Top United Nations Boffin Has A Damaging New Conspiracy Theory

Eagle-eyed readers will note that I have taken the UN's 'advice for journalists' regarding today's post (see image above).I'm sure that all good journalists regularly check in with the United Nations to stay up to date on the correct approach to thinking. What with the world being so complex and confusing, we'd be lost without the guidance and advice supplied by well-paid global 'opinion-formers' wouldn't we? The good news is, the UN has -after careful consideration- released an 'information pack' designed to help us escape the clutches of that most dangerous and perverted of thought-crimes : THE CONSPIRACY THEORY.

I don't know if the United Nations thinks it has a vast international audience hanging eagerly on its every word. But if it does, clearly none of its fans are expected to have an IQ over 80. Below is a print-it-yourself flyer from the UN 'information pack' now going the rounds. [Visit their  website HERE

The campaign is titled "THINK BEFORE SHARING" and is being promoted in partnership with Twitter and the European Commission. And if that sounds to you like social media conspiring with Bureaucrats and Eurocrats, go sit on the naughty chair till home-time. 

This UN 'campaign' is more than just the latest part of the Covid scam cover-up. It's a desperate attempt to stop the collapse of their fairy-tale. All the pandemic myths are crumbling; the 'official advice' revealed as lies and sales-talk for dangerous drug-injections that attack healthy immune systems from the moment they hit the bloodstream. The jabs were not 'safe' -and 'effective' only in amplifying the chances of recipients becoming seriously ill. 
Everyone with a functioning brain now knows the covid jabs don't prevent anyone catching the virus, or from passing it on. Are we supposed not to have noticed that three of the loudest jab-salesmen on earth -the revolting trio of Trudeau, Johnson and Biden- have all very publicly contracted the virus AFTER filling their systems up with mRNA goop? 


Perhaps the UN's Think Before Sharing campaign should have been preceded by a Talk to Your Staff Before Launching campaign. Because the latest bombshell Covid-19 whistleblower happens to be Professor Jeffrey Sachs, President of the United Nations Sustainible Development Solutions Network. 
Interviewed for Current Affairs magazine, Sachs loudly trumpeted what was until five minutes ago Covid "conspiracy theory" number one:
 “I chaired the commission for the Lancet for two years on COVID. I’m pretty convinced it came out of U.S. lab biotechnology, not out of nature, just to mention. After two years of intensive work on this. So it’s a blunder in my view of biotech, not an accident of a natural spillover. We don’t know for sure, I should be absolutely clear. But there’s enough evidence that it should be looked into. And it’s not being investigated, not in the United States, not anywhere."  
Jeffrey has clearly neglected to read paragraph one of the UN campaign leaflet:
 "Be warned! The Covid-19 pandemic has seen a rise in harmful and dangerous conspiracy theories. It may be difficult to recognize them or deal with them." 
Or perhaps Jeffrey was merely taking the UN's advice -to focus only upon 'trustworthy sources" and "commentators with relevant qualifications", Because who could be more trustworthy, or better qualified to speak about Covid-19 than Professor Jeffrey Sachs himself? Quote:
"In this interview, Prof. Sachs explains how he, as the head of the COVID-19 commission for a leading medical journal, came to the conclusion that powerful actors were preventing a real investigation from taking place." 

Now that we have established the impeccable credentials and authority of our Covid-19 conspiracy theorist, why not read his interview for yourself, and then share it as widely as possible? CLICK HERE for the full article.You really should check it out because...

"In this interview, Prof. Sachs explains how he, as the head of the COVID-19 commission for a leading medical journal, came to the conclusion that powerful actors were preventing a real investigation from taking place. He also explains why it is so important to get to the bottom of the origins of COVID: because, he says, there is extremely dangerous research taking place with little accountability, and the public has a right to know since we are the ones whose lives are being put at risk without our consent."

It will be interesting to see how long Professor Sachs continues in his Presidential role in the United Nations "sustainability" woke-tank.


Because we can, let's remind ourselves how and why the phrase "conspiracy theory" became well-known. Save yourself some time and don't bother searching the commercially-controlled internet. As you would expect, Google has now heaped around 50 "official fact-checks" onto any search regarding the term, and its advance into common usage.

In particular, a massive attempt has been made to exonerate the CIA -who are very much responsible for popularising the phrase 'conspiracy theory'- from any significant attachment to it. This has been achieved by the usual 'straw man' technique of framing a dumb statement that can be easily refuted. Thus, the Google/CIA army of loyal 'fact-checkers' will explain in excruciating detail how the CIA did not "invent" the phrase, and similar red herrings. This in no way refutes the claim that the CIA publicised the term. They did, as I will explain.

The simple truth is that the term 'conspiracy theory' has -for over fifty years- been the mainstream media knee-jerk response to anyone daring to challenge the 'official truth' about anything whatsoever. It is never, ever acknowledged that governments repeatedly lie to their citizens, invent bogus threats to justify predatory wars etc...  

'Conspiracy theory' is the security blanket always thrown over any original thinking,  to keep us focussed instead on the slew of fake news that is fed down the media pipeline, from Vietnam to Iraq, from 9/11 to Covid-19. The users and the pushers of the 'conspiracy' term have been none other than the 'authorities' themselves: beginning with the CIA and FBI, and abetted by their well-groomed employees in the BBC, ABC, the Times, the New York Times etc.  

'Conspiracy theory' rose into popular usage as a direct consequence of widespread public disbelief about the 'official' story of the assassination of President John Kennedy in 1964. There were just too many obvious holes in the story -beginning with the bullet-hole in the front of Kennedy's head, which made a mockery of the official narrative which claimed he was shot from above and behind.    

Throughout the coverup that followed (and persists to this day) the controlled media used what would become a standard technique of describing all  independent studies of the Kennedy murder as 'conspiracy theories' and dismissing questioners as "crazy conspiracy theorists". Anyone who lived through the era remembers this, because few had ever heard the phrase used before.

In 1977 a successful Freedom of Information Request unearthed an internal CIA document [TO READ IT CLICK HERE] describing how speculation about the Kennedy asassination should be quashed. It begins...


1. Our Concern.
From the day of President Kennedy's assassination on, there has been speculation about the responsibility for his murder. Although this was stemmed for a time by the Warren Commission report, (which appeared at the end of September 1964), various writers havenow had time to scan the Commission's published report and documents for new pretexts for questioning, and there has been a new wave of books and articles criticizing the Commission's findings. In most cases the critics have speculated as to the existence of some kind of conspiracy, and often they have implied that the Commission itself was involved. Presumably as a result of the increasing challenge to theWarren Commission's report, a public opinion poll recently indicated that 46% of the American public did not think that Oswald acted alone, while more than half of those polled thought that the Commission had left some questions unresolved.

The document lists a series of techniques for countering such 'dangerous' ideas, and in the process, hammers the 'conspiracy' tag home with a vengeance, as seen in the excerpts below:

"Conspiracy theories have frequently thrown suspicion on our own organization, for example, by falsely alleging that Lee Harvey Oswald worked for us. The aim of this dispatch is to provide material countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries.

...Point out also that parts of the conspiracy talk appear to be deliberately generated by Communist propagandists..."

Reference is made to the ranks of 'tame' journalists and media commentators the CIA is known to keep on its payroll...

"...employ propaganda assets to [negate] and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are ideal for this purpose. The unclassified attachments to this guidance should provide useful background material for passing to assets..."

I trust that readers will take note of how CIA-sponsored "book reviews" and "feature articles" were used to manipulate public opinion. (In Britain, MI6 performs the same service in the major newspapers, with particular emphasis on the Sunday supplements.) Savour the tone of the following gem, in which the CIA supplies ammunition for "attacks" on articles that haven't yet been written...

"In private to media discussions not directed at any particular writer, or in attacking publications which may be yet forthcoming, the following arguments should be useful..."

I strongly recommend you click the above link and read the entire document, in which the words conspiracy, conspirator and theory appear multiple times. 

Using the term 'conspiracy theory', we now understand, is a mud-slinging exercise intended to stifle criticism of State lies, and bury unwelcome information  under a heap of scorn before it can be broadcast. 

How very appropriate, then, that the latest 'conspiracy debunking' mud-slinger should be the United Nations. Remember, in its desperation to justify the rape of one particular country, the UN managed to bring us both the  Weapons of Mass Destruction conspiracy theory, and the Deadly Anthrax Attack conspiracy theory, before green-lighting the invasion and destruction of Iraq.  Both allegations were complete fiction, calculated lies invented to excuse the inexcusable mass-murder of milllions.

But that's all water under the bridge now, isn't it? It certainly is for Britain's current Minister for Education, the remarkable Nadhim Zahawi, whose dad took his family -and his considerable wealth- out of Iraq well before any bombs fell. We explored how this  playboy hustler launched the YOUGOV business before installing himself as the Conservative MP for Stratford -en route to becoming  Britain's first ever Vaccine Minister- way back in February 2021 [READ IT HERE]

Maybe Zahawi -like Health Minister Sajid Javid and Chancellor Rishi Sunak- got bored of being a rich nomadic hustler, and decided UK politics was just too much fun to resist. A cynic might suggest these three gentlemen are the shifty offspring of globetrotting pirates, and bribed their way into our Parliament to profit from the Great British Sell-Off and the Plandemic. But frankly, that sounds too much like a conspiracy theory. 

Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are now obliged to fight.

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