The Parasite Class: World Leaders Are Leeches

The leech is a miserable, unlovely creature. Constantly hungry, doomed to a short, unproductive existence, the leech spends it's days and nights crawling from place to place in search of nourishment. On finding a healthy animal, the leech attaches itself by stealth, penetrates the skin and quietly sucks out the life-giving blood it cannot produce unaided. Leeches rarely arrive alone; they travel in groups, and when gathered in large numbers, can actually end the life of the host upon which they feed. There is no better descrption of the modern political leader.

Observe, for example, the career -if you can call it that- of the current American President Joseph Biden. This thoroughly repulsive individual has never held down a real job in the real world. It is, however, alleged that he somehow scraped through law school, where he recieved (on paper) a degree of questionable value, courtesy of Syracuse University - an entity described in Wikipedia as a 'private research' university. In other words, Syracuse is an elite club where spoiled brats go to collect their participation trophies.

Irresistibly drawn by the rich scent emanating from the gravy train of politics, Biden attached himself to the Democratic Party and became a Senator in 1972. Having got himself elected, Joe spent the next 36 years achieving nothing whatsoever except re-election. To general mockery, he also tried and failed twice to be nominated for President. In 2008, President Barack Obama adopted good ol' Joe as his Vice-President, content with the knowledge  that Biden was too dumb to represent any kind of political challenge to his own authority. 


Indifferent to the concerns of the American voters, Biden kept himself busy elsewhere during his eight years as Vice President, negotiating multi-million dollar bribes from various international sources, notably the Chinese and Ukrainian regimes. In return, the VP distributed generous political crumbs from the Obama table. 

Biden's bribes were laundered through a series of shell companies owned by his otherwise worthless son Hunter -a drug-addicted loser who was dishonourably discharged from the US Army and never worked since. As a result of Joe Biden's decade of bribery and corruption, Chinese and Ukranian oligarchs wormed their way into the very heart of America's political regime, where they now pull strings at the highest level. [More about Hunter Biden HERE]

The results are glaringly obvious in the destructive foreign policy agendas adopted by the White House, and in the mind-boggling extent of the Biden family's unearned wealth.  For example, between 2014 and 2019, Chinese Communist Party-linked individuals and organisations donated a staggering 54 MILLION dollars to the so-called "Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement" in Washington. [CLICK HERE for details] This is world-class leeching.


Leeches, naturally, have neither morals nor principles, existing only to service their primal needs. No surprise, then, that in addition to his treasonous subversion of the US government, Joe Biden has been credibly accused of sexual assault by several women, including ex-employees and his own daughter, who, like her brother Hunter, has been repeatedly treated for a variety of addictions. [For details of Joe Biden's "showers" with his teenage daughter CLICK HERE]

In 2020, although he was demonstrably senile, Biden was given the Presidential nomination by his party and duly "won" the Presidential election itself, with a vote tally that was -quite literally- unbelievable. In fact it was the least convincing result in American electoral history. The American public have nevertheless been commanded to swallow the idea that Joe Biden -notoriously  unpopular among black voters- somehow secured more votes from the black community in 2020 than the universally adored Barack Obama managed in either of his own electoral victories. As Patrick Basham observed in the Spectator -"We are told that Biden won more votes nationally than any presidential candidate in history. But he won a record low of just 17% of counties; he only won 524 counties, as opposed to the 873 won by Obama in 2008. Yet Biden somehow outdid Obama in total  votes?" [MORE BIDEN ELECTION DETAILS HERE


Everyone with a functioning brain knows that Biden is a burned-out senile incompetent, merely reading the scripts handed to him by whoever is really running America. In short, far from being "leader of the Free World" Joe Biden is, and always was, a leech. For half a century he has fed on the body politic of America, contributing nothing of value, but greedily sucking nourishment from the system he fastened onto in 1972. 


Across the Atlantic we find a similar creature gorging itself on the pale, sickly flesh of the stumbling zombie formerly known as Great Britain. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is a leech. The scion of a tribe of globetrotting leeches, Sunak's contempt for his (temporary) host could not be more obvious. 

Propelled into the Treasury by his WEF and banking colleagues at just the right moment, Chancellor Sunak immediately began sucking the financial lifeblood out of the UK. His predation continued throughout the Covid pantomime, funneling vast sums out of the country through the kind of channels to which only globalists have access - like the international finance network operated by his billionaire father in law. [Read: Britain Is A Zombie State CLICK HERE]

Having demanded the Prime Minister's office as a reward for looting the UK economy, Sunak was disgusted when Conservative Party procedure required him to compete with his inferiors in an internal 'leadership election'. In a futile but nonetheless amusing gesture, the little people promptly gave him the finger, choosing instead to elect the cretinous Elizabeth Truss. 

[To read our Liz Truss profile CLICK HERE]

Rejected by the party members (rank and file Tories know a leech when they see one) Sunak was forced to uncloak, shamelessly exposing himself as the uber-parasite at the core of our rotten system. On his personal orders -because money talks- Liz Truss was stripped of the leadership, and like the night-crawler he will always be, Rishi Sunak hauled himself over the doorstep into Downing Street. 

In short, Britain's so-called leader is a foreign parasite -a globalist carpetbagger who was elected as Prime Minister by nobody at all. Let that sink in when they next start blabbing to you about the importance of 'democracy'.

Like any good bloodsucker, the remarkable mister Sunak will cling to his prime feeding opportunity until wrenched from the premises by the next round of democratic theatre. In the aftermath, he will quietly dig out the American passport he acquired while attending university in sunny California, and export his family to the life of unbridled luxury awaiting them in the USA, where many of their billions are discreetly stashed.

The international political stage is thoroughly infested with leeches whose presence would be hilarious if they were not so disgustingly greedy. For example, the formerly idyllic retreat of Ireland has been all but dismantled since the gullible public decided that the Emerald Isle would best be run by a flamboyantly gay, part-Indian GP -(Ireland? Seriously?). 

In similar fashion, Scotland too is limping towards self-extinction beneath the stubby thumb of a woke lesbian communist dwarf whose appeal is completely beyond my comprehension.. 

Canada's proto-dictator is a egomaniacal weasel whose only qualification is bearing his dad's name, while the 'leader' of France is a WEF/Rothschild sock-puppet -an amoral childless metrosexual who married his schoolteacher -who he met when he was 15 and she was 39. 

War-torn Ukraine has a comedy actor for President and the people of Brazil have been informed that they 'elected' a convicted felon -something which many millions of them find hard to believe. Democracy in 2022 s a truly marvellous thing.

I was intending to include some of my own ideas for removing the kind of parasites described above, but then I ran across an excellent article posted at the Productive Flourishing website [click here to view] which offers better advice than I ever could...

1. Recognize that you have a leech on you.

2. Find out where it’s actually attached.

3. Calmly inform the leech that you will no longer provide it with support and give it a deadline to be on its own.

As most regular visitors will know, the annual recruiting drive for international parasites begins at Davos on Monday. All tomorrow's leeches will be swarming into the welcoming arms of the World Economic Forum for a load of theatrical seminars, lectures and 'discussions' which will end up on Youtube. Behind the scenes, of course, a cadre of carefully chosen leeches will be given detailed instructions and promises of wealth and power in return for spreading the globalist WEF agenda across the globe. We will be covering this orgy of corruption in depth, and look forward to supplying the inside story of Davos 2023 for your benefit. 

Ian Andrew-Patrick


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