a heavy burden upon humanity. There is a strange combination of greed and psychosis that compels ambitious / rich nonentities to create little groups with gargantuan names before advertising themselves as “authority figures”.

A friend of mine -we'll came him Bill- used to work for a gang calling themselves Global Vision, before he was headhunted by the Gates Foundation. GV was little more than a bunch of monied wanabees hiding behind a supposedly devout, fundamentalist Christian facade. But through Bill I learned that dozens of such bodies exist, forming the dismal matrtix of international busibodies called Non Governmental Organisations – NGOs for short. He used to meet them all at Davos about 15 years ago, back when the WEF was still operating below the public's radar.

Most were, Bill explained, poorly-run pen-pusher communes, staffed by wide-eyed middle-class graduates eager to save the earth from the scourge of something or other, details by arrangement. Unfortunately these borg-hives of collective virtue achieve little beyond adding to the swarm of charity-shops methodically erasing the small family businesses that once made european high-streets a delight for rich and poor alike. Global Vision were so up themselves they actually thought it was a great idea to have a racehorse running in their own name – and that lot were "Christians"- allegedly.

But worthwhile insight can be gleaned from studying the shortcomings of political pikers, because their structures and wish-lists are damn near identical to those of supposed titans like WEF, World Health Organisation, WWF, UN etc. Employees of such outfits include some of the most well-meaning midwits you could wish to meet. The NGO business-model, however, just as easily recruits drooling hysterics like Jojo Mehta.

This is a very 21st century problem; the unstoppable rise of the hyperbolic fanatic. It’s what happens when you stifle the natural instinct to pursue a spiritual life. Organised religion leaves a yawning vaccum behind when it departs, as it more or less has, from our civil onsciousness. In western europe, as Christ went out through the round window of globalism, the cult of virtue-signalling smashed through the fire-doors of contentment.

Rushing into the suddenly-available void came legions of red-eyed purposeless souls tormented by second-hand guilt, an abundance of free time and acute awareness of their unearned comfort. Hectored from all sides by established interest-groups, a generation of grievance-warriors arose, fuelled by a deadly cocktail of Marxism, self-loathing and anti-depressant medication.

And lo, the Prozac parents begat the caring, selfless daughter of Instagram, and the child gazed in infantile wonder upon all the glory of human creation, from the great pyramid of Giza to the Mona Lisa and thought to herself: I could glue my head to that painting and save 100 polar bears.

Why must everyone be an extremist in this cursed century of Tik-Tok and tech-talk? Is there no space for those of us who wish to stroll quietly in the shadows, by the riversides or across that occasionally deserted beach?

Few of us are villains or saints. Most of us have better things to do than patrol the planet searching for the next must-have mineral deposit. Nor do most people on earth subscribe to the climate doomsday cult. In the pampered states the vast majority have nothing but pity for the genderless gen-Z dingbats. We don't really want digital everything because we realised -almost too late- that digital anything is a leash that ties you to a master you cannot see, who will tug and twist you in directions of their own choosing. Google does not love us.

Why then should we live on a perpteual see-saw of vice and virtue? The world is not made up of a mass of extremists -they are just the ones who shout loudest; a minority of minorities, and should be reminded of that, daily.

AI or the Amish?

For 99.9% of us the real business of life is in spent in the ideological chasm dividing the Amish from AI, in that great somewhere between the black soil and the blinking algorithm. Nature is not all right any more than nurture is all wrong but the compromise must be ours to negotiate. It might well be the ideal scenario for the privileged few in Davos, but we the people do not belong to any earthly governance, national or global. Freedom of choice is an open door, not a recurring coin-toss between the fanatics of right and left.

Channeling my inner Amish, I really love to wander loose in woods and fields with animals for company and not a single digital anything in my possession. But that liberty is what the the WEF is built destroy, to eclipse forever beneath their fluttering standard of cyber-power, while the faithful chant the names of the new gods in the dark: growth; sustainability; diversity. My ass.

As the moon rises tonight over Davos the gnarled, bitter billionaires will croak and dissolve, coiled in the limbs of $2000 per-hour hookers, to snore and dream of a digitally-engineered half-world; a total-control, technocratic iceberg on which every breathing thing is available to be screwed whenever the price is right.

But tomorrow, with the quiet inevitability of an old Swiss grandfather clock, the earth will turn its face to the rising sun, smiling- not frowning. Not all of the little people live in inner city ghettos. Some of the smallest pygmies on the globe rent palaces in Switzerland.


Ian Andrew-Patrick

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99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are now obliged to fight.


  1. Ian , it's not often that i laugh out loud and spray tea over myself , but the " glue my head to that painting " comment was worth the mess , brilliant !
    I would give you an award if i could.

    1. Glad to oblige. I must admit was smiling as I typed that one.


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