Somedays I wake up and need several hours to convince myself I'm not still slumbering. Kee-rist All-mighty this cannot be reality! I must be lost in a sleep-scape of mad dreams and terrible nightmares. Wild, insane ideas are crowded into my mind. Am I really awake? Truly? Because my first thought is -please don't laugh- when and where can I go for a walk today without getting arrested? But nobody's laughing, I know.
It's a cold January morning so I wallow in fond memories of my (six in a lifetime) budget trips to Greece and Spain until I remember -I'll never be allowed to travel abroad again - because I prefer my blood to be natural, without any experimental chemicals injected into my veins. Fool that I am.
Not long after I realise I am awake I am rocked-every day- by one inescapable fact: For twenty-five years I asked for nothing at all from the government, and now the government has destroyed my business, forbidden me to work at my job, and wrecked my life. But that, of course, doesn't help.
At this point, wide awake, depressed and angered, I need a break from reality (although I've only been awake an hour or so). To escape my woes, then, I turn my attention to the world, to the news beyond these shores only to find: holy smokes, a gang of crooked US politicians have put a mumbling dementia victim up front and they expect us to believe he's running the United States ofAmerica!
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These are neither jokes, nor concepts a sane man can take seriously. These are things that belong in the realm of fevered imagination and drug-induced hallucination. Only in a dream would everyone on earth be walking around with a square of soggy cloth tied to their face with string. Only in a nightmare would men in suits and uniforms threaten me with arrest for leaving the house without permission, or fine me for visiting a friend. I can just about imagine a comedy sketch in which the BBC instructs the public to only have sex 'while wearing a mask', in positions which 'avoid unnecessary contact'. Not in the real world, no, do not be ridiculous.
Yet the evidence of my eyes tells me this is stark reality, and it won't be improving anytime soon. I had, for a few decades, a vague idea that the French Revolution had demonstrated to the super-rich how fragile is the kingdom of wealth. Yet today, on every continent, in every country, the so-called 'politicians' apear to have discarded the mask of responsibility and effectively crowned themselves as a community of kings and queens.
But appearances can be deceptive. These are not leaders but puppets, a suit-and-tie goon squad of inferior men and women who have sold their souls for the taste and the trappings of power.For over two years now I have been describing why and how these ersatz 'leaders' are selected early, trained by an unelected elite and placed into the shop-window of government to carry out the orders of the truly powerful. Here and here, for example. I have always emphasised that this process is not an idealogical, party-political affair, because, like the sock-puppet 'leaders' themselves, I have no real allegiance to any group. My allegiance is to humanity, theirs is to the illusion of power.
And here's the rub. It's a source of great sadness to me, but after a whole century of blood-soaked evidence to the contrary, tens of millions remain hobbled by their obsessive belief in an ongoing, imaginary struggle between those on the 'right' and the 'left'. 'Imaginary', because it is essentially a theatre production, in which most of the cast are themselves trapped in the very same delusion. The top politicians are, however, a class apart. They speak with a single voice, as instructed, from the script given to them by their masters. Literally, a script, with catch-phrases designed to brainwash voters across the world. Please watch this very short video:
That should be required viewing for anyone you know who thinks the "Reset" is a "conspiracy theory".
For most of my adult life I've endured the endless, pointless wrangling of 'conservative' and 'labour' supporters who had been gulled into cooperating with the latest charismatic "personality" who sat in the chair marked "leader". For there are many, many people much more powerful than the "leaders." And those power-brokers love to see the public worshipping their chosen puppets. It is their dearest wish that every last generation will pin a rosette on some donkey and beat its brains out on the rocks of a conviction that 'the battle for[whatever]ism is being won'. Then the wheel turns, another general election is "held", a few dozen pro-politicians change their 'seat' and the game begins again. Because this meaningless waltz of musical chairs has ushered in four more years of exactly the same. But the 'leaders', alas, have grown less and less convincing with each generation.
I've had a very close look at the mechanics of the manufactured Coronafix. It is increasingly clear to me that the global/corporate power-brokers had their hand forced, and fast-forwarded this 'bio-security disaster' fairy-tale in a bid to stem a rapidly-growing tide of dissent. We may be paying a (pandemically) heavy price for our sins, but it is no coincidence that twice within the last five years the powers-that-should-not-be were rocked by surprises sprung upon them by the pestilence called 'voters'. I refer, of course to the Brexit referendum and the election of President Donald Trump.
Having long ago anticipated the brand of government-sponsored bio-horror we have suffered these last ten months, the events of 2020 shocked but did not surprise me. I am sure the practical details of this monstrous con-trick were actually scheduled for somewhen several years in the future. The incompetence and amateurish theatrics of the 'global response' to their hastily-contrived 'pandemic' speaks of hopelessly unprepared actors fluffing their lines through lack of rehearsal. I may add, the author/directors of the 2020 Corona-tragedy would certainly struggle for work in Hollywood, where a script this bad would have been laughed out of the pitch-room.
The globalist elite were stunned -temporarily- to find their backs against the wall. Of themselves, neither Brexit nor Trump were genuine, focussed attempts to derail any particular global agenda. Opposition that organised did not and does not not exist. Both 'shock results' were just the predictable products of dejected peoples who felt their fairly humble wishes were being ignored. Brexiteers were saying " Oi! We hate these crazy European laws!" while Trump's voters were -delightfully- giving the finger to both the left and right wings of the Washington swamp. The common theme was simple and unifying: no more of that shit thankyou.
Rejection of both the European Union and America's political swamp were not the responses expected of populations which had been engineered for decades to produce lazy, unquestioning, sheep. But humans are not sheep. As George Orwell's anti-hero 'Winston' observed in the must-read novel 1984, "...if there was hope, it MUST lie in the proles..." Incredibly, using the globalists own favourite tool -the badly flawed, and easily corrupted process of 'democratic' voting- the lower-classes (proles) of both Britain and America somehow managed to defy an avalanche of propaganda commanding them to choose the opposite of their heart's desire. And they defied the avalanche twice in a row.
But, as the military instruction manuals say, desperate situations call for desperate measures. I have never seen more desperate creatures than the pea-brained collection of chancers yanking the levers of Covid hysteria. It is not coincidental that both Trump and (any real) Brexit have now been violently ejected from the political landscape beneath the smokescreen of a 'deadly global pandemic' that never existed. For an important few, the 2020 plandemic simply put a handbrake on a freedom train that could not be allowed to keep rolling.
If proof of the above is needed, look no further than the pitiful spectacle of the dribbling oaf now wearing the title of "President of the United States". A mumbling, withered shell of a man, so detatched from reality by the after effects of brain surgery that he cannot complete a coherent sentence. Wherever and whenever he speaks, the script is literally pumped straight into his earpiece for him to repeat. Even his bodily movements are dictated by commands from the voice in his ear. Two days ago, making his formal entry to the Capitol, poor Joe clambered up the steps like an escapee from a terminal care-home. Entering the building past a Marine Guard of Honour, he mysteriously muttered 'Salute the Marines' before walking past them, oblivious. Joe hadn't realised the words "salute the marines" were his prompt to action - he was supposed to raise his hand and salute them. The senile "President" thought it was the next line of of his speech. (FOR more details CLICK HERE)
Only truly desperate people would have dared to install this idiot in the White House and announce him as "Leader of the Free World". Politics hasn't sunk this low in 2,000 years, since Caligula decided to make his racehorse Incitatus into a consul of Rome. (In fairness to Incitatus, at least he could walk unaided in a straight line, a task far beyond "President Biden". Perhaps they should try Joe in a bridle and some reins).
But the Reset is the work of truly desperate people. Let's face it, the story of the 21st century, from the moral debasement of 9/11, through the 'Terror Wars' and Obama's 'economic crash' of 2008 (that turned deadbeat gambler-parasites into overnight billionaires) is a tale of two worlds. The world of us and the world of THEM. As every last dollar and platinum-bar was hoovered up the food-chain to the bloated super-rich and their acolytes, the rest of us knew -in our hearts, I insist, we KNEW, that the game was up. The golden calf of instant credit and limitless party-life could only crash to its knees; it was just a matter of time.
But I never thought I'd live to see it. That crash will be down the road, after my race is run, I told myself. And so, like an idiot dancing on a pond of ice, I pranced into the hole, convinced the shell would never crack. Well, here we are underwater and the water's not lovely. The Reset has begun and this time it's personal.
Do not understimate the nature of the danger, nor how close we are to losing everything that makes us human. The latest addition to the cast of repulsive Reset goons -financier-turned-author Klaus Schwab- stuck his unlovely head up at the World Economic Forum yesterday to announce that "As long as not everybody is vaccinated, nobody will be safe". First, Schwab is in no sense a medicine-man, so his opinion is no more valid than yours, or mine, or the woman next door. Second, the somewhat obvious lack of detail in his remark betrays its purpose. By making no specific reference any one of the innumerable vaccines currently touted as the only hope for the human race, Mr Reset demonstrates that the purpose of a universal, unavoidable, take-it-or-die vaccination programme is not actually preventing disease. None of the vaccines now in use even claim to prevent people from catching Covid. The purpose, of course is establishing the principle of compulsory vaccination itself. Once every government has siezed the power to penetrate the bodies of unwilling citizens and insert whatever they wish, human freedom and autonomy will be ended, forever. In these circumstances -and it's exactly these circumstances they are attempting to create- we will have no more status or liberty than domesticated pets, to be jabbed, chipped, tested and traced at the whim of our masters.
I have had it to the back teeth of all the 'reasonable, decent people' shuffling along in their spit-muzzles and mental chains towards this Brave New Slavery while pointing their trembling forefingers at the likes of me and whining 'KONTHPIRATHY THEEE-OAR-ISSSST! If the general public are simply too numbed, too dumbed, too flat-out ignorant to see what's coming when it's right in their faces then they will get what they deserve and the world will not mourn them.
In January 2019 I predicted the phony pandemic in this article:(here) Last year I predicted (here) the opening of internment camps for refuseniks - such camps are already open in Canada. For those readers eager for the next installment of tomorrow's news today, here are two more bet-your-boots certainties from the 99EndOf crystal ball.
(1) Under the all-purpose smokescreen of the Coronamby-pamby plague, western societies will -one at a time, like dominoes, enter a state of (heavily engineered) "financal collapse". A whole parade of 'leaders' will either resign (in the manner of the Italian premier last week) or be ejected, economies will topple, and prices rise. Chaos will be the norm and then...lo! The only answer will be a One World Government. Kind of like the EU with knobs on, a gun in each hand and big jackboots to stomp you with.
(2) The global 'war on Covid' will be declared almost unwinnable. One by one, our 'leaders' will announce that -regretfully- the awesome, all-encompassing battle against the deadly killer virus can never be won without -and we're really sorry about this- compulsory vaccination for everybody on the planet. We didn't want to do this, they will say, but unfortunately we must. Not their fault, you see. It was our fault -the useless public that just couldn't obey orders. Our pitiful reluctance to wear enough masks lost the war on Covid. That, and our idiotic enthusiasm for meeting other human beings now and then. Because we just don't know what's good for us. And now we must be punished, so we'd better apologise, roll up our sleeves and take it like a good puppy.
Yesterday's "conspiracy theories" are today's well-known facts. Don't be a sap. Start resisting with everything you've got or get ready to kiss goodbye to whatever little you have left.
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