The Fake Left Use the Fake Right to Drag Everyone into La-La Land
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Imagine a world in which a handful of international banks and corporations have all the wealth and all the power. Imagine they have -carefully and quietly- taken control of all the major, important governments, by bribing the political class in every country.
How would they go about concealing such a terrifying program of dictatorship?
The answer is simple : by creating a "theatre of politics" in which well-paid actors pretend to argue about issues which are divided into "right" and "left." To keep the public interested, the illusion of "political disagreement" would be broadcast through newspapers, radio, TV and internet, by well-paid activists. Indeed, many of these activists would inevitably be useful idiots who actually believed they were "fighting" a real political battle. We've all met that kind of person.In this (hypothetical) world, the public, more interested in having a life than having arguments, would generally allow these "important people" to organise the "government" for them. That government, however, would be an imaginary one. As arranged, the banks and corporations would make all the decisions. The political actors would be given scripts to learn, in which they took credit for these "decisions" or pretended to disagree about them. They would perform these speeches on radio and TV, and be quoted in newspapers. In this way, by demonstrating they were "important", when election time came round, most would be sent back to perform in Parliament for another season - sorry "term".
Yes, imagine that world, and be glad you don't live there. But if -in some terrible future dystopia- you woke up and found you actually did live there, what would you expect to happen? Obviously, the super-powerful banks and corporations wouldn't actually care about the fake "right/left" argument. Remember, they created that argument simply to conceal their steady advance towards complete power. Their only real concern would be achieving total control of all the worlds people and resources as quickly as possible.
To succeed they would need more and more control over everyone's lives. They would need to make changes designed to achieve that control. However, as people resent sudden, extreme changes, the power-brokers would make their changes gradually, a bit at a time. Persuasion would be needed.
Fortunately, there are plenty of experts in the business of persuasion, and if paid enough, they are always happy to help arrange a system of total control. People like Doctor Susan Michie, the Communist-Part member who works in Boris Johnson's SAGE Committee. (We profiled the highly problematic far-left Dr Michie in January HERE, and I note with amusement that the Daily Mail got around to her in April).
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A lot of trouble would occur, however, if these three crazy, extreme ideas were screamed at the public by radio, TV, newspapers and internet every day for several years. Everyone would be forced to have an opinion, or a belief -even the majority who knew quite well these three ideas are nonsense. After enough propaganda, debates, public demonstrations, screaming and shouting, rather a lot of people would be sick and tired of the whole argument.
At this point, if the three crazy ideas were watered down to something much less extreme, rather a lot of people might be prepared to "go along to get along"- by accepting silly, but less upsetting ideas. When that happened, the public's reaction to the three ideas might shift to the kind of thing we see below in FIGURE 2.
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This is a very different debate from the fierce disagreement we saw in FIGURE 1. Note, however, that while the three new "ideas" being proposed (on the left) come from the the same position as the original ideas, the responses (on the right) are simply expressions of fatigue. Tired of the extreme argument, the sceptics have moved to "you go ahead and think what you like, I really don't care that much."
From the point of view of the "extremists" this is the crucial moment. Having achieved a grudging "acceptance" of their "diluted" ideas, they now retreat to their original, extreme positions. Next, they demand that the "acceptance" shown by their opponents not be withdrawn. Seeing the whole mad argument beginning again, in desperation the sceptics shift to the responses illustrated below in FIGURE 3
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By simply pretending to "soften" their three crazy ideas, the lunatics have now persuaded the sane people to move a long way towards insanity -all the way from "you're nuts" to "oh all right then." And what was crazy to begin with, is now saccepted as "normal".
This is precisely how "mind-controlllers" like Dr Michie achieve their ends. Or try to.
Imagine for a moment that the scenario described above was reality. If the banks and corporations are the real ones making all the decisions that affect our lives, and the entire media just a megaphone for their extreme ideas, wouldn't it look just like Britain today?
One consequence of the Covid pantomime has been a growing disillusion in the ranks of those unfortunate enough to call themselves "Conservative voters". With our society turned upside down and our every move dependent on government permission, vast numbers of Tories find themselves disgusted by the government they chose to elect. Yet consider the alernative. At the last election, on every substantive issue (Brexit, immigration, climate change, identity politics, gender claptrap, racism, sexism, ) there was not a hairsbreadth between the left and right. The subsequent Lockdowns, Coronalaws, travel bans, mass vaccinations and vaccine passports have been wholeheartedly supported by both sides.
What has changed is that Conservative policies have become far-left policies, and this was achieved using precisely the tactics shown above in FIGURES 1, 2,& 3. In a political theatre where the entire cast is well-rehearsed, performances like these are simple and very effective. The left moved so far to the extreme left, the right were dragged to where the left used to be.
The astonishing thing is, while the political ideas become ever-more insane, the political parties become identical to each other. and the public just keep on voting for the men and women organising this insanity. The time is long overdue for the public to cease endorsing any of these charlatans.
This is often expressed in the saying "Imagine they had an election and nobody came..." What an intriguing position our so-called leaders would be in, if none of them were elected. Nobody would be able to destroy your business or command your obedience. Nobody could steal your earnings and call it "tax", or stop you travelling around, or take away your coal-fire, your old car, or your freedom to speak and gather and behave like humans always have and always should behave.
There is no point in voting when nothing changes. We have learned, however, that change can be achieved by frightening your opponents with extreme and threatening ideas. I would suggest our fake government is now the opponent of the people. Perhaps it's time to introduce our political leaders to some extreme and threatening ideas.
Ian Andrew Patrick
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An absolutely spot-on analysis.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the current political charade is going to prove an increasingly difficult fiction to maintain.
The so-called ‘Conservative’ party is now exactly the same as ‘New Labour’. Blair could ease himself into Johnson’s job without batting an eyelid or changing a single policy.
But since the Tories have gleefully adopted Blair’s entire programme, Labour itself is now rushing headlong towards the fate of the LibDems.
Labour is now the political equivalent of a modern department store such as Selfridge’s – a big building packed with competing franchises but with no products bearing its own brand. And as this once-mighty party collapses amidst a vicious civil war between multiple far-Left ‘Identity Politics’ factions, the whole myth of a ‘Two-Party System’ is becoming ever more difficult to sustain.
Without an ostensibly ‘Credible’ opposition, the reality of a one-party state becomes ever clearer, and the whole corrupt edifice is in danger of losing its ‘democratic’ camouflage.
Ver well said. "Democratic camouflage" is the most succinct description our political theatre I can imagine.
DeleteWho'd have ever thought that the frontman gleefully removing our freedoms would be a tousle-haired public school buffoon, rather than a jackbooted Mosley-type gauleiter or a Stalinist fanatic?
DeleteBut it's so 'British' in a weird way....