On furlough are you, dear Covidian? Sat at home on full wages, thinking lockdown ain't so bad really... Perhaps it's kind of nice spending more time with the kids? All those hours you used to waste on commuting -that's all free time now - no more desperate dash to catch the overcrowded train, maybe lockdown's okay really...

Of course like all good citizens of Covidia, you're looking forward to having some fun again one day -you know, after lockdown, when the virus stops killing everybody, or perhaps when they get a real, super-strength vaccine that means no-one will ever die again, ever. 


Yes, then you'll have bars and restaurants to visit, and concerts and cinemas and shopping trips without the silly masks and all...that'll be nice. It's a pity we can't have that right now but it would just be irresponsible not to do what the scientists say, because they know best, don't they? And you can tell the government sincerely cares for the people of Covidia-that's why they're paying everyone's wages after all, isn't it?   It's only temporary, all these rules, it's not as if lockdown's that bad, really...

Oh, weep for your parents, children of Covidia, for they are the fools of furlough. Around half the people still working in Britain get their wages from government now. Your parents are among them, if you're lucky.Except you're not really lucky, because it won't be like that for you, junior. You're being trained to think this unending hell of total state control is normal. Plenty of younger kids are already deciding this is normality. Of course they are. Because Mummy says everything will be alright and she's getting her wages every month. It's not like we're starving or anything.  

Think of your children, parents of Covidia. If you don't find the guts to stand up to this creeping communisitic nightmare, your children will spend their lives in slavery. Covidia was not built in a day, and it is purpose-built to outlast you. It's your kids they're really targeting. Catholic monks used to say "give us the boy till he is twelve and we'll give you the man", and from personal experience I can agree they know what they're talking about. (Iwas lucky - they trained me to think for myself).  Modern children are easily trained, with their ever-present smartphones pumping in the brightly-coloured lies. Modern youngsters can be trained to accept dreadful things older people would instantly reject as horrific. 

It's been a  quick, steep climb to everyday fascism. First you were locked in your house under the two-pronged threat of death from a virus or arrest for disease-spreading. THREE WEEKS, they said, to "flatten the curve". Then every form of social behaviour that makes life worth living was forbidden, by decree, as if you were a slave, owned by a king. 

Three weeks became THREE MONTHS. Then you were asked to wear a mask, then pressured, then FORCED to wear a mask or get the hell out of society, got it? For a few short weeks in summer a few crumbs of freedom were scattered like you and your family and friends were caged chickens. 


But this was still too much freedom to be permitted. Like the sound of a prison bell signalling 'lights-out' you were ordered off the streets, back to your homes, into your mask and stay put, number 32,416! You were told the deadly killer virus was still raging -because of you. You hadn't behaved well enough, or if not you then it was somebody you knew. So once again you were forbidden your friends, forbidden your family, and if your parents were dying alone in some don't-care home tough luck. There you will  stay, they said, until we get THE VACCINE. Okay, you said, I'll wait. 

Then came the great day -THE VACCINE IS HERE! And all the Gods of Health assembled to sing its praise. The millionaire Health Minister sobbed for (fake) joy on tv. The millionaire Health Scientists (who manufacture the vaccine and sell it) pronounced it NINETY FIVE PERCENT EFFECTIVE. (In the small print you learn the jab won't stop you catching Covid or from spreading it but so what?) 

So you took the vaccine. But before the red mark on your arm had time to heal they said YOU NEED TO TAKE IT TWICE. (NB: You'll be twice as safe and the Pfizer boss twice as rich.)

The millionaire Vaccine Minister (who works for the oil company Gulf Keystone Petroleum International)  went on tv to explain in fact it'll be more like THREE TIMES. And every year, forever. 


Is there a point, dear Covidians, where enough is enough? Perhaps when your children /grandchildren  begin sobbing at the realisation they will never, ever experience one hundredth of the freedom you and your ancestors enjoyed? Do you need your beloved daughter to attempt suicide because her friends are locked in a forbidden zone? Or will you tell her to grow up, get back to Netflix, put on her mask and stop complaining? Will your attitude change when your son becomes an opiate addict or an alcoholic because his whole life has shrunk into the flickering screens of virtual distraction and online porn? Or will you write him off as a bad lot, not your fault? 

Because every day of YOUR obedience to Coronalaw adds another brick to the prison walls growing up around your children. Every time you wear the idiotic Covidian mask and stand to attention at the correct Covidian distance from the deadly (harmless) strangers that surround you, another piece of your human soul dies. Every one of the gurning millionaire celebrities that leer from your television endorsing the latest set of kick-in-teeth Covidian rules from the Ministry of Covidia is a cretin. 

But the science! But the experts! But the Wise Men and Women of Covidia! Fools you are and fools you will be to kneel at the feet of these impostors.The millionaires of SAGE are bought-and-paid for vaccine-poodles with thick wads of cash and Pharma shares in their offshore accounts. They are laughing all the way to the next six-figure bonus, uploading their sordid CVs onto (the company set up by your multi-millionaire Vaccine Minister, (who is from Iraq by the way).  The Covid millionaires are never getting off this gargantuan gravy-train, and they're telling you to your face, forget your life, that's gone this is your normal now,  for, oooh, think of a number, well...just  years and years at least..

It will never end, dear Covidian. Not if you keep on nodding your ugly muzzled face. (All faces are ugly in masks. Do you think your tartan /leopard-print muzzle is cool? Attractive? Do you think prisoners would be free if their chains were tartan and designed by Versace?) 

Outside your locked door, fat, overpaid Covid-cops patrol the streets in search of non-believers to punish for the crime of living free.  [CLICK HERE FOR SOME BAD COP VIDEO] Not you. You're a good Covidian, aren't you? Zooming and Watsapping and ticking all the right left boxes and in between times you're so Instagrammy... because it won't always be like this (you believe). The Minister for Normality will see to that. He'll have a word with the Minister for Healthy Lockdown and she'll come on telly to explain why solitary confinement is particularly good for women and children.   


Oh I weep for you, poor Covidian. Because it WILL NOT always be like this. The money tap will be turned off and an iron curtain will drop on your illusion of a future. The present will be all there is and every day will be like the one before. Hundreds upon hundreds of meaningless days following each other like a centipede with needles for legs. And when you finally admit they just frightened you into building your own prison, you will look in the mirror and see the coward you became.But it will be too late to resist because your own children will rat you out to the authorities you told them to obey. 


Many thanks to everyone who supported 99EndOf  through what has been a year of unending  chaos. Please do your best to share and re-post any articles or links of value that you find here. There is no agenda on this site and we support NO political ideology whatsoever. We support the individual, and the freedoms with which all individuals are born -the freedoms we must now defend with our lives.  



  1. It's hard to think of a peaceful way out of this prison we now inhabit unless, maybe ,some people with real power step up and destroy the Covid edifice , which given the feeble foundation it is built upon should not be hard to do.

    1. I'm tempted to agree with you, although who these people with 'real power' might be is a moot point. Real power, I suggest, lies in the hands of those with weapons, and here in the UK, the state has the monopoly on firepower.

  2. We can only hope that the Chiefs of staff and chiefs of police will look at their despairing children and realise something has to be done to stop this nightmare.

    1. I feel that even 20 years ago, senior army officers would already have stepped in to a scenario like this, but a lot of preparatory work was done to undermine the police and the armed forces in advance of the contrived hysteria. I have no children -thank god- but too many of my friends do. I am appalled at the grim future they are now facing.


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