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For over 40 years now politicians have been threatening me with excruciatingly painful death. AIDS was targeting my penis. Anthrax was coming: (Saddam Hussein was going to wage chemical war against the world). Global warming would destroy the earth and kill us all as the ice melted and the forests burned. Iran was going to nuke us. Foot and mouth disease was running wild. Swine Flu was going to wipe us out by the millions. Now Covid, climate, and vegans are queuing up to kill me.
The whole thing has gone primal. Once upon a time the political blaggers would chat away about the fax of tax, or the eco-economy, or the price of big houses and stuff. But reality and practicality don't cut the media-mustard no more. In 2021 it's looming doom and deadly dire -death and disaster, disease and destruction. So why, dear guys, persist with suits and ties? Now that politicians have learned to tell the future, why not flex a little supernatural muscle? Surely it's time for the Westminster witch-doctors to break out the grass skirts, paint woad on their faces and rattle some boiled bones. If they're going to insist on curing death and saving planets they should at least look and smell the part. Super-heroes deserve superb outfits, and there must be some fragrance more appealing than the stench of Boris.
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In the concrete rainforests of 2021, rare unlovely beasts prowl the empty streets and witch-doctors abound. Long ago in ancient times, every self-respecting witch-doctor and magic-worker -from Scotland to Zambia- had certain things in common. They were protected, wealthy and privileged, and threatened everyone with certain death -unless, of course, they obeyed the commands of their betters.
Pop a cork, if you ever stuck a needle in an effigy of your foe. Because happy days (for the voo-do-ers) are here again. The current Conservative governmensch boasts an elite, aggressively diverse cabinet, crammed with Twitter-verified voodoo-VIPs. Indeed, they are the kind of ruling-class vampires we used to associate with third-world dictatorships.
Which is hardly surprising, as the Tory Party is now controlled by millionaire families hailing from third world countries, as we documented here : [NADHIM ZAHAWI and the cartwheeling RISHI SUNAK or future Commander in Chief SAJID JAVID]. Until relatively recently, creatures peddling this brand of cash-in-hand corruption would have been exposed by journalists, and rejected by a cynical, knowing public. But journalists have swapped their big-boy pants for the mini-skirts more appropriate to professional cheerleaders. The public, meanwhile, has been re-engineered to reflect the aims of its masters. The people just ain't what they used to be.
Not so very long ago the British cheese-sandwich-munching class were -albeit briefly- gifted an exceptional education. The standard of teaching was extraordinarily high and the depth and scope of subjects taught was unmatched anywhere. As a result, two consecutive UK generations recording staggeringly high 1Q scores in comparison to other western democracies. Armed with this precious advantage, all that millions of citizens needed to enjoy a lifestyle of attractive opportunities and relative comfort was to avoid crime and do their job. The result was a quickly-growng middle-class of people smart enough and young enough to expect a wee bumbag more than contempt from the "establishment" - the tiny elite at the top.
To the loafing cabal of monopolists, however, the runaway progress of their pet underclass was far from acceptable. The last thing they wanted was competition for desirable resources, land and property. The trouble is, smart people want their fair share of the fun-cake, and the more smart people there are, the thinner the slices. Clearly, something had to be done.
Today, we hear a lot about the Great Reset - a modern, well-packaged, calculated effort to rewire the nature of our societies and economies -a major shift, if you like. Thousands of words and endless hours of video are expended explaining why this should be opposed, as indeed it must. But most of the Reset stories are way behind the curve, as the critical major shift already took place -in the 1960's- without a whiff of official publicity or promotion.
As the nineteen sixties began, a decision was taken -very much in private- to re-engineer the publics of all western countries, to produce populations more like the pre-industrial model: that is, inferior in opportunity, in health and -vitally- in education. For the survival of the Lucky Few, the clock had to be turned back to the days when the lower orders knew their place -i.e. the bottom of the heap. Dumb people, it was known, expected less from life -and inevitably, that was what they got.
Unfortunately for the worried ruling-class, the dumbing-down process of populations wasn't the cakewalk they had anticipated. Intelligent, well-educated parents had a habit of demanding at least the same opportunities for their children which they themselves had enjoyed. Also, a considerable amount of important educational input was now taking place at home, with parents wisely steering their children towards the virtues of discipline and work. The rewards, after all, were there to be seen, on the table, in the furnishings, or parked outside on the street. Ladders were there to be climbed, if you had the will and the wits.
In response, the establishment reached for the blunt instruments of confusion and chaos. The successful, upwardly-mobile 'family unit' was identified as the biggest threat to elite control, and extreme steps were taken to dismantle such family bonds, with across-the-board programmes for "social change"designed to flatten the spike in aspirational ideals.
Beneath a cloak of "progressive thinking", youth culture was targeted with "revolutionary" literature and music. Universities quickly became distribution-centres for a vast menu of suspiciously available drugs, while marriage and monogamy were scorned in favour of "free love" (random promiscuity). Aggressive, divisive forms of "feminism" were promoted, inviting young women to effectively reject men and masculinity altogether. Motherhood was rebranded as a part-time occupation and single-mothers uncritically applauded as heroic female role-models, billionaire-entrpreneurs-in-waiting who could "have it all". Every one of these developments was exploited to fatally undermine the family unit.
Crude, deceptive versions of communist philosophy were spread through a network of compliant university-lecturers and academics. Young adults barely out of school began lecturing their parents -and each other- about the evils of the world into which they were born. Yesterday's gone! This, then, was the true Reset that tipped an ordered, civilised society into chaos and confusion.
A wedge had been driven between parents and their offspring. Instead of approaching adulthood with humility and gratitude for all the work and loving support lavished on them, kids rejected the "values" of a society to which they -so far- had contributed nothing, while enjoying "everything". This was the purpose of the 1960's Reset, and it worked. A half-century later the effort is-for the elite- finally paying off. The children of the sixties spawned the schoolteachers of 2000 and the die was cast.
Consider the world-view of a seventeen-year-old schoolkid in 2021. Immature, largely ignorant and held in the sweaty grip of physical and emotional changes, this child has been told that gender itself is not a biological reality but a lifestyle choice. At a stage in life where uncertainty is already a serious hazard, the innocent child is assured that "changing sex" is always an option and a very positive one at that. Never mind that silly nonsense about learning stuff and pursuing a career. Fancy a sex-change?
If white, children are now subjected to a barrage of racial abuse coming from all sides - as media, social media, TV, "influencers" and their own teachers insist that all white people are both "privileged" and "racist". For the sin of whiteness, the role-models, heroes and heroines of their parents are being erased from history, statues attacked or removed, streets and buildings re-named. Their cultural history -a history that includes many of the greatest achievements of human civilisation- is being mocked, rocked and dismantled before they even had time to experience a fraction of its wonders.
If non-white, the seventeen-year-old has been indoctrinated -by the same coalition of earnest voices- to believe they are trapped in a personal nightmare of universal injustice, prejudice and savage racial-hatred. Selectively-written "histories" are offered them, in which every form of human atrocity in history is blamed upon white people. Uncomfortable realities like the fact that black Africans were enslaved by other black Africans long before white people reached the continent -are erased from history as easily as spraying fifty pee of paint on a bronze statue of Churchill.
For children of all colours -and our is a spectacularly colourful society- this is abuse masquerading as education. It's the logical extension of the 1960's Reset -a brainwashing process calculated to produce anger, suspicion and confusion in a society already submerged in all three. Before they have really learned how to love, the young have been taught how to hate - others and themselves. Half-formed and bewildered, the average seventeen year-old has already been labelled by society as a monster for climate-crime, thought-crime, for the colour of their skin, their unfashionable sexuality, for meat-eating, for church-going or mere political wrongthink. Across the Atlantic, the witch-doctors of Washington have declared (white) children are all racists before they are can even read. What kind of twisted pervert would inflict this repulsive slander on kids?
The concept of the individual -the underpinning of everything written on this blog- is alien to such children. Individuality, they have been trained to believe, is expressed by purchases, tattoos, haircuts, clothes and above all, sexual eccentricities. Individuality has been transplanted from the space between their ears to the (ever-negotiable) space between their legs. Thought has been replaced with doctrine. As with the Spanish Inquisition, the child of groupthink knows there is a right and a wrong answer to every question, no middle ground for debate or freedom of choice.
With each passing week, the masked masses grow evermore limp and dull-eyed. With all the grace of a low-budget zombie apocalypse, shuffling hordes of faceless drones parade in rows through these endless, tedious days towards the ever-dangling carrot of better times ahead. And like hissing, slithering warlocks, out come the Experts of SAGE to wave their brightly-coloured fantasy-charts of R and of D, whispering soft, lurid threats of Covidian horror to come, to a soundtrack of rattling antlers and howling wolves.
The nodding dogs of journalistm gather at the totem pole in Trafalgar Square to see the chicken disembowelled before Chris Whitty or Nadhim Zahawi announces the arrival of fresh, warm barrels of Covidian ju-ju. Flaming torches of sustainable scented-oil are lit, and elders gather by the nightly bonfire of newly-banned books. Behind closed doors, hot wine is poured and drunk (responsibly). The old masking songs are sung once more : Two's Company, Three's a Criminal Offence...The First Tme Ever I Saw Your Face...Half a Vaccine (Is better Than None) ...
Stumbling through the entrance, Chantelle yanks a cheap mask across her features and launches another raid on the supermarket where shoppers fear to touch. She follows the arrows up one aisle and down the next, keeping her distance well. Gradually the trolley fills up, courtesy of this month's Universal Credit. Cardboard boxes of food, plastic bags of snacks, bottles of booze and a pack or two of Ibuprofen just in case. It's just another weekend but what's the difference these days?
Her neighbours are marching for BLM tomorrow but she's mixed-race and not that keen, but she has an excuse ready. Her girlfriend's offered to drive them both to London for an Extinction Rebellion do instead. In fact they'll probably just stay home and chill. They met in a pub back in August 2020 but that was so long ago she can't recall which one. Chantelle's supposed to be in the first-year of her Sports-Science degree at Nottingham but can't see the point now; there are no jobs, everybody says so.
Her nose is itchy and sore under the mask but she hesitates to pull it off, even for a moment. There's a woman in front wiithout any mask at all. Somebody should say something, shouldn't they? But it won't be Chantelle who speaks. It's easier just to look away. Everybody's got their reasons, after all; nothing in life is entirely black or white.
99EndOf reached more people in February 2021 than in any month of the three years we've been posting. A very big thankyou to all readers -your support is essential because we ain't gettin' any from the TechLords. I know more and more of you are sharing our posts on social media, and I thank the tech-savvy who are linking us into forums etc. Spreading the word is the best support you can offer and I never fail to be amazed at the feedback we get now. There are -I have learned- many more of us than we know. Keep it up, people!
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