Your Infotainment Media Is A Matrix of Liars Concealing the Truth

In China, mass protests have erupted in response to the Communist regime imposing a reign of terror and waging literal war against its own people. Tanks in the street no less. The entire city of Shanghai remains in a permanent, brutal lockdown, -which the psychopathic Chinese leadership claim is justified because "Covid-19 is an ongoing deadly threat". Now why do you think is your TV and radio news not filled with this appalling, outrageous abuse of human rights? Because the dirty truth about the entire Covid scam they forced upon YOU is right there in capital letters : COVID 19 = DICTATORSHIP. 

Imagine being locked in your own home by government command, forced to wear a mask in order to buy food and threatened with social exclusion if you won't let them inject you with their latest drugs. Oh, sorry -you don't have to imagine that, because you can remember that -yes,it happened to you 18 months ago. 

But you got lucky. In the USA and UK, the hoax finally unravelled around the point when they started pushing the fourth 'miracle vaccine' jab and everyone with half a brain finally realised it was all a scam. And thank your lucky stars you live where you do, because in the end your government just didn't quite have the balls to start shooting the 'dissenters' in the streets like they do in China. 

But don't kid yourself we won't get there. Once upon a time English-speaking 'newsreaders' would have been reporting 24/7 on the brutality of the evil tyrants running China like a giant prison camp. But todays media-matrix would rather tell you about millionaires playing football, remind you to hate Russia, and promise you more internet censorship in the name of "online safety."

Here are the front pages crafted for your attention today by the cream of British journalism...






This is "news" in 2022 -a putrid bag of cultural garbage directing your attention towards anything at all except the political thieves robbing your country blind and the billionaires plotting to trick you and your children into acceppting a permanent China-style lockdown society. Climate, Covid, Russia, Racism, anything at all that can be used to distract you and excuse the gradual, accelerating obliteration of your freedoms - thats what the infotainment maggots are pushing. 

Only two of the major newspapers -the Telegraph and the Guardian- managed to get the word "China" into a headline, yet both were tame, meaningless references to a creepy Hindu globalist named Sunak who is, for no good reason, currently Prime Minister of Britain. This Sunak character "rejects the idea that trade with China will lead to democracy". Well golly gee. That comment will soon free the millions imprisoned in Shanghai, won't it? 

On the other hand, Sunak thinks "Bejing represents a systemic challenge to our values and interests". Well that's a very interesting statement. Because the government which Sunak himself leads just spent two years attempting to impose the exact same lockdowns, masking, curfews and travel bans on Britain that were invented by the tyrants in Bejing.  Need I point out that Sunak & co also used the very same excuse -Covid- that Chinese government is using right now? 

And there is the rub - you don't see the word Covid and the word China in the same headline. Because that might just remind us how the entire Covidian abomination began, and we don't want that, do we?

 In March 2020 they couldn't wait to try out the total-control society that was previously only available to Fascists and Communists. A mere 12 months ago nobody in Westminster had any problem with locking up the public "for their own good" when the opportunity arose. It's only a year since masked police were beating peaceful lockdown protesters on the streets of London in the Holy name of Covid-just like they're doing in Shanghai tonight. What's the difference, Rishi?

Are we supposed to forget the repulsive mind-games used to terrify the British public -the threats, insults and propaganda crafted by the SAGE comittee's very own card-carrying Communist, Dr. Susan Michie? [DETAILS HERE]  

Perhaps the smirking billionaire-to-be posing as our PM can explain why Bejing's policies were good enough for London in 2021, but represent " a systemic challenge" in 2022. As for "OUR values and interests", who is he talking about? Does this unwelcome globetrotting imposter think we identify with the likes of him? He is a cuckoo in our political nest; a parasite who will fly away once the cupboard is stripped bare. The only "values and interests" of men like Rishi Sunak are greed and power -as exemplified by the coven of economic rapists he joined at COP 27 two weeks ago.

Repulsive World Economic Forum frontman Klaus Shwab said the quiet part out loud this week: China should be the societal model for the world's future. Although to some of us this is not news, a good many people are -slowly but surely- coming to understand that is precisely what is being organised for us. The vast majority of Chinese people are very, very poor -and kept in poverty by design. Poverty is the key to running a total-control society, as those who have nothing are forced into the hands of depending on -and therefore complying with- the state.

Britain had, until recently, a relatively successful economy. A large majority of Brits enjoyed a high standard of living compared to most of the world. In order for Britain to become the total-control society desired by the elite parasites, the British standard of living must be collapsed to third-world levels. That is being engineered -with increasing speed- by a series of manufactured crises. 

In the state of permanent emergency which we now inhabit, each successive crisis rips more and more wealth from the bottom to the top -further enriching the already bloated elite and the corporations they control. Sunak, as we have observed before, launched the economic implosion with the programme of money-printing and bribery he instigated on becoming Chancellor in 2020. He will undoubtedly attempt to complete the economic rape of the United Kingdom before leaving office. 

Whether or not Sunak survives the next general election is irrelevant. Both Labour and Conservative parties have been captured by the globalist agenda; both are 100% committed to the complete destruction of small business and an avalanche of immigration which will crash wages, degrade our public services and shatter the British way of life forever. Only thus can the Chinese-model society be replicated on the island that was once the finest country on earth.       

But none of this is mentioned on your infotainment media-matrix. Instead, you must watch the football on tv, cheer for communist-style censorship, and greet the invading army of third-world beggars with open arms. The Party will take care of you, don't worry. I wonder which British city will arrange to "twin" with Shanghai?

Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are now obliged to fight. This kind of journalism is simply not permitted in the mainstream -no newspaper will print or pay for articles like this one. Our work is supported entirely by readers. Please share this information with everyone you can. Your help -and when possible, support- is very much appreciated. 


  1. Great article, hits nails.

  2. You’ve been describing the same nightmare with the same actors for many months now Ian, if not years. It always amazes me how you find new words to make it fresh and more fascinatingly frightening each time.

    1. Thankyou. I confess I am driven by equal parts rage and determination. I may yet have the last shreds of our culture torn from my hands but I won't let it go quietly :-)


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