Six Vital Jobs Your Government Refuses To Do

Until recently, everybody agreed the purpose of a national government was to look after the people living in that particular country. To stop bad things and promote good. To protect the people from invasion, hunger and poverty. To punish crime and create a space where honest people were free to pursue rewards for their hard work and effort. In such lucky countries -and yours was one of them-  good people lived in peace and enjoyed their lives. But those countries no longer exist, because governments don't work for citizens anymore. Your government is now your opponent.

Although there are actually dozens of worthwhile things your government refuses to do, to save time let's address just the top six. We'll begin with the four very important things any real government would put above all other priorities: poverty, crime, hunger and invasion.  


Poverty, of course, is a relative term. Until yesterday, in the 'privileged' west, we tended to think of poverty as a condition in which you can't  afford things you could yesterday. For the last forty years, most of us could afford those things we really needed. But in the post-covid world, what we think we need is -as far as government is concerned- a lot less than we are going to get.    

You can see how easy this trick is to play on the young -and why they get fooled. At no point in my life has any government dared to say that the price of heating our homes would -within months- rise by 5, 6, 700%. Such an admission would once have been electoral suicide. But that was in the days when the left/right illusion still worked, and we foolishly believed we had a choice of rulers. When things got too bad you could always "vote the bastards out". 

Sometime around the year 2000, the bastards occupying both wings of the political theatre decided to stop bothering with the fake bunfight and joined forces to oppose the public. Schoolchildren were, from that moment on, fed a steady diet of fear-porn about an imaginary climate crisis, non-existent racism and the terrible history of evil western countries. For government purposes, these fairy-tales would excuse anything. { Read "STATE VERSUS SUBJECT: FEAR AND LOATHING IN THE UK" here}

By 2020, the political Borg had convinced an entire generation of junior jerks that all western countries had, for centuries, been evil and stupid. Fortunately, they had suddenly awoken to their own crimes, and now everything must be changed to create a perfect world.  Harnessing the natural rebellious instincts of youth, it was -literally- child's play to push this fantasy that -in reality- concealed an elite agenda guaranteed to bankrupt everyone beneath the elite. The kids would have no idea what they were supporting, but were guaranteed to repeat government lies like prayers.

No other explanation can account for the brazen announcements now being made from Westminster. By decree, we the people must learn to suffer, pay more for everything, forget luxuries, be grateful for the minimum, eat government-approved slop and stop travelling, frolicking and relaxing. All sorts of whoppers have been told (terrorism/covid/Russia/racism/climate yada yada...) but each fairy-tale has the same ending: poverty for the majority. The rich and privileged are telling us we must accept poverty, yet become grateful. 

The clearest possible evidence that goverment refuses to prevent poverty is now under our noses. There is, they pretend, an "energy crisis" that means fuel bills will -in a few weeks- push millions of us into very real poverty. Yet there are massive quantities of gas and coal under our land, and millions of barrels of oil sitting under our North Sea waiting to be drilled. But extracting our own mineral wealth is forbidden because of the magic word "Climate". 

Millions of British people must become paupers because the rich, international jet-set politicians say we -the little ones- are too greedy to be allowed cheap fuel. They laugh in our faces because there is nobody else to vote for. We cannot vote the bastards out because all of them are bastards.   


Crime statistics are notoriously difficult to fake. It's very hard for government to hide the number of murders, rapes, assaults, burglaries and muggings because the victims have an annoying habit of demanding justice, which leads to paperwork that records the incidents. As a result, we can see how much effort the police put into preventing crime. 

Almost none at all, is the answer. Thieves are welcome to steal your car or break into your home, safe in the knowledge that police will not bother to visit victims or attempt to collect evidence. In Lancashire, police have been accused of failing to respond to 999 calls in cases where young children are being violently beaten by mobs and street-gangs. [SEE THIS]

Looting gangs in London and elsewhere are following the American inner-city model, assembling en masse to over-run stores and high streets with dozens of hooligan thieves and vandals at a time. Police, meanwhile, are spraying rainbows on their cars and dancing the macarena with the LGBTQYnot%KFC&bar community. Crime is not prevented, but permitted.   


How could hunger be a problem for the west? Britain, like America and other English-speaking countries, has cohorts of conspicuously plump, fat, obese and obscenely bloated individuals. Well, the answer is simple -an unlimited supply of dreadful 'food' products which are both cheap and disastrously packed with chemicals, fats and sweeteners. A large number of people are too stupid to avoid these products, or hopelessly addicted to them.

Real food, however, is becoming more and more expensive by the day. Those who do not want to live on engineered fake-food have to pay ever-increasing prices. The covid fiasco put millions into poverty, and this winter, for many, a choice must be made between heating or eating. Food banks have opened in every city and town, because hunger is -for the poorest and least able- now a very real threat. In March 2021 an estimated one million UK children were relying on food banks to eat. [CLICK HERE for details] 

All this could be prevented by (a) limiting the scale of expensive imported food (b) removing VAT from food (why the hell should government tax us for eating?) and (c) allowing farmers to exploit their available land on a bigger scale and increase domestic food production. Instead, the government is trying to prevent farmers producing at all, by inventing "climate-related" doom-scenarios and creating laws designed to make farming unprofitable. All major political parties are committed to the anti-farming agenda, in this country and every other western "democracy". 

In no country has any government permitted the public to have a say in this insane agenda -nobody is consulted, no permission is asked. Food, your government has decided, is a gift from them to you, and they will force the prices higher and higher until you are hungry enough to eat only what they allow. Which will be the most profitable slop the corporations can manufacture -i.e. fake-food grown in laboratories.  [To read the 99EndOf article "BEYOND MEAT" click HERE



Britain is not my country anymore; it now belongs to resource-bandits from elsewhere. In the new Britain, all and any foreigners are more important than British people, and in all mainstream-media, black people are treated like heroes simply for existing. Twenty years ago an invasion of foreigners began, which is now instoppable because there is no viable political party which does not support the invasion. 

Far from preventing invasion, your government does everything possible to help it succeed, supplying a "rescue boat" cross-channel taxi-service, life-jackets, free hotels, free meals and cash handouts for anyone who fancies living in our country. Millions come in, a couple of hundred are politely asked to leave, and 99.99% stay forever. The invaders are placed at the front of every queue, from health care to housing, and you are at the bottom of the list. London is already a non-white majority city. The invasion continues, and the government refuses to stop it. 

The final two important jobs your government refuses to do are: respect your freedom and reward your efforts.


As with poverty, until five minutes ago we all thought the issue of freedom was settled. There was no reason why any inhabitant of Britain should be poor, and we were all -beyond doubt- free to go about our lives. But in 2020, by wildly exaggerating the importance of a flu virus, the government ended your freedom, awarding itself the power to lock you in your own home, forbid travel, and prevent you meeting with other people. 

That was fascism, pure and simple. Freedom was no longer a right, but a privilege. From that point forwards, our future lies in the hands of those who have already demonstrated they can never be trusted. Make no mistake, the government is already rubbing its hands in anticipation of the next chance to lock you up "for your own good". They loved the taste of absolute power, and can hardly wait for its return. Your freedom, they now believe, is a gift from them -one that can be taken away at a moment's notice.


I grew up fully aware of the relationship between effort and reward. Work hard, get paid. Work even harder, do even better. But the work/reward system has changed beyond recognition. The gap between management and employees has widened dramatically, with executives awarded vast sums of money for administrative chicanery, while ground-level employees recieve the bare minimum. The biggest employer by far is now the government itself. 

An explosion in the number of state-employees is always a feature of governments steering towards dictatorship. Nobody wants to argue with their boss. This ensures that a large body of support stands behind every action undertaken by the state - mass cooperation with perverse government agendas like creating poverty, encouraging crime, shrinking the food supply, filling the country with foreigners, restricting liberties and stopping upward social/economic mobility. Government is now the problem, not the solution. [To read "The Stink Of Government Poisons the Very Air" -CLICK HERE]

Two generations have been gulled into a lifetime of unpayable debt before ever having a job. The con-trick of supplying useless degrees to naive students has created a vast horde of disillusioned young adults. Ripped off before they could even participate, millions know they will never climb the financial ladder because for most the ladder no longer exists. 

Using the Covid-19 Terror, thousands of small businesses were destroyed without hope of return. Dead pubs, cafes and shops became the norm in our city streets. This was a deliberate, calculated exercise in driving the public deeper into the claws of the corporations. Rather than rewarding entrepreneurs for putting their faith in hard work and honesty, your government crushed them beneath the covid jackboot. Your government is not interested in rewarding citizens, but toils exclusively on behalf the corporate billionaires who pay their inflated wages. For the average citizen, the carrots are vanishing beneath a forest of sticks.


Your government could solve all six of the above simply by getting out of the way, because these are problems created by government itself. You may have noticed that recently, a few politicians and their allies in the media have begun "expressing concern" about these kind of issues and suggesting "changes must be made". Various spokespeople are saying things like "police the streets, not the internet" and pretending that will happen. "Action must be taken to control the pace of immigration" is being quacked by the usual talking heads, and similar empty platitudes tossed around like crumbs in front of brainless chickens. 

Do not be fooled. A general election is coming soon -cannot be avoided- and in the run-up to that, all manner of feeble, dog-eared lies will be rolled out to convince the public that voting can solve the problems listed above. This is the great fiction of 21st-century democracy, because there is no longer an 'opposition' for which you can vote, only the same government, the one with two faces. Left and right are just two steps in the same direction -left-right-left-right, as the march to Net Zero goes tramping  forward. Your government is your opposition, and you cannot vote them out.       

Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are now obliged to fight.

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