Britain's Many Governments Are Foreign Bodies

A strange spring in the big city. Prices rising, portions shrinking, beggars multiplying. Fatherless children exhausting their young mothers- many of whom are exploring strange new ways of selling sex to strangers. Ground down by time and poverty, the aged congratulate each other on surviving an expensive winter. Chaos on roads and railways. Soiled, decaying city streets; abandoned shopping arcades; rusting shutters, padlocked doors, blank windows. Garbage rolling in the gutters. Newspaper headlines of propaganda lies: Inflation reduced; economy improving; fighting on the Ukranian front. A quarter of the population are idle, half are in debt, millions broke. Everyone knows Russia is winning the war but nobody says it out loud. Jews, meanwhile, are learning to keep off the city streets.

Yes, I am describing Nazi-controlled Berlin in spring 1944. Also Khan-controlled London in spring 2024. The future of every city in the place they still call “Britain” - a failed state plagued with anti-British authorities, corrupted councils and a joke government led by power-drunk weasels who hate this country and its people. Don’t complain, comply. Laws to amputate national pride, obliterate dissent, shut your mouth. Chatting in public -a cafe, a bar, a queue- do you speak your mind aloud for all to hear? Or do you glance round first, lowering your voice, just in case? (In 1944 Berliners called this ‘the German glance’)

Who is running this mockery of a democracy? Who are these strange new “British leaders”? Why does every one of them openly despise the population they chose to join?


I cannot pretend to understand the bizarre Irish regime -it’s an unholy, inexplicable mess- but I do know its senior politician resigned three weeks ago. Sources which shall be nameless say he has been blackmailed out by rivals. For the record, he is the ‘openly gay’ son of an Indian doctor from Bombay. He spent six months in a globalist political indoctrination program, sorry, I meant “interning” in Washington DC aged 17. Appointed to Ireland’s leadership by the “legislature,” not the public.


Never knowingly outwoked, Wales excelled itself in the aftermath of its own leadership resignation. The newly-minted Welsh First Minister was born in Zambia to a mixed race couple and proudly declares himself to be ‘black’. Made leader by the Welsh Labour Party, not the public.

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Ian Andrew-Patrick


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